Swordmaster - Heaven's blade

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Swordmaster - Heaven's blade

Post#1 » Sat May 05, 2018 12:02 am

I've been playing a lot with the Hoeth tree as SnB SM and really feel SM has a place in WB play that is unique and powerful. That place for me is really as an frontline AOE dps guard and support.

The most effective group support tools for me include
-Whispering Winds (WW),
-Protection of hoeth (PoH) group bubbles, and
-The blade enchant procs.

It's the blade enchants that seem to be falling short of their potential.

Nature's blade is the current go to as the 25% proc rate works very well with it, a typical wrath on a mob will yield 3-4 stat steals and a quick second will fill out the rest. It's great as is but being tied to kaine i see this as a 2h SM role, perhaps in a melee heavy group.

However the real synergy with your BW bomb or grenade engi guard target will come in the form of Heaven's blade. I still use it when I have more than 4 AOE players in a WB but it requires me almost more time up front spamming AOE than is reasonable to win a fight. Also considering that as combat moves you can't consistently be hitting the same people with every Wrath of Hoeth.

While the 25% proc rate is great for Nature's blade, it does not line up well with Heaven's blade, especially given the passive KotBS equivalent with which i'm sure we are all familiar.

I propose this change: Make heaven's blade similar to Blessing of Heaven in that it is triggered on everything hit by hoeth abilities (thinking especially wrath of hoeth spam and gusting winds which is current main mass delivery method). That would put us on par with Knights and use a currently implemented mechanic and add a lot of value to the deep hoeth tank for AOE WB play.

Alternative: Make the debuff a great deal more potent to make up for the lack of distribution, perhaps in line with the wrath of hoeth spirit debuff. That way if only 2-3 targets get the debuff, at least they will take more pressure.
Kobs : Chezybel
BrightWizard : Wyzard
Archmage : Darktown

Posts: 2524

Re: Swordmaster - Heaven's blade

Post#2 » Sat May 05, 2018 1:12 am

Declining. Torque has something planned for heaven's blade
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