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Increase all movement speeds 10%

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Re: Increase all movement speeds 10%

Post#41 » Thu Apr 09, 2020 8:25 pm

Sorry I'm dismissing the work you put into this argument without providing my own reasoning.

Think about RvR. Think about your examples. Realize how many players are all experiencing small speed changes, and how one changed outcome due to a speed increase is going to have a ripple effect on literally everything else going on during combat. Your own argument of "a tenth of a second" suggests that there will certainly be affected outcomes from the change. Someone managing to live where they should have died. Someone dying because you reached your target RIGHT before he got the heal that would have kept him up.

Run speed is one of those things that shouldn't be altered.

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Re: Increase all movement speeds 10%

Post#42 » Fri Apr 10, 2020 11:07 am

Cythraul wrote: Thu Apr 09, 2020 8:25 pm Think about RvR. Think about your examples. Realize how many players are all experiencing small speed changes, and how one changed outcome due to a speed increase is going to have a ripple effect on literally everything else going on during combat. Your own argument of "a tenth of a second" suggests that there will certainly be affected outcomes from the change. Someone managing to live where they should have died. Someone dying because you reached your target RIGHT before he got the heal that would have kept him up.

Run speed is one of those things that shouldn't be altered.
We been telling this to OP this whole thread on various ways and he seems to be unable to understand the idea.
Orkni 85+ (in-game Grock is not me...)

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