[Buffhead] Building a list

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Re: [Buffhead] Building a list

Post#11 » Tue Oct 04, 2016 8:16 pm

ye thx

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Re: [Buffhead] Building a list

Post#12 » Tue Oct 04, 2016 9:32 pm

Omfg this is awesome!

Also... Shams have 3 detaunts?!? Jesus....

Thanks a LOT! A bunch of this is covered via Enemy already, but great to see that which isn't.

Azarael wrote: It's only a nerf if you're bad.

(see, I can shitpost too!)
Secrets wrote: Kindly adjust your attitude to actually help the community and do not impose your will on it. You aren't as powerful as you think.

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Re: [Buffhead] Building a list

Post#13 » Tue Oct 04, 2016 9:59 pm

When I realized (early on in development) that there is a bug which allows buffs and debuffs to continue showing active even when not, I decided not to DL Buffhead in RoR.

Does Buffhead bypass this bug? Or do you see buffs that are no longer active even on buffhead?
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Re: [Buffhead] Building a list

Post#14 » Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:01 pm

Buff head works just fine for me. Enemy is OK. It can bug at times, but it's perfect compared to Healgrid or squared...
Azarael wrote: It's only a nerf if you're bad.

(see, I can shitpost too!)
Secrets wrote: Kindly adjust your attitude to actually help the community and do not impose your will on it. You aren't as powerful as you think.

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Re: [Buffhead] Building a list

Post#15 » Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:15 pm

I know this sounds lazy, but is there any way you can package your buffhead file that you have for others to download, so players that want run buffhead like you do don't have to manually enter all the abilities?

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Re: [Buffhead] Building a list

Post#16 » Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:38 pm

A very good resource ty for your time and effort.
Khorlar, Thorvold, Sjohgar, Anareth, Toldavf, Hartwin, Gotrin and others -_-


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Re: [Buffhead] Building a list

Post#17 » Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:52 pm

NoRKaLKiLLa wrote:I know this sounds lazy, but is there any way you can package your buffhead file that you have for others to download, so players that want run buffhead like you do don't have to manually enter all the abilities?
This would be bad ass if it was possible.
-= Agony =-

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Re: [Buffhead] Building a list

Post#18 » Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:55 pm

Really nice post, thanks for your effort. One thing i do aswell i add all of the knockdowns, unfortunately i dont know how to get ability IDs for it :(

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Re: [Buffhead] Building a list

Post#19 » Tue Oct 04, 2016 11:10 pm

Azarael wrote:'3', 'Bounce', 'Knockdown'
'6', 'Death From Above', 'Knockdown'
'237', 'Knockdown Mob', 'Knockdown'
'1369', 'Shield of Reprisal', 'Knockdown'
'1384', 'Cave-In', 'Knockdown'
'1443', 'Incapacitate', 'Knockdown'
'1494', 'Doom Seeker', 'Knockdown'
'1525', 'Self-Destruct', 'Knockdown'
'1536', 'Crack Shot', 'Disarm'
'1607', 'Spellbinding Rune', 'Silence'
'1683', 'Shut Yer Face', 'Silence'
'1688', 'Down Ya Go', 'Knockdown'
'1722', 'Deafening Bellow!', 'Silence'
'1755', 'Sit Down!', 'Knockdown'
'1804', 'Stomp Da Yard', 'Knockdown'
'1837', 'Drop That!', 'Disarm'
'1839', 'Choking Arrer', 'Silence'
'3027', 'Aethyric Shock', 'Stagger'
'3028', 'Rune of Binding', 'Stagger'
'3029', 'Instill Fear', 'Stagger'
'3030', 'Heaven\'s Fury', 'Stagger'
'3031', 'Quake', 'Stagger'
'3032', 'Agile Escape', 'Stagger'
'3033', 'Declare Anathema', 'Stagger'
'3035', 'Penance', 'Stagger'
'3082', 'Eye Shot', 'Knockdown'
'3168', 'Scintillating Energy', 'Stagger'
'3218', 'You Got Nuthin!', 'Silence'
'3482', 'Spiteful Slam', 'Knockdown'
'3581', 'On Your Knees!', 'Knockdown'
'3601', 'For The Hag Queen!', 'Knockdown'
'3616', 'Throat Slitter', 'Silence'
'3628', 'Sever Limb', 'Disarm'
'3630', 'Land Mine', 'Stagger'
'3707', 'Universal Confusion', 'Stagger'
'3762', 'Tzeentch\'s Reflection', 'Silence'
'3958', 'Throat Bite', 'Silence'
'3959', 'Brutal Pounce', 'Knockdown'
'4997', 'Stun', 'Knockdown'
'8018', 'Smashing Counter', 'Knockdown'
'8086', 'Confess!', 'Disarm'
'8100', 'Silence The Heretic', 'Silence'
'8115', 'Pistol Whip', 'Knockdown'
'8174', 'Choking Smoke', 'Silence'
'8186', 'Stop, Drop and Roll', 'Knockdown'
'8256', 'Vow of Silence', 'Silence'
'8346', 'Downfall', 'Knockdown'
'8405', 'Death Grip', 'Disarm'
'8412', 'Mutated Energy', 'Knockdown'
'8423', 'Concussive Jolt', 'Knockdown'
'8456', 'Energy Ripple', 'Knockdown'
'8481', 'Instability', 'Knockdown'
'8495', 'Perils of the Warp', 'Disarm'
'8565', 'Tzeentch\'s Lash', 'Silence'
'8607', 'Suppressing the Fragile Unbelievers', 'Silence'
'9028', 'Crashing Wave', 'Knockdown'
'9030', 'Whispering Wind', 'Silence'
'9095', 'Throat Shot', 'Silence'
'9098', 'Opportunistic Strike', 'Disarm'
'9108', 'Exploit Weakness', 'Knockdown'
'9253', 'Law of Gold', 'Silence'
'9304', 'Arcane Suppression', 'Silence'
'9388', 'In Malekith\'s Name!', 'Silence'
'9427', 'Heart Seeker', 'Knockdown'
'9482', 'Frostbite', 'Disarm'
'9489', 'Stricken Voices', 'Silence'
'9543', 'Crippling Terror', 'Disarm, Silence'
'9565', 'Consume Thought', 'Silence'
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Re: [Buffhead] Building a list

Post#20 » Tue Oct 04, 2016 11:19 pm

I'll share my preset once I get it "perfect" reason why I made this thread was to get new ideas and whatnot. Also constantly tweaking it and making sure everything I have added so far is showing up properly.

As far as knockdowns are concerned what exactly are you looking to do with that information? I'm racking my brain a bit trying to think of why, but haven't came up with much.
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