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[DoK] Sacrifice / melee heal

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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Re: DoK Sacrifice / melee heal

Post#11 » Sat Jan 30, 2016 2:14 pm

Sacrifice is the g2g spec on melee DoK atm. Torture as a stand alone tree is meh and can't compete with Sacrifice even tho you have to relinquish CoK. PE's TT is just a bit worse than WA but has the advantage that you don't rely on the enemies HP and DE is 1000x better than Fell Sacrifice. The additional melee heal possibility offers a great utility for your group but make you rely on a second dps with a healdebuff. ofc that will all change in T4 when you have the possibility to get both Torture and Sacrifice :)

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Re: DoK Sacrifice / melee heal

Post#12 » Sat Jan 30, 2016 2:53 pm

Then sorry bretin thought you were torture :P

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Re: DoK Sacrifice / melee heal

Post#13 » Sat Jan 30, 2016 3:11 pm

Bretin wrote:Sacrifice is the g2g spec on melee DoK atm. Torture as a stand alone tree is meh and can't compete with Sacrifice even tho you have to relinquish CoK. PE's TT is just a bit worse than WA but has the advantage that you don't rely on the enemies HP and DE is 1000x better than Fell Sacrifice. The additional melee heal possibility offers a great utility for your group but make you rely on a second dps with a healdebuff. ofc that will all change in T4 when you have the possibility to get both Torture and Sacrifice :)
I'm interested what can be done with the sacrafice/dark rites specs. Having both the absorb and group hot and cleanse. A crossover between those specs is something I really think we need to make melee healing work because in t4 that cleanse becomes a huge part of why dok/wp is so strong.
Tklees Chatoullier

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Re: DoK Sacrifice / melee heal

Post#14 » Sat Jan 30, 2016 3:17 pm

Pretty much all specs are competative viable if your group is just somewhat ballanced.
Guard on dps/loldps and 2 healers and you can pretty much make anything work.
The problem comes when pugs try to do these things as:

1: your group is basicly never ballanced.
2: tanks don't use guards 90% of the time.
3: healers don't know who to focus heal
4: people don't assist, and when you bring in general much less dps then a pure dps you can't really kill anything.

For premades pretty much everything works. for Puging stay with your class's strenghts.

Posts: 929

Re: DoK Sacrifice / melee heal

Post#15 » Sat Jan 30, 2016 3:22 pm

Culdu wrote:Then sorry bretin thought you were torture :P
nah, i just don't heal that much since i'm grouped with 2 full healers most of the time :)
i just help out if it's necessary

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Re: DoK Sacrifice / melee heal

Post#16 » Sat Jan 30, 2016 7:22 pm

What does the standard spec look like?

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Re: DoK Sacrifice / melee heal

Post#17 » Sun Jan 31, 2016 2:27 pm

Melee DoK is just fine atm. No need to boost a class that is capable of being Nr.1 dps and Nr.1 heal ins sc. Even against so called premades a well played Sacrifice DoK is your I-win-button :-)
Hands off the DoK pls !
Deadwing 85
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Verthexxa 84

Posts: 15

Re: [DoK] Sacrifice / melee heal

Post#18 » Wed Mar 09, 2016 12:59 am

I'm not sure why folks are posting that MehDoK needs to be Sacrifice, if you want to be melee and actually be able to kill healers (burn through someone being healed) solo (read as done quickly so you don't die) you need to have at least 12 points in the Torture tree.

Once that ability is gained then the MehDoK becomes EXTREMELY viable as DPS. Granted we don't have burst like most classes, but we have sustained (you can't DPs when you are dead). Before WAR closed down, if you saw a dual wep DoK in RVR you can bet they were Torture spec.

Sac is a good tree, but you need a group for it to function. Torture tree is like being a witch elf without stealth ability. You are a 1v8 god against PuGs and 1v3 god against a good grp. You have the ability to go solo and you will only run into problems if you run into a premade group. Even then, if you know the classes you are up against you will likely down 1-2 of them before you are killed. The MehDoK's big disadvantage is being ranged, any class that actually has to close with you has already lost. (CoC helps with folks trying to kite you though)

I still have my videos of all of us DoKs doing this against the Arsenal premades back in the day (I think I still have them).

Also, I'm not stating that if you roll a DoK you are going to become a god - you won't. I can name a player in every class who understood DoK mechanics and if they caught the DoK first could kill them. Each class has it's niche, it's understanding the role and playing it well. Go outside that roll and you get to click the respawn button, this goes for MehDoKs too

Like any class in the game the DoK can really shine with someone who understands mechanics and how every single order class works, this takes time effort and (at least for me) years of practice. It took me forever to remember when a WH popped on me to not RS, but rather detaunt, cleanse, heal, that would be the length of his debuff cycle so I could now RS effectively and live through the intial burst - which if I lived meant I win.

You need to make up your mind though, you can't be MDoK and a HDoK and be good at both. Premades will eat you alive everytime. Pick a roll and go with it.

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Re: [DoK] Sacrifice / melee heal

Post#19 » Thu Mar 10, 2016 5:29 pm

So how is this for mDoK?

Is this the standard build? ... :4993:4994:

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