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Running Solo RvR

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Running Solo RvR

Post#1 » Wed May 01, 2024 12:16 pm

Lastnight was running in a WB, joy and glee was being had.

EXP, RR all coming in slow and steady.

Dropped out of WB and ran with them solo, spreading damage over the enemies (tagging as many as i could) and i found as long as i damaged them, even a few points of damage, the RR gain was as opposed to 20-40 was 250-350

Is this normal? is it better to run around as a solo near a WB? or be part of the WB?

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Re: Running Solo RvR

Post#2 » Wed May 01, 2024 4:43 pm

If you are part of main killing group, being part of wb is better. If you are at pug barely balanced, dying on contact group you better do zerg surfing.
If you find healer to duo with, zerg surfing become pretty decent way to harvest renown. After some time become abit repetitive roaming praag for ever but renown gain is pretty decent and soid
Mostly harmless

K8P & Norn - guild Orz

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