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[Mages] AoE pbaoe channels on the move?

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[Mages] AoE pbaoe channels on the move?

Post#1 » Tue Feb 02, 2021 10:14 am


Opening question:
When all Melee DPS channeled aoe abilities can be channeled while moving, do mages with PBAOE channeled abilities join that exclusive club?
The current list
Mara Wrecking ball
Choppa GTDC, Bring it on.
MSH Big Bouncing
WL Whirling Axe
Slayer Retribution

Why should they?
The Hold The Line changes on 27th November last year made it so hold the line now only works behind the tank HTL. Meaning mobility is more needed to get around and bypass these 15-45% disrupt if 1-3 tanks are holding the line. On top of this change any ranged projectile defended by these hold the line stacks will add a 5% damage debuff on the caster stacking up to 3 times.
ReturnOfReckoning wrote: Fri Nov 27, 2020 10:50 am Combat and Careers
General Changes and Fixes

- Hold the line will now only apply against attackers that are in front of the tank holding the line. Additionally each stack of hold the line will reduce incoming ranged damage by 5% up to a maximum of 15%.
So while Melee-dps careers have acces to rootbreakers and Charge for increased mobility, the casters in melee builds are behind on mobility, have to outmaneuver the Holdtheline stacks.
We are deep into a melee / armor stacking meta, MPS can penetrate some of the armor they are facing and casters have no resist penetration. Yes the resist values for mitigation makes up for some of it, but when Closequateres mages are facing both Challenges, Tank M2 bellows, Hold the line stacks and an insanely cheap value of Deftdefender then maybe a slight adjustment is in order, taken the HTL change in mind.

So why now, and not after the change?

Honestly I've asked around in my circle of people keeping my bias in check, and I havnt been met with an idea of this would be gamebreakingly OP. So after seeing last weeks patch where Slayer got new animations for their AoE i figured now is a good time to ask, as I would expect the animations for these casted abilities might be the biggest reason why it wouldnt be implimented. so here is my proposal,

Make Brightwizard Annihilate channelable on the move, along with Sorcerer's Disastrous Cascade. (Maybe with a 20%self snare on top?) And if the annimations are completly off hopefully something could be done about it if the gameplay is acceptable.
Important to note that I do NOT propose any Ranged channels being affected, ONLY the 30feet PointBlackAreaOfEffect versions, to make them on par with MDPS carrer's version.
Bombling 92BW
Bombthebuilder 82Engi - Bombing 82SL - Bling 81Kobs - Orderling 80WP

Gombling 85MSH - Chopling 83Chop - Notbombling 83Sorc - Destroling 81Zeal - Goldbag 80Mara


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