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[Warrior Priest] - Grace

Knight of the Blazing Sun, Bright Wizard, Witch Hunter, Warrior Priest
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Re: [Warrior Priest] - Grace

Post#501 » Tue Jun 21, 2016 9:25 pm

Sorry that I'm late to the party. Hope this gets noticed. Disclaimer: All of these suggestions together may, and probably will, be completely broken. I'm just calling out issues of poor design where I see them and suggesting changes to fix that.

There's one subtle change that can solve a great deal of the issues Azarael laid out. Currently, the healing portion of all lifetaps is a single process check. You cast lifetap spell, it tries to hit the enemy. If it gets blocked or parried, it does nothing. If it hits, it deals damage, then uses that damage to calculate a heal to give the appropriate targets. As is, that method requires quite a hefty investment in multiple attributes to bypass a lot of defenses and maximize the heal you get out of it.

But if it were a two process system, all of that could be avoided. You cast lifetap spell. Lifetap spell checks how much strength and crit you have and calculates a value to heal for, then applies it to the appropriate targets. After that, lifetap spell then functions as regular damage and goes through the process of checking against the targets defenses to see if you hit or not and how much damage to deal. In this way, warrior priests heal for the same every time (barring crits) and avoid the need to stack anti-defensive stats to boost healing.

It may need rebalancing to return the healing to "fair" levels, maybe even make it subject to regular healing debuffs, but it's the most direct route to solving the MAD issue.

I've also got a few more minor ideas:

Sigmar's Shield - Costs X RF per second (maybe 10) and heals for a certain amount every time the target is hit scaling with strength. Helps give survivability to the WP on the front line and is a reasonable counter play to large assist trains.

Remove healing reduction from DF/Fanaticism - No real reason to reduce casted heals for slotting tactics. Doesn't benefit salv at all, since they could use that tactic slot on something else that benefits their survival or healing.

Strength->WP and melee crit->heal crit stance ala Assault Stance - Grace gets caught in sticky situations sometimes, most notably being rooted/snared out of range of anything to hit for heals. Make the stance require a 2 hander (or offhand for DoK) so that we can make full use of our hybrid functionality. We still need to be up on the front line to generate RF, so it's not as if this allows us to sit back and heal indefinitely.

Change Greave of Sigmar to a 120 (max level) Strength and toughness tactic rather than a buff to Fist of Sigmar - Right now Greave only serves to cover the times you don't have a Knight nearby since Fist doesn't stack with their auras. Making Greave our version of Brute Force in that it stacks with buffs should go a long way in helping our stat deficiency.
StMichael - 40 Warrior Priest
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Posts: 60

Re: [Warrior Priest] - Grace

Post#502 » Fri Jun 24, 2016 12:32 pm

I might be mistaken because I do not all of the abilities or tactics late game because I am still low level. But, wouldn't a simple help to the make all of the melee heals effect all allied/group members in a certain distance of the primary target. Make the AoE aspect less then the primary. I know there already a couple but adding it to to divine assault would be nice.

I think a charge that AoE healed around the target you hit would be cool but I don't think that they can create new abilities for the game.

Posts: 22

Re: [Warrior Priest] - Grace

Post#503 » Fri Jun 24, 2016 2:45 pm

Down the line they might be able to make changes like that.

I personally like DA how it is now. It's a crazy OP single target burst heal but only if it hits. which is it's major flaw. Maybe changing it like Sigmars Radiance where there is a guaranteed heal portion and then part of the damage is added as heal.

I posted this in my thread and I'm not sure it was mentioned here but I think giving some passive RF regen to 2h weapons would help as well. perhaps half of what a book gives of equal type. I think this would help address the times where melee WP can't melee anything an burn though RF trying to be useful.

Posts: 411

Re: [Warrior Priest] - Grace

Post#504 » Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:56 pm

Nice to see that after five years, the devs have done absolutely jack **** about any of this.

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