Warfront Weekends.

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Warfront Weekends.

Post#1 » Fri May 08, 2020 1:34 pm

I'm not sure why this needs to be a suggestion and wasn't an obvious thing from the get go, but why in absolutely khorns butthole are weekend warfronts not the PUG SC as well?
How can you make an event for a community while also punishing the vast majority of us by allowing premade no-lifers that prefer to play games with as little effort and skill as possible to queue up against us?
Now I realize I sound salty and that is because I am, why would I not be? The arguement "Just premade yourself" is the dumbest suggestion to a problem that has ever been spoken. "Let's not fix the problem, just do what the other people do". This needs to be done ASAP and should've been a thing when warfront weekends were invented, it's absolutely baffeling how this got past the developers, they should at this point realize that nobody likes to face premades, it's been years of people complaining and nothing has been done except what? We got a single PUG SC. So instead of limiting the premade people that ruin the fun for the vast majority of people, the group that also has a gigantic edge over everybody else in the SC they queue for, also gets access to every single SC except one. While the rest of us that just want to play the game like normal people, we get forced into playing a single shitty scenario with no other option.

Irregardless of my saltyness, this should've been an obvious thing on launch day, give everybody equal footing when it comes to events, don't give everything to premades for free while ruining the experience for the rest of us. Hope you enjoy the rant and I'm sure plenty of stupid and immature comments while be posted below this, but I still feel it needs to be said.

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Re: Warfront Weekends.

Post#2 » Fri May 08, 2020 1:46 pm

Pug Whine Part 264.... /yawn

As you already suggested : be a part of an "evil premade" yourself, Problem solved.

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Re: Warfront Weekends.

Post#3 » Fri May 08, 2020 1:46 pm

Altheion wrote: Fri May 08, 2020 1:34 pm Irregardless of my saltyness, this should've been an obvious thing on launch day, give everybody equal footing when it comes to events, don't give everything to premades for free while ruining the experience for the rest of us.
You got same chance as everyone to join guild, or simply simply make friends and play together.
Everyone can form a 'premade', it's not rocket science, you just assist targets down and help each other...

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Re: Warfront Weekends.

Post#4 » Fri May 08, 2020 1:48 pm

Can't normal people want to group up and play with their friends? So the "normal people" are the solo players who choose not to play with others or even make an effort to join a group?

In all the previous weekend warfronts, I have seen a ton of people recruiting in /5 to form scenario parties. You dont even have to join discord and be a try hard elitist, sometimes just being grouped up and assisting off each other is enough.

Why do people who play in groups get called "no-lifers" instead of being called "smart people that control the number of potatoes that are on their own team"

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Re: Warfront Weekends.

Post#5 » Fri May 08, 2020 2:04 pm

The pug queue has made you soft and angry.

You want to win some scenarios, stop being content with being bad.

You are an adult you shouldn't need training wheels.

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Re: Warfront Weekends.

Post#6 » Fri May 08, 2020 2:15 pm

normal people? :lol:

Anti social people in game based around teamwork, want game altered to suit their low standards, high expectations and high needs AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN

just reminds me of city argument... just reminds me of participation trophy... I feel like some of you guys wouldn't of coped very well in old RVR when there was a limited amount of bags per a zone and it was tough luck if you missed out :twisted:

You get out what you put in... if you don't put in much why should you expect to get out much? can you honestly say you do everything you can... I pug and duo que quite a bit, I could min max 6 man no problem and get much better "rewards" but i like break from leading and challenge fun of duo is more appealing, but i am not going to cry if it don't go my way because i know if I summoned people and formed a proper setup outcome would likely be alot different in most cases, its just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes you win sometimes you lose.
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Re: Warfront Weekends.

Post#7 » Fri May 08, 2020 2:40 pm

The OP has a point. Yet we listen to the pugstomping 'competitive' minority. It's funny how people keep pushing the idea that pugging is the search for ezmode.

Choosing to play solo/pug has nothing to do with being bad or looking for an effortless version of the game. I can't even see any logic behind these statements. It's just a different environment where people choose to be on equal terms with everyone else. Why should we be blamed for this?

The game is ancient. I started playing it back when I could afford sitting for hours straight with a mic on. 10 years later it doesn't work that way because real life is completely different now
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Re: Warfront Weekends.

Post#8 » Fri May 08, 2020 2:58 pm

Wam wrote: Fri May 08, 2020 2:15 pm normal people? :lol:

Anti social people in game based around teamwork, want game altered to suit their low standards, high expectations and high needs AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN

just reminds me of city argument... just reminds me of participation trophy... I feel like some of you guys wouldn't of coped very well in old RVR when there was a limited amount of bags per a zone and it was tough luck if you missed out :twisted:

You get out what you put in... if you don't put in much why should you expect to get out much? can you honestly say you do everything you can... I pug and duo que quite a bit, I could min max 6 man no problem and get much better "rewards" but i like break from leading and challenge fun of duo is more appealing, but i am not going to cry if it don't go my way because i know if I summoned people and formed a proper setup outcome would likely be alot different in most cases, its just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes you win sometimes you lose.
I think comparing Weekend Warfront to city is a bit of a false equivalence. The rewards from Weekend Warfront aren't gamechanging, and when they're good, they're time limited. To say a 7d time limited 3% crit talisman if you manage to complete all of the tasks is an equivalent to Sovereign, well...no.

I think the idea that every aspect of this game should be dominated and controlled by organized play is more harmful than it is good, especially with more mundane content like Weekend Warfront.

Not everyone is interested in the premade experience, even if it means winning more. Participating in both, I personally find the pug experience more interesting and fun due to its chaotic nature, where everyone's doing everything, and anything can happen. The number of times I've joined a pug instance, saw the group comp/builds and thought I knew who would win or lose, only to be surprised by the win, I wouldn't be able to count. On the other side of the coin is the premade experience which I find a bit dull. 95% of the time you can predict the outcome of an instance based on who's present and the group makeup. The only time pug instances aren't fun is when a premade is involved. But that's personal preference; different strokes for different blokes.

I by no means think that something like city should have pug-only instances (I do think it should first prioritize premades from both sides if it isn't already). But what harm does something unimportant like Weekend Warfront getting a pug only queue hurt for the people who prefer that? There's already regular pug scenarios, so it's not as though the Emblem reward is any different.

Premades already dominate every aspect of this game besides a) PUG scenarios, and b) ORvR when one side has absolute overwhelming numbers. I see nothing wrong with giving people who prefer PUGs something else to do for their preferred playstyle. It has no real impact on the game, or the experience of premades in this case, and only serves to satisfy more people, and only irks those whose sole enjoyment in the game is pug stomping, or who are looking for easy wins.

There's nothing wrong with premades and those who enjoy it, but there's nothing wrong with pugs who enjoy pugging. Catering to one group is only going to serve to have a negative impact on the game as a whole. We're already seeing the decline in player population since the beginning of March. And no, not everyone who has left has left due to the novelty experience wearing off.

Personally, I don't enjoy fighting the same people, premades and their alts all day long, so I think there's plenty of incentive to make more pug-friendly content/alternatives that don't offer gamechanging rewards.

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Re: Warfront Weekends.

Post#9 » Fri May 08, 2020 3:00 pm

Pugging is pretty effortless though. I know in ranked I have to actually start thinking for the first time in along time in this game. Generally pugging or soloing is a very laid back experience. Which is a good thing as I burnout very quickly in ranked.

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Re: Warfront Weekends.

Post#10 » Fri May 08, 2020 3:35 pm

I too prefer the duo laid back nature of pug to contrast of large scale... but if event is set in premade landscape and I choose not to bring a premade to that landscape then that is my own decision and you have to do it ironically the harder way and grind longer.

you know what you are in for when you sign up, why should i complain about it? it is my own fault (for bringing 4 less reliable players) If I didn't do everything in my power to win... you get into more murky waters when you try seperate people. Wouldn't dev's time be better spent on fixing bugs? stability? and future content? their time is limited and priorities... this event didn't exclude people, it included everyone, just people operate at varying wide ranging levels. Do we even have the population to seperate things even more than we currently do?
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