[Role-Play] Someone died

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[Role-Play] Someone died

Post#1 » Thu Aug 06, 2015 2:06 am

Chet swung the slider door open and came into the house from his Marlboro Light cigarette he had chugged down as a symbol of a victory round. He would have drank an alcoholic beverage but his mom doesn't buy him champagne, wine , beer or any of the others from a long list of fermented spirits available at his neighborhood package store. Also he was only 12.

"POOOOOOOOOOOONY PONY PONY PONED my maestro, Wah-Tooie biiiiiiiitch. I said Biiiiitch. I made you my biiiiiiiiiitch," Chet rang out as he scampered across the tile floor to his mother's finished basement. Cara was alarmed. Cara was his little sister and she had never seen her brother use cuss words or look happy. She once thought he pretended to be happy at a birthday party, but later found out he had crapped his pants and was looking for an excuse to remove himself from the party.

"Wooooo. Haha. I am basically Cartman in Southpark when his dwarf killed that one guy with his hammer.."
Chet saw that his sister was taking notice to his excitement. Chet's hair was a mess. He had not used gel in over 24 hours and the bedhead from morning had caused crazy looking cartoon-ish shapes in his hair. The black eyeliner from his Friday night out at the mall with David and Bianca was now smeared and he looked unnatural. But his pale face was of course normal.

"Uh, sorry," Chet admonished in a tone that warned Cara from asking questions.
"I'm going upstairs." He turned to the stairwell and ran up. Cara heard a door slamming a moment later high above.

Chet quickly logged into returnofreckoning.com and saw that he had 0 new messages. He looked at the sub section of the home page Latest Forum Posts. He frowned. Chet muttered to himself,
"No @ post yet, but I know he is mad. Y U SO MAD BRO. Whyyyy?" Chet gleefully asked the stale air in his bedroom, talking to himself.

Chet had never killed anyone solo before online. Tonight he broke all the barriers. He broke all the labels the cool kids had thrown his way; Pug, Zergling, Baddie, Nub. But no longer would he ever be called such horrific words because tonight, he got a kill in the RvR zone, and got it on FRAPS.

Chet did a file search for his FRAPS movies folder. "Here we go. 'Screenshot or it didn't happen' " he mimicked the online community's troll rules Chet was learning more and more about. His eyes feasted on his level 20 shadow warrior riding gallantly up a rock and leaping over with grace onto a dirt trail which lead past an angry looking rat.

Chet quoted a movie his mother was watching with her new boyfriend a few nights ago on Netflix, The Princess Bride, " 'ROUS's? Rodent's of unusual size? I don't think they exist...' Hah! Yeah right Robin Hood! In RoR they are EVERRRRYWHERE.' " Chet cackled like a mad man and spun in his chair un-contained. Then leapt onto his bed wrestling a pretend man-sized rat.

The horse coursed along the trail, headed for the keep. Chet was trying desperately to keep up with his 24 new friend's awesome warband they had extended him an invite to. Before he got his kill, he was terrified. Mainly of the rats. They were level 25! "Tier 2 doesn't even go to level 25. This game is broke" he thought. But he was also afraid of running into the forces of destruction. /Advice channel confirmed they were on the other side of the map. He wouldn't normally have left the warcamp alone, but he was familiar with the source's name, and trusted the intel.

Low and behold, a player of the chaos race jumped onto the trail from behind a shack, just ahead of him. The player surfed in, balancing on a magical disk, which hovered above ground. It traveled in front of Chet, oblvious to his presence.

'MAGUS.....' Chet recalled his experience from before. He had screamed it, but this time, he only whispered the word.

"I got you, I got you." Chet's shadow warrior began shooting arrows and spells at the low level player. Chet did not know what level the magus was, but his level was a grey 20. He unleashed his wrath over and over holding 1 solitary breath through the encounter.

His enemy fell, and Chet got that sweet sweet reward of the 'cha-ching' sound the game made when you got a death blow. Numbers flew skyward, yellow, purple. Chat rolled exclaiming something had happened significant. Blue text blared out on the global chat log for the world to see something happened in the forest, and Chet was the one responsible.

He quickly checked the forum again for any kind of hate mail, or rage post about how he should get nerfed. He hoped for some kind of blue colored message whispered to him in the game from the victim, exclaiming he was bad, or the player had died due to server lag. But it did not come. He frowned.

Regardless, tonight a man was born, a boner had popped, a smoke got smoked. Chet would wait at his keyboard another few minutes, monitoring all the possible channels his sweet sweet nerd rage he caused and he would feast on the tears and increase his e-peen size. This is how it all happened he presumed. This was his first step and quietly he focused on this answer he would give. The troll world has taught him to be a strong padawan. His face, 1 foot from the screen, monitor filling his vision, he mouthed to himself his phrase he earned the right to defend his vicious overpowered online skill with once the tears began to flow his way; With a grin he practiced, "Someone died, in RvR."

Downstairs Cara's phone lit up from a text. It was her best friend Courtney. Courtney's brother was screaming at the top of his lungs in his room 2 stories above. Something about playing some new game. Boys...
Word of Pain and Boiling Blood are no longer able to proc anything. The Bright Wizard College has confirmed this is a big deal. (stealth nerf)

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Re: [Role-Play] Someone died

Post#2 » Thu Aug 06, 2015 2:24 am

A true journey from beginning to end.

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Re: [Role-Play] Someone died

Post#3 » Thu Aug 06, 2015 3:04 am

+1 for the The Princess Bride reference.

-1 for killing a poor Magus :(

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Re: [Role-Play] Someone died

Post#4 » Thu Aug 06, 2015 3:45 am

I appreciate it.
Word of Pain and Boiling Blood are no longer able to proc anything. The Bright Wizard College has confirmed this is a big deal. (stealth nerf)

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Re: [Role-Play] Someone died

Post#5 » Thu Aug 06, 2015 3:53 am

Many lol's throughout this read :)
Soulcheg wrote:Want mirrored classes - play chess.
Genisaurus wrote:You are not entitled to Best-in-Slot gear just because you log on.

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Re: [Role-Play] Someone died

Post#6 » Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:47 am

pure awesome

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Re: [Role-Play] Someone died

Post#7 » Thu Aug 06, 2015 8:20 am

I approve of this! :D
Sergeant-Major Drengk Burloksson, RR 85 Sniper
Hulfdan Irongrip, RR 81 Ironbreaker
Rordin Brightrune, RR 70 Runepriest
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Re: [Role-Play] Someone died

Post#8 » Thu Aug 06, 2015 8:42 am

Good read. +1 for Princess bride. :)

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Re: [Role-Play] Someone died

Post#9 » Tue Aug 18, 2015 10:59 pm

Every proper name began with a C.


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Re: [Role-Play] Someone died

Post#10 » Tue Aug 18, 2015 11:42 pm

You caught onto my subliminal message that shadow warriors only win because of their cc.
Word of Pain and Boiling Blood are no longer able to proc anything. The Bright Wizard College has confirmed this is a big deal. (stealth nerf)

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