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[DoK] Path of Sacrifice discussion

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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Re: [DoK] Path of Sacrifice discussion

Post#11 » Sun Mar 20, 2016 4:47 pm

Extol wrote:So what makes this path viable for the DoK and the "wrath" path for the Warrior Priest not?
Its more comparable to a grace WP spec line, altho the skills aren't quite the same. Wrath = Torture

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Re: [DoK] Path of Sacrifice discussion

Post#12 » Tue Mar 22, 2016 11:10 pm

Bretin wrote:
TenTonHammer wrote:watching bretins mDPS dok videos i aw him spec like this

30 in crit and 10 in parry for rr

he didnt try to make it into some pusodo melee healer like grace, he played an mdps with self sustain
the spec you linked is correct, so are the RAs.

when playing mdps dok you should realize that you took the role of a dps, not the one of a healer. your job is to deal damage! sometimes you may help out your group members with melee heals if it is really necessary - pets and turrets work wonder -. ofc sacrifice DoK has a lot of heal potential by slotting tactics like Empowered Transfer but the more you heal, the less you kill, period. you can provide a lot of damage and tankiness for your group if you play the DoK properly but you should always be aware of the fact that you counter pressure with pressure and pressure wins games, hence it's necessary to have as much damage as possible. taking ET over a offensive tactic results in a damage loss i.e. a pressure loss.

about the RAs: crit helps you to create pressure, parry helps you to avoid it. also both fit perfect to MI. i don't like to have either CW or RD on any mdps class since you have to create and deal with pressure all the time. they are more useful on classes who rarely getting pressured or don't rely on creating pressure e.g. range/heal. stats are never worth renown points, whether offensive nor defensive.

feel free to watch my replies on or press the follow button and see when i'm live.

any suggestion for talis?

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