[Slayer] Build question

Ironbreaker, Engineer, Slayer, Runepriest
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Re: [Slayer] Build question

Post#21 » Thu Mar 31, 2016 1:40 pm

in t4 once pulls are ingame rdps wont be as good espically order rdps

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Re: [Slayer] Build question

Post#22 » Tue Apr 19, 2016 9:47 pm

I've been trying to do some AOE focus with my slayer but It's kinda underwhelming so far. Maybe I'm doing it wrong. Could anyone link me a good AoE slayer build?

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Re: [Slayer] Build question

Post#23 » Wed Apr 20, 2016 9:37 am

TenTonHammer wrote:in t4 once pulls are ingame rdps wont be as good espically order rdps

chopper pulls and magus pulls are already in? (only missing is WL pull actually ^^)
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Re: [Slayer] Build question

Post#24 » Fri Apr 22, 2016 11:31 am

If you want to purely AOE as a slayer, you still use the same SL/ID/No Escape build as you would ST.

Use your brute force, wild gambit and jagged edge or possibly flanking (Instead of flanking/PFM - at 40 you use flanking and trade JE for PFM)

As with Single target, always keep ID up (Use buffhead) Don't be the guy who spams so much flurry they never have AP for ID. If ID goes down and no AP, wait a GCD for ID and then resume.

Start with AP buff ->onslaught (abuse the face you can use and have GCD back up for ID once you reach a target) -> ID -> Spam flurry if you're hitting 3+ people. If you start getting focused by mDPS, use no escape to drop rage and if rDPS then just use wild swings.

Slayers as a whole are underwhelming in T3. That's amplified 100x if you don't have a decent group backing you up.

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