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About Witch Elfes and their possible tasks

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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Re: About Witch Elfes and their possible tasks

Post#61 » Mon Oct 16, 2017 12:08 pm

Zealote wrote: Slightly off-topic but have you tried the rKD setup with mara/WE? OYK was a common spec on live anyway so wouldn't say that a group utilising it is an unusual synergy, but disrupt mara always seemed less appealing to me given that: 1) it only affects one Order rdps, as opposed to Des's two, and 2) it feeds the joke that is BW's Flashfire.

I'm genuinely asking here btw. Always thought it was a cool ability, so interested to hear other people's experience.
In group I could see myself spec for OYK on my WE in combo with a daemonology Magus for the kd after a rift to avoid the Magus loosing his/her pet and 40% damage increase. And that's the only case I would think of speccing it.

My opinion on OYK.

Too expensive and in the wrong tree.
3s doing nothing but looking at some weird WE animation.
Have to boost weaponskill for armor pen to have it do some semi-decent damage while it won't ever do any decent damage except fluffy crap.
It's bad, it's terrible and you should not spec for OYK except if you have a freaking very good and extremely justified reason to be told to spec in it by your group leader.

WE damage is deadly on single target
Skill damage + kiss proc + opener from stealth + auto-attack + other procs
AW + feinted position -> ignores all armor
When Feinted position on 10s cd -> Elixir of insane power

My 2 cents of course
Nidwinqq used teabag Magus [Hysteria]

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Re: About Witch Elfes and their possible tasks

Post#62 » Mon Oct 16, 2017 1:09 pm

Nidwin wrote:In group I could see myself spec for OYK on my WE in combo with a daemonology Magus for the kd after a rift to avoid the Magus loosing his/her pet and 40% damage increase. And that's the only case I would think of speccing it.

My opinion on OYK.

Too expensive and in the wrong tree.
3s doing nothing but looking at some weird WE animation.
Have to boost weaponskill for armor pen to have it do some semi-decent damage while it won't ever do any decent damage except fluffy crap.
It's bad, it's terrible and you should not spec for OYK except if you have a freaking very good and extremely justified reason to be told to spec in it by your group leader.

WE damage is deadly on single target
Skill damage + kiss proc + opener from stealth + auto-attack + other procs
AW + feinted position -> ignores all armor
When Feinted position on 10s cd -> Elixir of insane power

My 2 cents of course
You know that the kd of OYK is single target and only the damage is aoe? Also I dont know what you mean with "3s doing nothing but looking at some weird WE animation." I think you are confusing it with RA.

For the weaponskill boost there is PA, wich last time i ckecked, it buff you around 7-8% armor pen.

This is my spec for most of the time: - Witch Elf build
I get higher damage output with this, then i do with a WB-spec.

30/12/2018 RIP 2h Chosen

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Re: About Witch Elfes and their possible tasks

Post#63 » Mon Oct 16, 2017 1:20 pm

Panzerkasper wrote:
Nidwin wrote:In group I could see myself spec for OYK on my WE in combo with a daemonology Magus for the kd after a rift to avoid the Magus loosing his/her pet and 40% damage increase. And that's the only case I would think of speccing it.

My opinion on OYK.

Too expensive and in the wrong tree.
3s doing nothing but looking at some weird WE animation.
Have to boost weaponskill for armor pen to have it do some semi-decent damage while it won't ever do any decent damage except fluffy crap.
It's bad, it's terrible and you should not spec for OYK except if you have a freaking very good and extremely justified reason to be told to spec in it by your group leader.

WE damage is deadly on single target
Skill damage + kiss proc + opener from stealth + auto-attack + other procs
AW + feinted position -> ignores all armor
When Feinted position on 10s cd -> Elixir of insane power

My 2 cents of course
You know that the kd of OYK is single target and only the damage is aoe? Also I dont know what you mean with "3s doing nothing but looking at some weird WE animation." I think you are confusing it with RA.

For the weaponskill boost there is PA, wich last time i ckecked, it buff you around 7-8% armor pen.

This is my spec for most of the time: - Witch Elf build
I get higher damage output with this, then i do with a WB-spec.
OYK is awesome in right hands, I run double KD spec on my WE, I can rotate from one KD victim to next KD victim every 10 second or less, since HS has 20s CD and OYK 10s CD, it's also excellent for catching rdps who think they are about to kite you.
Popping Elixir of Insane Power + OYK is also very amazing in crowded areas, sure we might not have even mediocre AoE, but once every minute we have that "aoe moment".

My spec is similar as above, except at rr60 get Heart Seeker, and switch Whirling Blades to Taste of Blood, you have both Flanking+ToB stacking, with the latter proccing almost always because people like spamming aoe around, so random dots proc it all the time.

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Re: About Witch Elfes and their possible tasks

Post#64 » Mon Oct 16, 2017 1:40 pm

I aways confuse both, you're right. Nevermind. I know for aoe damage and 1 target kd although , that's why I would need a damn good reason to spec for it for 1 kd in group setup.

I don't like that build of yours, but that's always a personal choice and how someone likes to play their toon.

This is all I care about for my WE; ... 7:;0:0:0:0:

But as I wrote, my 2 cents, and whatever works for you folks.
Nidwinqq used teabag Magus [Hysteria]

Posts: 603

Re: About Witch Elfes and their possible tasks

Post#65 » Mon Oct 16, 2017 7:09 pm

Find below the build i use.. I mostly play scenarios. It works also for rvr; ... :;0:0:0:0:
low rr version:; ... :;0:0:0:0:

In my opinion this build got buffed after patch, players cant move after knockdown!! no more slayers, sm, whs with high parry moving down body after stun. I bind EOIP + OYK on the same key, Save that 5 bloodlust OYK + EIOP to hit:
-Charging slayers,
-You see a WH going stealth, 100% sure he will open on a caster or healer, hit OYK you will mess his crap rotation and waste his FP + EOIP
-overextended casters, healers
- Be aware of healers ressurecting a players.. OYK+EOIP the healer as soon you see the rezed player on 20% hp... thats a free kill
with frienzide mayhem, you have 32-37% crit, you will often see a double crit OYK, thats 1,5k - 2k dmg + chance to proc kisses.

Much more fun than being a bot spaming AW + witchbrew procs.
Krima - WE RR 87
Carnage :ugeek:

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Re: About Witch Elfes and their possible tasks

Post#66 » Tue Oct 17, 2017 10:14 am


2aa 2 dot ~1200 damage/1sc, riposte is really strong now, dot was the best to counter players with riposte, but now run or die :lol:

Also Sever Blessing sucks but nobody complains about it :shock:
Atropik wrote:Experiensed, high lvl wes will not suffer, 2d CW is a must now.
Yes and No. You forgot Rune of Immolation by Runepriest :roll:
Krima wrote:Much more fun than being a bot spaming AW + witchbrew procs.
Why spam AW ? EB and WP have good damage too, 1k+ with EB*3 on light armor.

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Re: About Witch Elfes and their possible tasks

Post#67 » Tue Oct 17, 2017 10:29 am

Play proc meta WE group and make people cry.

Anyspec WE. Proc meta WE = WE kiss + covenant celerity + Covenant vitality + Frozen touch.

Celerity + Vitality can be coming from two heally dok's, off-spec's in their respective tree's.

Ya proc meta got nerfed but it is still there. The damage coming from WE's having 4 different potential proc's triggering is still the goods. Have everything ST assist and blow up player's. Break out of the community dogma, get experimental on builds and group comps. Make your own judgements from a place of experience.

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Re: About Witch Elfes and their possible tasks

Post#68 » Tue Oct 17, 2017 10:45 am

footpatrol2 wrote:Play proc meta WE group and make people cry.

Anyspec WE. Proc meta WE = WE kiss + covenant celerity + Covenant vitality + Frozen touch.

Celerity + Vitality can be coming from two heally dok's.

Ya proc meta got nerfed but it is still there. The damage coming from WE's having 4 different potential proc's triggering is the goods. Have everything ST assist and blow up player's. Break out of the community dogma.
WE kiss + covenant celerity + Covenant vitality + Frozen touch. adds BO Waaaagh for buff AA and skull thumper + witchbrew :lol:

And no anyspec, if you play with Sorc you need debuff heal for more pressure

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Re: About Witch Elfes and their possible tasks

Post#69 » Tue Oct 17, 2017 11:01 am

You likely want a sorc that is spirit debuff tactic Shadow of disaster So the proc's hit harder.

The choice on tanks is up to you. There are a lot of good options and doubling up isn't a horrible idea either on the tank selection but it is dependant on spec of the tanks.

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Re: About Witch Elfes and their possible tasks

Post#70 » Tue Oct 17, 2017 2:01 pm

Krima wrote:
Find below the build i use.. I mostly play scenarios. It works also for rvr; ... :;0:0:0:0:
low rr version:; ... :;0:0:0:0:
In my opinion this build got buffed after patch, players cant move after knockdown!! no more slayers, sm, whs with high parry moving down body after stun. I bind EOIP + OYK on the same key, Save that 5 bloodlust OYK + EIOP to hit:
-Charging slayers,
-You see a WH going stealth, 100% sure he will open on a caster or healer, hit OYK you will mess his crap rotation and waste his FP + EOIP
-overextended casters, healers
- Be aware of healers ressurecting a players.. OYK+EOIP the healer as soon you see the rezed player on 20% hp... thats a free kill
with frienzide mayhem, you have 32-37% crit, you will often see a double crit OYK, thats 1,5k - 2k dmg + chance to proc kisses.

Much more fun than being a bot spaming AW + witchbrew procs.
Can you elaborate this "no more move on stun"?
Also, I myself have some weird stuff going on while stunned, since my return 2 weeks ago.
Before my break, I havent noticed this but now, when I get stunned and the stun ends, I always seem to run at the exact opposite direction. Lets say you see a couple of the enemy faction and want to turn around and ride/run away.
You get a ranged knockdown/stun whatever and after it ends, I already changed the camera in the "fleeing" direction, but as soon as the cc ends, I end up moving in the totally wrong direction. I ended up dying in damn situations where I could easily flee. But the 5 meters of "WHAT THE **** IS GOING ON I RUN IN THE WRONG DIRECTION" + turning 180° again gets you up a full dotbar which you are not able to survive.

But I guess you mean"running targets after them being knocked down"
I see this also sometimes at targets who get killed in a zerg and happened to myself also. When a trillion enemies hack in my back I am dead but still running 15 feet or so before laying on the floor :)

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