Did anybody else played ranged DoK (1.4 and after)?

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Did anybody else played ranged DoK (1.4 and after)?

Post#1 » Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:21 pm

Wondering if anybody else tried that one, don't remember seeing any back on live.

Spec that I used on mine, with equip being priority 1 toughness. Used snare sword from city in main hand, and lotd chalice with toughness and melee power in offhand.

Fist of Khaine was scaling with strength and points in heal tree, so was hitting pretty nicely, as well as triggering all the procs, which included 35% chance for Covenant which would hit for decent dmg and snare (and since it didn't scale with strength, it also ignored toughness- very nice on def tanks), 25% for Khaine's Imbuement tactic dot (which also didn't scale off strenght so ignored toughness), 5% for 46% snare from sword (which stuck with Covenant for a total 66% ranged snare- making kiters a very equal fight), and procs from items which I used in some setups.

Also since I used chalice I didn't run out of Soul Essence that easily, and with points in heal tree I had extra heals which most dps DoKs wouldn't have. Fist of Khaine also only costs 15 AP, so could spam in while running after AM with AM drain on me, while waiting for both snare procs to trigger for getting into melee and finishing the AM off.

In general was pretty fun- with this setup I had basically a ranged Ravage, which I could cast on run, and unlike ranged classes which had their instacasts on CDs it was spammable.
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Re: Did anybody else played ranged DoK (1.4 and after)?

Post#2 » Sun Aug 23, 2015 3:40 am

well, i never played one but did see a level 15 doing it, so ofc w/o snare procs from wep or coc. have to say it was highly amusing, and even w/o the snare procs a hard nut to crack. so as far as any on live, well at least one, tho if this was norn it may well have been you levelling:)
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Re: Did anybody else played ranged DoK (1.4 and after)?

Post#3 » Sun Aug 23, 2015 7:52 am

Back when rr80 was max i used to play my dps wp with rr38 tome(armour proc) and that same snare proc 1h from city, worked surprisingly good.
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Re: Did anybody else played ranged DoK (1.4 and after)?

Post#4 » Thu Aug 27, 2015 5:40 pm

And with the last patch opening lvl 21 Khaine's Imbuement tactic, which is where large portion of ranged DoK damage comes from, spec should be playable again.

Btw, does the t2 inf snare sword comes from the playable t2 pairing? If so, the ranged 66% snare is available as well, so spec is fully playable.

Think I would go with this spec atime. Chalice in offhand, full toughness talis, if only strength and not toughness talis available maybe full strength talis and switch Divine Fury tactic for Discipline one.
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Re: Did anybody else played ranged DoK (1.4 and after)?

Post#5 » Fri Aug 28, 2015 9:49 am

Zxul wrote:...
Procs with magic damage should ignore armor, not toughness, shouldn't they? (Which is better than ignoring Tgh, since most tanks have damage reduction from armor close to 70 % [unbuffed].)

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Re: Did anybody else played ranged DoK (1.4 and after)?

Post#6 » Fri Aug 28, 2015 11:50 am

I can remember dueling a dps dok on my slayer both rr100 and winning them all, so i mentioned to the dok to use this method, kite and punt me when i get close, i didnt stand a chance at all, very effective but at the same time kinda lame :)
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Re: Did anybody else played ranged DoK (1.4 and after)?

Post#7 » Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:35 pm

CarlistRieekan wrote:
Zxul wrote:...
Procs with magic damage should ignore armor, not toughness, shouldn't they? (Which is better than ignoring Tgh, since most tanks have damage reduction from armor close to 70 % [unbuffed].)
DoK procs are magical damage so get mitigated by resists and not by armor.

As for toughness, from what I remember from testing procs didn't scale up with strength, but also weren't mitigated by toughness. As a result, hitting for example rr100 full def tank, 80% or so of Rend Soul's damage would be mitigated, while procs would have only 15-20% or so damage mitigated (the mitigation from resists), with them both doing Spirit damage.
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Re: Did anybody else played ranged DoK (1.4 and after)?

Post#8 » Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:42 pm

Correct. Toughness opposes the offensive stat, so if the ability doesn't scale, it ignores Toughness.

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Re: Did anybody else played ranged DoK (1.4 and after)?

Post#9 » Sat Aug 29, 2015 2:10 pm

Azarael wrote:Correct. Toughness opposes the offensive stat, so if the ability doesn't scale, it ignores Toughness.
Ah, thank you for the clarificaion!

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