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[IB]Ideas on IB buffs to try and make them more comparable to other tanks.

Ironbreaker, Engineer, Slayer, Runepriest
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Re: [IB]Ideas on IB buffs to try and make them more comparable to other tanks.

Post#61 » Mon Dec 14, 2020 7:52 pm

People don't resent the buffbot nature of the IB - who said that even.

The problem we have is simply the numerical values are too low:
  • duration of the buffs are too short
  • in most cases the actual values of the buffs are so low that even a potion or passive abilities of other classes are simply overwriting our active abilities that are the point of the whole class. You can imagine people are disappointed when a knight's passive aura provides better value for the whole party than what you can achieve with active buffing/spamming/sweating for a single target... I mean how hard it is to understand the problem with this...
On the top of that, our damage got hit superhard with the armor meta / armor potion value of current meta, just like every other physical dps class, the difference here is that some of these classes have other damage types molded into their mechanic to compensate OR have some % based abilities to remedy, IB is the only class that has flat values and no other damage types available in any setup, thats why it's suffering currently on the damage front.
Gryyw - Ironbreaker

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Re: [IB]Ideas on IB buffs to try and make them more comparable to other tanks.

Post#62 » Mon Dec 14, 2020 9:58 pm

kmark101 wrote: Mon Dec 14, 2020 7:52 pm People don't resent the buffbot nature of the IB - who said that even.

The problem we have is simply the numerical values are too low:
  • duration of the buffs are too short
  • in most cases the actual values of the buffs are so low that even a potion or passive abilities of other classes are simply overwriting our active abilities that are the point of the whole class. You can imagine people are disappointed when a knight's passive aura provides better value for the whole party than what you can achieve with active buffing/spamming/sweating for a single target... I mean how hard it is to understand the problem with this...
On the top of that, our damage got hit superhard with the armor meta / armor potion value of current meta, just like every other physical dps class, the difference here is that some of these classes have other damage types molded into their mechanic to compensate OR have some % based abilities to remedy, IB is the only class that has flat values and no other damage types available in any setup, thats why it's suffering currently on the damage front.
No arguing with any of that.

Posts: 181

Re: [IB]Ideas on IB buffs to try and make them more comparable to other tanks.

Post#63 » Mon Dec 14, 2020 11:35 pm

Yeah I dont agree with any of that. The fact that our buffs dont stack with pots, kobs wp rp buffs allow us to only have to cast necessary buffs instead of having to constantly cycle all the buffs. Remember knight is taking by default heal and resist auras and maybe ap so either str or toughness or both are uncovered. Then it's a matter of arranging with your dps what pot or lini he will use depending on your build. Then you fill the buff gaps with your buffs.

The willpower component of the str buff is often overlooked but can really help a healer out. That is also not covered by any of your regular support. Healers are running heal crit lini.

The duration of the buffs are long enough. Be grateful you dont have 5s duration stuff like sm.

Speaking of sm, it does do more damage than IB. But it doesn't have a single target punt in its damage spec. If you csnt punt the 2nd tank you're just trying to burst through guard which is bad. In a 6 man if you run kobs and ib you have a very nice double punt setup and ib can still put in a good 3-4s burst with cave in and heavy blow and earthshatter.

To be honest, unless a party is specifically being built around ww then ap battery ib is nearly always the better choice in orvr.. more damage from dps, far tankier tank, and more durability on the dps thanks to parry buff.

You guys have to embrace what ib is actually good at. All classes have abilities that fall off in terms of viability, so I dont see the point of moping about a few negligible buffs not stacking when it's not even the main function of ib.

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Re: [IB]Ideas on IB buffs to try and make them more comparable to other tanks.

Post#64 » Mon Dec 14, 2020 11:56 pm

So the community wants a spammable aoe ability, and some option to bypass high armor values? Or better debuffs? 5 sec CD outgoing heal debuff is bonkers good. Armor debuff, crit debuff, I don't see it. If the buffbot part isnt the problem is the dps the larger problem?

I don't agree that the buffs are too low. Each of the 5 point abilities are excellent buffs. You have 2 str buffs, sure they don't stack, but then kotbs can run tough. What fundamental change needs to happen, can we get by with some basic QoL stuff?
Fley - Zealot Domoarigobbo - Shaman
Squid - Squig Squit - B.O.
Black Toof Clan

Posts: 181

Re: [IB]Ideas on IB buffs to try and make them more comparable to other tanks.

Post#65 » Tue Dec 15, 2020 12:31 am

Class is fine and competitive as it is. Needs 0 changes.

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Re: [IB]Ideas on IB buffs to try and make them more comparable to other tanks.

Post#66 » Tue Dec 15, 2020 1:17 am

scatterthewinds wrote: Tue Dec 15, 2020 12:31 am Class is fine and competitive as it is. Needs 0 changes.
Change for buff duration would be a good change. instead of 10 to 20

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Re: [IB]Ideas on IB buffs to try and make them more comparable to other tanks.

Post#67 » Tue Dec 15, 2020 2:35 am

I am wondering, I see these types of posts fairly often. I am still learning the game but it seems to me any changes to any class within a faction (order or destruction) would involve deep thinking to a degree I am not capable of :-)

It seems to me each career in order and each career in destruction are designed interact with each other to provide an overall desired result for the faction. Dwarfs, Elves, and Humans and the careers for each have a flavor and mixed together provide an synergy. Same for destruction.

The classes and there mirrors achieve this taking slightly different pathways.......there are not direct mirrors skill for skill and there should not be in my opinion.....each race and career should have its own flavor and feel when playing it. This is what makes it fun. Thus any changes at all to any class that changes the flavor or the synergy of the class within the faction seems frought with danger of changing its feel and perhaps what makes it special. Direct comparisons between careers within a faction and especially to another faction should take into account how that career works within that faction compared to all the other careers and what they bring. But I could certainly be wrong :-) just my thoughts.....

I enjoy the Ironbreaker the most of any career in the game thus far....I think it performs as well as any of the tanks in its role just as it is. The flavor and feel is different than any other....and it should be. It feels like I am playing a tough dwarf defending his own through loyalty and determination. I am not sure careers can be strictly boiled down to just raw stats, effects without also determining the effect on the feel of the class as it pertains to both lore and faction contribution.....

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Re: [IB]Ideas on IB buffs to try and make them more comparable to other tanks.

Post#68 » Tue Dec 15, 2020 5:59 am

I can tell you no career in ROR has needed such significant changes according to the lore and their place in the group. There was no need for WE 30ft finishers, just as it was not necessary to make a 40ft GTDC, as it was inappropriate to nerf the RuneFang and Shatter Confidence, mirror the second knock for the BG and give an outrageous level of avidance as for a two-handed tank. Give BO execute in the first position and whatnot, but the devs went for it. So why are you surprised now?
The fact that you can run in the lake and spam a couple of buffs and challenge in time does not mean that the class is all right and it is in a good place because it is not. And it is felt when you try any of the other 5 available careers.

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Re: [IB]Ideas on IB buffs to try and make them more comparable to other tanks.

Post#69 » Tue Dec 15, 2020 6:05 am

hammerhead wrote: Tue Dec 15, 2020 5:59 am I can tell you no career in ROR has needed such significant changes according to the lore and their place in the group. There was no need for WE 30ft finishers, just as it was not necessary to make a 40ft GTDC, as it was inappropriate to nerf the RuneFang and Shatter Confidence, mirror the second knock for the BG and give an outrageous level of avidance as for a two-handed tank. Give BO execute in the first position and whatnot, but the devs went for it. So why are you surprised now?
The fact that you can run in the lake and spam a couple of buffs and challenge in time does not mean that the class is all right and it is in a good place because it is not. And it is felt when you try any of the other 5 available careers.
Kotbs does feel very bland to play without runefang + destroy confidence. Bring them back but Destroy confidence should maybe only be 35 feet instead of 65 and remove 2 blessings instead of 3.
"To clarify, me asking to developers to go test their own changes is not sign of toxicity or anger, but a sign of hope that the people punching in the numbers remain aware of potential consequences and test their own changes"-Teefz

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Re: [IB]Ideas on IB buffs to try and make them more comparable to other tanks.

Post#70 » Tue Dec 15, 2020 5:22 pm

skillordz wrote: Sun Dec 13, 2020 10:07 pm that's it, buffbot, rotation= buff, bufff , earthshater, bufff, buff, buff, buff, taunt, ,buff buf buf, kb, buff buff buff, kd, buff buff buff, cd increaser, buff buff bufff
That´s my opinion:
Inspiring attack only gives willpower buff, strength doesn´t stack with pot of dps
Guarded attack gives nothing cause doesn´t stack with pot
Vengefull Strike depends on aura, maybe it counts
This are all ability bound buffs, means this abilities are almost useless. there is no dmg anyway.
Stubborn as Stone almost gives nothing cause doesn´t stack with aura from knight, so depends.

So the only things they count are Anchestor´s Fury with crit buff, stacks with dirty tricks aura from knight, and Oathbound, Runic Shield and Challenge ofc. For the rest we only give AP.
Cooldown increase tactic is again only single target and you have to slot it. If they change it to bind on Shield Sweep and increase the cooldown for this maybe to 15 or 20 sec, would give us one nice aoe ability,
I don´t see the buffbot here, tbh.
Mortgrimm - IB - guild leader of Thurisaz
Sayalena - WL - Thurisaz
Thorhammer - WP - Thurisaz

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