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improvements for ironbreaker?

Ironbreaker, Engineer, Slayer, Runepriest
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Re: improvements for ironbreaker?

Post#11 » Thu Jun 11, 2020 12:13 pm

Fey wrote: Thu Jun 11, 2020 7:12 am Of what use now is AM or Shaman in city? The answer is none.
Ehm, massive? Since fights are now more about the sustained healing and damage rather than morale bombing, AMs or Shamis insta combat reses are an amazing tool in their arsenal. Hell in my instance of the city we had after the patch, we won purely on AMs resing people in very prolonged fight, which is something Destro's healers in our instance weren't doing. Plus they can do some solid damage/assisting unlike a salv WP for example.
Raid boss Salv WP Guernios - rr83, full Sov
DPS SnB SM Valianoris - rr81, full Sov

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Re: improvements for ironbreaker?

Post#12 » Thu Jun 11, 2020 12:18 pm

Just give grudge on attack like BG, and i will never again complain about IB :o

“A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.”

― John Burroughs

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Re: improvements for ironbreaker?

Post#13 » Thu Jun 11, 2020 4:57 pm

IB is at the rock bottom of the tank chain, possibly the worst and most outdated class in the whole game now. Usual destro mains posting here are biased clueless ones, there is no value in what they are saying. Vorak is prime example, as his only "proof" ever was his axe slamming a city instance with some AM pumping him 24/7 (who, as a result did half the healing as any other healer... really effective playstyle), yet still outdamaged by average chosens in same instance lol. Ofc axe slam was castrated yesterday and not doable anymore either (not a bad change tbh, but still).

IB brings absolutely nothing besides buffing 1 target with 25% parry (in any wb environment it used to parry more guard damage anyway). That's their only tool left that makes sense, but even to get that, they need to put points into a tree that has worthless and outdated skills that noone ever slots. Great example is how IB's top shield tactic makes himself take only 95% of damage + core tactic of reducing his damage taken to 85%, while at the same time SM has a single tactic that decreases all enemy to do only 80% damage in AoE. And please don't even start on the skills that has the duration of 10s for some 10% crit wtf... The class is outdated.

The buffing of SW was also a huge indirect nerfs to the IB's wb viability, since the 8 tank slot of the wb have to have the 4 knight 4 SM setup now (to maximize the SM cd decreaser for Barrage morale drain, as elf classes have excellent synergies). There is literally no spot left for the IB because of that, not even one as you claim. And frankly, the class is not even needed, its buffs are overwritten by passive auras or potions, its damage is negligible in tank setup (medicore in 2h as physical damage vs. armor creep... tiny fact that 900+ armor potions are available now, means yet another 3% damage nerf to the IB overnight, probably noone even noticed etc..).

Big problem when "former staff members" think the class is fine, probably stuck in conq level Volgo era, when the meta and gear level was different and the IB had some potential... those times are long gone, the class is steamrolled in every game mode, but the solo pug SC queing.

Lots of advices and ideas were given, from class and skill related changes, ultimately its up to the dev team to consider them. The class looks pretty cool visually (at least for ppl who like dwarf aesthetics in games), so you still see lots of IB's, but as soon as they hit higher level in better gear they simply dry out and reroll. I see it in every single guild.
Gryyw - Ironbreaker

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Re: improvements for ironbreaker?

Post#14 » Thu Jun 11, 2020 5:04 pm

Gryw... In that last thread (that you derailed) you got reduced to spamming smile emojis because you got triggered, now you lower yourself even further by lying.

You make a fool of yourself daily both ingame and on the forums i won't even bother with making you look like an idiot for the 10th time.

I'll just quote myself from that other thread
Nefarian78 wrote: Wed Jun 03, 2020 6:18 am Go play premade 6v6. Step out of the 200man zerg you ride the entire time. Learn how the game works when it's played like it was supposed to be played, in a group with people that know what they're doing. Or don't, and keep on being a zergling that has no idea how their class works. I really don't give a single crap, but don't go around spreading misinformation tainted by your extreme bias and lack of knowledge.
Now, scurry along and go find something new to complain about.
Keep it civil.
They done stole my character's names. Can't have **** in RoR.

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Re: improvements for ironbreaker?

Post#15 » Thu Jun 11, 2020 5:21 pm

We were laughing at your stupidity and how you owned yourself with your own screenshot,proving exactly our points. We couldn't find a better screenshot to ruin your shitty claims even if we tried. You can interpret that as "spamming smile emojis" if that makes you feel better.

Somehow you appear in every IB related thread and vehemently try to attack every idea, every fact that others collected, arguing against data, etc... you know what kind of people do that right? Then your final argument to class balance in the end is the "step out of the 200man zerg you ride the entire time"... end of story.
Let's tone down the hostility, a lot.
Gryyw - Ironbreaker

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Re: improvements for ironbreaker?

Post#16 » Thu Jun 11, 2020 6:19 pm

the only thing I would like to see is having 20 seconds on parry/critbuff. Using 2 buffs every 10 seconds slows down the rotation a lot and feels unfun to play at times.

If you really want to get a small buff in there, make the AA haste affect your oathfriend too.

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Re: improvements for ironbreaker?

Post#17 » Thu Jun 11, 2020 7:03 pm

Put down the pen and paper Kmark.
If you spent half the time trying to improve yourself instead of complaining about balance issues you would probably be a decent player.
Kkomrade 80 Zealot Akilinuz 80 Chosen Zaiyer 80 Marauder
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Re: improvements for ironbreaker?

Post#18 » Thu Jun 11, 2020 7:40 pm

Shadowgurke wrote: Thu Jun 11, 2020 6:19 pm the only thing I would like to see is having 20 seconds on parry/critbuff. Using 2 buffs every 10 seconds slows down the rotation a lot and feels unfun to play at times.

If you really want to get a small buff in there, make the AA haste affect your oathfriend too.
This can only be chosen/bg, the rest should improve themselves with what is.

It remains to somehow understand what relation has ranked to the warband hmm ...

Posts: 121

Re: improvements for ironbreaker?

Post#19 » Thu Jun 11, 2020 8:11 pm

nuadarstark wrote: Thu Jun 11, 2020 12:13 pm
Fey wrote: Thu Jun 11, 2020 7:12 am Of what use now is AM or Shaman in city? The answer is none.
Ehm, massive? Since fights are now more about the sustained healing and damage rather than morale bombing, AMs or Shamis insta combat reses are an amazing tool in their arsenal. Hell in my instance of the city we had after the patch, we won purely on AMs resing people in very prolonged fight, which is something Destro's healers in our instance weren't doing. Plus they can do some solid damage/assisting unlike a salv WP for example.

Shamans are **** for in Healing in Warbands since 2008. You are stupid for bring one or have no DoK or Zealot available.
AM / RP / Shaman / Zealot / WP / DoK

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Posts: 482

Re: improvements for ironbreaker?

Post#20 » Thu Jun 11, 2020 8:52 pm

Akilinus wrote: Thu Jun 11, 2020 7:03 pm Put down the pen and paper Kmark.
If you spent half the time trying to improve yourself instead of complaining about balance issues you would probably be a decent player.

I'm just trying to highlight the problems of the class of my choice, with hopes that in the future they will be tweaked for the better. Don't think it hurts anyone. Considering your signature, you are not playing this class so why do you care? I'm not going to the threads of your class and questioning your points...
Gryyw - Ironbreaker

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