Chosen: New 13pt Abilities and Builds

Chosen, Magus, Marauder, Zealot
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Re: Chosen: New 13pt Abilities and Builds

Post#11 » Sun May 05, 2024 5:04 am

Chosen Dahaka RR88
BO Zamedi 80

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Re: Chosen: New 13pt Abilities and Builds

Post#12 » Mon May 06, 2024 9:43 am

I haven't managed to try out with an organised wb but in some pug wbs and solo I've been trying the double 13pointer. This seems to work well, lots of survivability, and finally gives me more buttons to press. However, as diegomess poitns out it must annoy wbs given the immunity I might be handing out. It may work with using it strategically when under pressure. Opression is just good I found, just need to work out if using it on cd to reduce overall damage or saving it for pressure is worth it.

Without Treflect or heal debuff aura you can go up and get relentless, with oppression and ap aura, but the damage is pretty fluffy and prob not worth it.
Deleuze Chosen

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Re: Chosen: New 13pt Abilities and Builds

Post#13 » Tue May 07, 2024 5:20 pm

I really like the new changes. A huge improvement for SnB chosen.

There is not a lot to argue about.

The only thing I wish for is a small rework for the 13 point ability Rending Blade.

I already mentioned in the pre-patchnotes post that 2H Chosen is now even less wanted for WB play than before. Not that I want to sound ungrateful, but changing Rending Blade a little bit could make the difference between "we want at least one 2H Chosen in our WB" and "No thank you, sir.".

Maybe it would be nice to use Oppression with a 2H weapon again if a change for Rending Blade is undiscuassable.

I have already suggested that the tactic Corruptive Power (every time you crit your group gets -10% chance to be critically hit for 5 sec) be removed for something else and integrated into Rending Blade for far better synergie between the abilities and tactics for 2H Chosen. I mean, how much crit do you have as a full SnB Chosen anyway?

And if it's not too much wanted, the buff could be WB-wide and not only for your group. That way, a spot for at least one 2H Chosen would be guaranteed in a WB.

Maybe there are far better ideas to improve 2H Chosen for WB play, but no changes at all would be okay too.
I mean, Chosen is in a really good spot overall right now.

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