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[Witch Elf] - Envenomed Blade ?

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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[Witch Elf] - Envenomed Blade ?

Post#1 » Wed May 12, 2021 10:26 am

So you can stack this ability 3 times and each time refresh its duration but when you have 3 stacks and the 9 seconds duration pass the all the 3 stacks disapear. Since you need to use the ability 3 times to stack it 3 times, shouldnt each stack have a different duration ? Why when you have 3 stacks on the enemy they all disapear instead of 1 stack only after the 9 seconds duration ?

Is it something intentional or a bug ?
"If you want to know who you are, you have to look at your real self and acknowledge what you see."

Darkenya [WE]

Posts: 603

Re: [Witch Elf] - Envenomed Blade ?

Post#2 » Wed May 12, 2021 11:44 am

EB looks ok... everytime u add a EB It refresh its time.
The DMG is indeed very low.
Krima - WE RR 87
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Re: [Witch Elf] - Envenomed Blade ?

Post#3 » Wed May 12, 2021 11:46 am

Yeah it refreshes the time but when you have 3 stacks on the enemy and the 9 seconds pass all of the 3 stacks disapear not just one, is this normal or a bug ?
"If you want to know who you are, you have to look at your real self and acknowledge what you see."

Darkenya [WE]

Posts: 603

Re: [Witch Elf] - Envenomed Blade ?

Post#4 » Wed May 12, 2021 12:07 pm

Its normal @Dark.
You can keep the x3 stack by spaming EB. Think about it. If its not like that EB would be trash.
Krima - WE RR 87
Carnage :ugeek:

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Re: [Witch Elf] - Envenomed Blade ?

Post#5 » Wed May 12, 2021 12:10 pm

Yup thats what I wondering, it would be great if EB wouldnt be totally removed when the timer went off, so lets say you have applied 3 stacks and the duration expires, just go back to 2. But ye I would agree with the damage part, would be nice to have a "poison" build viable !
"If you want to know who you are, you have to look at your real self and acknowledge what you see."

Darkenya [WE]

Posts: 30

Re: [Witch Elf] - Envenomed Blade ?

Post#6 » Wed May 12, 2021 12:27 pm

It's a risk/reward mechanic. You get to "refresh" all stacks by periodically using only one of your global cds but at the same time if you don't manage to do it you lose all stacks.
If anything they should buff the damage but as is stands now you can throw it in the pile of useless/redundant skills bloating many classes.
Mythic might have known how to make fun RvR games but they sure had quite some problems with class design and balance.

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Re: [Witch Elf] - Envenomed Blade ?

Post#7 » Wed May 12, 2021 2:25 pm

Its not that bad as filler to 5 blodlust whenn you missing armorpen cause it also has corp and the dot together with ruthless assault has nice burst, together with wracking pain and if you like jagged edge.

The timer at the end is allways the last added so on the top you get some dmg on top of tooltip dmg after every refresh cause the stack before also gets refreshed and then the two stacks with the 3rd and some good ammount if you mange refreshing 3 stacks after 9 secs...but for most fights this feels kinda unplayable.
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Re: [Witch Elf] - Envenomed Blade ?

Post#8 » Thu May 13, 2021 10:16 am

Meanwhile a single ranged dot wipes away half of your health.

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Re: [Witch Elf] - Envenomed Blade ?

Post#9 » Thu May 13, 2021 11:22 am

It's actually better the way it is since the last stack refreshes the first stack to 9s. Otherwise, that first stack would expire in 7s, second stack in 8s, and third stack in 9s. The way you suggest would make the third stack a 27s DOT (9s for stack 1, 18s for stack 2, 27s for stack 3).

Stack 1: 9s
Stack 2: 9s (first stack expires in 8s)
Stack 3: 9s (second stack expires in 8s, first stack expires in 7s)


Stack 1: 9s
Stack 2: 9s (first stack +1s)
Stack 3: 9s (first stack +2s, second stack +1s)
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