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LF Addon

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Posts: 9

LF Addon

Post#1 » Sun Sep 27, 2020 12:18 am

Hey there, I've been looking through the forums for a bit but haven't been able to find what I was looking for. I was curious if an addon that tracks dps/healing from fights. Something similar to Recount from WoW if anyone is familiar with that, thank you!
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Re: LF Addon

Post#2 » Tue Sep 29, 2020 10:17 pm

Enemy is probably the addon you are looking for. It has a module with a dps meter and tracks killing blows for everyone in the zone you are in. Not sure how or if it tracks healing, but it can break down damage for each individual ability you use so I'd be willing to bet that it does the same for healing (I've just never looked too closely at that part of it). It also has lots of other neat little bits to it, definitely worth looking at if you haven't used it before.
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