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SLAYER Looking for Builds

Ironbreaker, Engineer, Slayer, Runepriest
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Posts: 21

SLAYER Looking for Builds

Post#1 » Mon Apr 22, 2024 11:55 am

Greetings friends,

I am a returned player and i am asking for your help.
I have searched in google but couldnt find any updated Slayer Builds.
Right now i am RR 51 and i am wearing full Conquest Gear.
Can someone give me some updated builds with renown talents and morales included for:

2. Scenario
3. Group RvR
4. Open RvR
ALso tell me if i should play in any of those builds with 2H or DW

Thank you in advance, i appreciate it

Posts: 162

Re: SLAYER Looking for Builds

Post#2 » Mon Apr 22, 2024 2:35 pm - Slayer 50+ - Slayer 70+

This is what i would run at rr50. Its the same spec for everything you asked there, to go from AoE Slayer to Single Target Slayer you just need to change one tactic (Push For More goes in, w/e it is you don't like comes out). You can also swap Jagged Edge for Flanking if your crit is too low.

Short Temper is what enables your Inevitable Doom spam now that SM's Whispering Winds got nerfed to ****. And ID spam is why SLs are worth anything. You wanna have two IDs up, then do an AoE/ST spell (Shatter Limbs, Retribution, Deep Wounds, Onslaught, Spine Crusher or Flurry if there are 3 targets or less - any one of these), back to two IDs, AoE/ST, and repeat.

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Re: SLAYER Looking for Builds

Post#3 » Mon Apr 22, 2024 5:26 pm

Rotgut wrote: Mon Apr 22, 2024 2:35 pm - Slayer 50+ - Slayer 70+

This is what i would run at rr50. Its the same spec for everything you asked there, to go from AoE Slayer to Single Target Slayer you just need to change one tactic (Push For More goes in, w/e it is you don't like comes out). You can also swap Jagged Edge for Flanking if your crit is too low.

Short Temper is what enables your Inevitable Doom spam now that SM's Whispering Winds got nerfed to ****. And ID spam is why SLs are worth anything. You wanna have two IDs up, then do an AoE/ST spell (Shatter Limbs, Retribution, Deep Wounds, Onslaught, Spine Crusher or Flurry if there are 3 targets or less - any one of these), back to two IDs, AoE/ST, and repeat.
Thank you my friend, i appreciate it :)

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Posts: 21

Re: SLAYER Looking for Builds

Post#4 » Mon Apr 22, 2024 5:44 pm

Also can you tell me what renown skills to add, i have 51 points now

Posts: 162

Re: SLAYER Looking for Builds

Post#5 » Mon Apr 22, 2024 7:18 pm ... ;0;2;0;0;0

This i guess.

WS > Str. You want 990 Str (to get to 1050, the soft cap, with Liniments) but i don't know how much your gear is giving you. If you can't reach soft cap its fine, don't sacrifice WS for it cuz WS is better.

At least two Futile Strikes. Three isn't bad either. Then the rest in Parry.

At rr80 you'll run 3 Might, 4 Blade Master, 2 FS, 4 Reflexes and 2 Crit. But that's not set in stone either, it varies a bit if you're doing SCs, City or oRvR.

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