Shaman's mechanic fix

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Shaman's mechanic fix

Post#1 » Thu Mar 07, 2024 5:43 pm

This is a follow up proposal to this previous one.

Shaman current problem, as healer, is the lack of sustained healing AoE healing: no AoE dot, no AoE channel, no AoE healing ritual. All your AoE sustained healing comes from Ey Quit Bleeding. I think that this problem should be solved by giving Shaman an appropriate mechanic

Shaman mechanic is completely useless right now and a rework is in order anyway. I would like to present many possibilities. Some are clearly more powerful than others, but I believe that every one of this proposal is better than the current mechanic.

The main problem of the current mechanic is that you waste too many GCD to go from mork to gork and vice versa. So the aim of my proposals is to lower the number of GCD. The current mechanic works as follow. Every stack will reduce the cast time and AP cost of the next appropriate skill casted (both instant and with cast time) by 40%. The potency of the casted skill is also increase by 40%. If the skill is instant then potency is instead increased by 25%. Finally, for some reason, possibly a bug, if you have the yellow mechanic (can't possibly remember if it gork or mork really) the CD of cleanse is also lowered by 40%.

1) Revert to the live mechanic
Every stack would lower the cast time of the next appropriate casted skill by 20% and all the stacks would be consumed upon casting the skill. So with 5 stacks the next skill would be instant. I never played shaman on live so I don't know if consuming stacks would also give other benefits, but I believe that on RoR it should be the case. I think that such bonus should be in line with current ones. In particular a 8% bonus on potency per stack for skills with casting time and 5% bonus on potency for instant skills. Also an equivalent discount on AP cost. With 5 stacks the bonuses would be exactly like now.

2) Improved live mechanic
The stacks bonuses would be same as in the previous mechanic. What would be different is the acquisition of the stacks. On live stacks were gained upon skill casting. I propose that the stacks should be gained upon healing/damaging. So an AoE heal will grant X stacks when healing X ppl and FoDG would grant X stacks when damaging X ppl. This would let cast instant or almost instant skills with a much higher frequency.

3) Give Shaman a skill like BO's Changin' Da Plan (with a suitable CD, like 20s) that let you switch from gork to mork and vice versa. This would make the class simpler to play (which I'm actually against) and you would gain sustained AoE heal by spamming 1.5s AoE healing. Not the most optimal solution imo, but still better than right now.

All the changes should also be mirrored to AM since it shares the same problems.


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