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Creating a Proposal

Structured balance proposals should be posted here. Posts in this section will be taken into account during class balance reviews.
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Head Game Master
Posts: 8303

Creating a Proposal

Post#1 » Tue May 07, 2019 5:17 am

At the most basic level, clearly identify an issue and resolution. Your skill at doing so will largely be the contributing factor for whether or not it succeed. Bad proposals are very easy to toss out.

This can be done on several scales of impact, but be advised that the wider your proposal is in scope, the less likely you will have success during internal discussion, or that the Dev team will find it unacceptable to implement. Generally a single class should be the focus, however some classes that have mirror functions will need to be addressed why both classes should be affected by the change. We're not looking to mirror abilities any more than absolutely necessary and would prefer to find unique answers to specific classes when possible. Simply mirroring two classes out of an often times reasonable sense of fairness does not follow the spirit of 24 unique classes. We have the technology to provide purpose outside of strict mirroring.

The more information you bring to support your proposal can be helpful, but very long proposals can be a negative as well. A poorly written or badly formatted proposal can be a limiting factor from moving into Discussion. Use spoiler tags for longer sections of evidence to support your proposal and try to have a brief synopsis at the top of your post with your options to resolve it. If your information reflects a general lack of skill or situations that don't fit the role your change is intended to fill, it may also negatively affect your chance of approval.

Some examples that would be rejected
- An AOE focused spec should not have a proposal to add ST burst, it doesn't fit the tree.
- A class designed for stealth and surprise should not expect to have a mastery tree fully reworked for AOE damage.
- Reworking a healing ability into a damaging ability would need very good reasons to do so.
- Adding various magic damage to traditionally physical based specs is counter to the weaknesses a class needs to overcome.

Warhammer is very thematic, and while playability is key for highly optimized situations, general class feel and fun-factor are not entirely ignored when proposals are reviewed. Lore and class identity are also highly respected. We are not the owners of this content and intellectual property, and we should take great care to keep it within the well established realm of Warhammer Fantasy.

Additionally, these are some questions that do not need to be answered in each proposal, but might help you and others in coming to solutions that are more likely to be adopted.

1. What changes does the class need considering only its own mastery trees internally?
Do all the mastery specs function independently of each other? (2 out of 3 is acceptable)
Is there a clearly dominant spec that needs to be tuned down before others can be tuned up?
What QOL changes could be made to problem abilities with minimal impact to overall balance?
What abilities are underperforming/overperforming?

2. How does this class perform its role in group-oriented combat compared to its contemporaries? (6+ PvP)
What is the role of this class in a warband and does at least one of their specs represent this role? (this is not strictly aoe damage)
Is there room in a warband for 1-2 of these classes?
Does this class tend to overstack more than 4 in a warband for optimal use? (e.g. is it nearly required in the meta to have one in each group?)
What functions does this class share with its contemporaries, and is there room to un-mirror those functions?

3. Does this class represent a key function in overall realm meta balance?
Would removing this key function cripple the class? How would you counter-balance the loss?
Is it necessary for this key function to be mirrored to the other realm, and would that help achieve realm balance?
Does the other realm have a similar function that offsets this one either directly, or as an indirect unique function of similar value/importance?
[email protected] for exploits and cheaters. Some old WAR blog


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