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Runepriest DPS vs Zealot DPS (solo roaming)

Ironbreaker, Engineer, Slayer, Runepriest
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Runepriest DPS vs Zealot DPS (solo roaming)

Post#1 » Tue Dec 12, 2023 10:46 am

Hi going to roll a rp-dps or zealot-dps for solo roaming. Trying to decide which one to pick.

At the moment I have a dps-shaman but would like to try one of these two classes.

I really like how dps-runepriest looks more way tanky since generally i prefer tankish classes.

1) is Runepriest tankier than Zealot?
2) Which one has better life in solo roaming?
3) How the gear works on rp/zeal? I just equip healing items and than press 1 magic button to dps?

Because to have a change I really like the idea to press a button and for example be able to be healer in scenario... which i cannot do with shammy

Thanks a lot !!

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Re: Runepriest DPS vs Zealot DPS (solo roaming)

Post#2 » Tue Dec 12, 2023 11:19 am

Rp got 2 racial tactics that help with tankiness quite abit
Zealot on other hand got woi and shiled proc ritual.
Pre patch would say zealot cos being pulled left and righ is quite annoying...
Imo zealot aesthetics are much better and would pick that but that is just me
Mostly harmless

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Re: Runepriest DPS vs Zealot DPS (solo roaming)

Post#3 » Tue Dec 12, 2023 12:08 pm

According to your post i dont recommend you pick any of those due to your lack of experience. You will just end up to be very frustrated with results.
If itemization is unclear for you then you better just learn how exactly their mechanics works, what it converts and what not, how it interacts with talismans, tactics, renown etc.
Both classes are somewhat decent in pugging around at very high gear levels but still they are both nowhere near being anyhow meta for solo roaming and of absolute no comparison to DPS shammy (in a bad way).

In case you wonder how it will go in midtiers - both will frustrate your team, but both are same in regards to tankiness in midtier. Going further at low rr/gear will be very frustrating for you especially and in case you will try SCs prepare to get flamed alot for bad results as well.
As for t4+ both are totally out of meta and generally not considered as good pick for fooling around as dps healer.

There is little to no space for both of them even with 30% ihd because a) WL will always do it better with 25% weapon b) chosen with passive 25% will always be plain better.
30% is just not cutting it and never will be, overall DPS loss in proper WB due to stealing a spot for those would never justify the risks. It was worth it with 50% ihd they could brought up before AoE IHD nerfs tho. DPS zealot before WoI&IHD nerfs was meta pick

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Re: Runepriest DPS vs Zealot DPS (solo roaming)

Post#4 » Tue Dec 12, 2023 4:53 pm

Speaking as someone solo roaming with a dps zealot- your main problem is low dmg, nowhere near that of am/sham. Then on top, you also don't have the kiting tools of am/sham.

On a plus side, you do look much better than am/sham, if you are into "crackhead wearing roadkill" look.
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Posts: 85

Re: Runepriest DPS vs Zealot DPS (solo roaming)

Post#5 » Tue Dec 12, 2023 5:29 pm

I play a dps RP, although WB AOE spec more than roaming.
Got full sov, RR 84....absolutely pants to play to be honest. 2 dots (well 3 if you include rune of cleaving), that hit moderately hard. 2 sec cast on your bigger spell.
Really don't recommend it

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Re: Runepriest DPS vs Zealot DPS (solo roaming)

Post#6 » Tue Dec 12, 2023 8:57 pm

emanius wrote: Tue Dec 12, 2023 10:46 am Hi going to roll a rp-dps or zealot-dps for solo roaming. Trying to decide which one to pick.

At the moment I have a dps-shaman but would like to try one of these two classes.

I really like how dps-runepriest looks more way tanky since generally i prefer tankish classes.

1) is Runepriest tankier than Zealot?
2) Which one has better life in solo roaming?
3) How the gear works on rp/zeal? I just equip healing items and than press 1 magic button to dps?

Because to have a change I really like the idea to press a button and for example be able to be healer in scenario... which i cannot do with shammy

Thanks a lot !!
1) Can't speak for RP but Zealot is okay when it comes to solo survivability due to having 2 "passive" absorbs (tactic and ritual).
2) Again cant say for sure when it comes to RP but looking at mastery trees, RP has a bit better life steals (if that's what you meant) but Zealot does quite a bit of lifestealing too and with chop fasta you can also just spam boon for pretty nice dmg+heals.
3) Gearing is quite misunderstood when it comes to class mechanic as a zealot/rp. You do need to gear and spend rr points purely on dps if you wish to do any sort of damage (dmg will still be low) so you cant just expect to be full dps and then press 1 button to be full healer sadly.

Posts: 5

Re: Runepriest DPS vs Zealot DPS (solo roaming)

Post#7 » Fri Dec 15, 2023 2:08 am

Aesthetics aside, for solo roaming I would go Runepriest hands down. While baseline both have low damage (hopefully addressed in the upcoming balance cycle), the Runepriest simply has a better toolkit for damage and self-preservation.

Here is what I would suggest: - Runepriest

This build gives you great self-healing as well as good AP drain and movement slowing which aids in kiting. Rune of Fortune becomes your main spammable allowing you to self-heal with no cooldown or heal an ally if need be, by switching your defensive target. Master Rune of Speed shaves 25% off your cast time for Rune of Fortune and lets you pump out damage/healing when able to freecast. You are largely going to win by attrition but if you are looking for a tankier option then this is one to consider.

Good luck!

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Re: Runepriest DPS vs Zealot DPS (solo roaming)

Post#8 » Fri Dec 15, 2023 2:17 am

Avoid both like the plague. Shaman/AM are at least viable. Dps Zealot/RP require bis, and are still the worst spec dps in the game.

I'd only recommend if you're committed to having a bad time. Dps RP better, but Talon M1 is where it's at.
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Re: Runepriest DPS vs Zealot DPS (solo roaming)

Post#9 » Fri Dec 15, 2023 2:26 am

I love a good all deals no heals rp or zeal.

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