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[Chosen] SnB Chosen vs SnB KoTBs

Chosen, Magus, Marauder, Zealot
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Re: [Chosen] SnB Chosen vs SnB KoTBs

Post#11 » Sat Mar 19, 2016 1:22 pm

Yes that has to be it and youtube is filled with chosen vids reflecting wbs to death ;)
A reasonable RvR system that could make the majority happy

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Re: [Chosen] SnB Chosen vs SnB KoTBs

Post#12 » Sat Mar 19, 2016 1:24 pm

That's great and all but chosens don't have the liberty of specing like that espically in grp play, you need to grab mixed defenses and downfall and crippling strikes

Your really not gonna go past quake in discord

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Re: [Chosen] SnB Chosen vs SnB KoTBs

Post#13 » Sat Mar 19, 2016 1:35 pm

LOL guys just play the Chosen and try this out. Then tell me. Sorry but you should really play it before opening your mouth with no clue.

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Re: [Chosen] SnB Chosen vs SnB KoTBs

Post#14 » Sat Mar 19, 2016 2:02 pm

Iv already tried that clowny build obviously you havnt otherwise you would have already realized how bad it is and would not have suggested it

First off you want to know who dies to dis flux? Solo bws who will die to their own lash back before they die to dis flux lash back

Second any time your running around with dis flux on and HTL is you not helping your party with a more useful aura, or applying pressure, cc etc

Thirdly how many bws do you expect to face in grp play? A 1-3-2 will probably run 1 at most as most parties will prefer to run am and sw in the other 2 slots

If you to pretend that this viable in orvr scenarios then all you will achive is giving out one or 2 immunities before your HTL is interrupted and you explode

Dis flux is an awful aura that people run for fluff dmg in scenarios and reflection is too situational to trade the tri spec for

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Re: [Chosen] SnB Chosen vs SnB KoTBs

Post#15 » Sat Mar 19, 2016 2:09 pm

I never go in scs. You will find me in rvr and try that out.

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Re: [Chosen] SnB Chosen vs SnB KoTBs

Post#16 » Sat Mar 19, 2016 2:37 pm

Vaul wrote:
roadkillrobin wrote:You can't really look at classes like that.
You have to look at the big picture and mirror the entire realm vs realm. You also can't compare AoE buffs/debuff to ST ones as they obviusly have better use in different situations.

For example. a tactic like Slice Trough, Black Orcs have a "better" version of with Big Brawling.

10+10 crit when breaking down into pure dps numbers can be mirrored on to tons of abillties for Destruction. 20% crit increase on moast classes is just 10% dmg increase. BW on full Comb gets a 30% dmg increase from this. while WH WL if they slot the tactic gets a 20% but the rest gets just 10%. If it's worth it depends on your group comp.
Not specifically regarding the OP here but it's not always wise to boil crit down to it's average dmg increase. A lot of things happen (proc) on a crit, and crits create more pressure situations. I know you know this, so just saying in general.
Yes ofc. But that really comes into play with premade groups were groups are built for crit. An example of this would be to run a DPS RP for AoE heal debuff on crit wich is the only real example i can think of atm. You run Kotbs + IB oathfriending the RP. and Knight guarding a SW that runs Leading Shots. The RP will have something like 80% crit chance. And healdebuff will be inevteble. Zealots can't get close to this but they have have Demon Spattle armor and corperal debuff. Pair it with a AOE Choppa with Chop Fasta and your healdebuff will pretty much be inevteble with spammeble PBAoE aswell. And you also increase the Choppas AOE dmg with the AoE armordebuff. You run a Chosen for Woundsdebuff and a Black Orc for Weaponskill Buff to the Choppa And suddenly that Choppa bypasses alot of the Armor.

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Re: [Chosen] SnB Chosen vs SnB KoTBs

Post#17 » Sat Mar 19, 2016 2:53 pm

TenTonHammer wrote:Iv already tried that clowny build obviously you havnt otherwise you would have already realized how bad it is and would not have suggested it

First off you want to know who dies to dis flux? Solo bws who will die to their own lash back before they die to dis flux lash back

Second any time your running around with dis flux on and HTL is you not helping your party with a more useful aura, or applying pressure, cc etc

Thirdly how many bws do you expect to face in grp play? A 1-3-2 will probably run 1 at most as most parties will prefer to run am and sw in the other 2 slots

If you to pretend that this viable in orvr scenarios then all you will achive is giving out one or 2 immunities before your HTL is interrupted and you explode

Dis flux is an awful aura that people run for fluff dmg in scenarios and reflection is too situational to trade the tri spec for
Certainly holds true for 6 on 6 but don't dismiss that aoe fluff damage when it come to bombing also I do go all the way up discord to help my group keep all that magic damage in check.

I'm not specing for new skills I'm specing to make my existing skills better.
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Re: [Chosen] SnB Chosen vs SnB KoTBs

Post#18 » Sat Mar 19, 2016 3:12 pm

Oh, btw. Full discordance gives +350 resistances to all party members. Last time I checked three discordance chosen were the safest way to take on order bomb groups with BWs dropping M2. Not that matters that much in scs, but in rvr the Beavers made a job of bombing. So well, I guess mixed defenses is a life saver in that case eh? Crippling strikes is a great tactic, when you use it with rending blade, oppressing blows and debuff in aoe with a real chance to proc it (I see no shield there, anyway) Downfall is the only thing I miss from corruption. But you seem to see this game only in function of scs. I like scs as a diversion, for me this game is only RvR.

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Re: [Chosen] SnB Chosen vs SnB KoTBs

Post#19 » Sat Mar 19, 2016 3:14 pm

This is I meant when i said that you have to look at the big picture. Some poeple think of the game in terms of small scale of 6vs6 or even 12vs12 while others think of it 3-4 groups vs 2wbs. Some abillties and tactics work much better in different situations. You cant dismiss a tactic or spell for being bad if it has viable use in certain aspects of the game. Some abillties are just trash or massivly underperforming in all aspects of the game. Sure. But it stuff like this that makes it hard to just compare two classes aswell.

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Re: [Chosen] SnB Chosen vs SnB KoTBs

Post#20 » Sat Mar 19, 2016 3:32 pm

As far as SnB is concerned, KotBS wins imo.

Chosen has some nice things, but until I see one as durable as Jill, my verdict still stands. They've got more damage, but I'll trade damage for being alive. Jill is stupidly hard to kill sometimes, while assist training an extended Chosen is much easier in my experience. I'm also more fond of the melee reflect aura as opposed to spell reflect aura. The only tank that's given Jill a bit of a run for hers is SnB BO, oddly enough.

I know this is asking about Chosen, and what they offer, which I say again is damage/offensive utility. I just find for the archetype that is SnB tank, Knight > Chosen, that's all. Could be a T3 thing, we'll see next tier. A 4th Tactic slot will make her RvR setup kind of ridiculous, but as of yet I don't know how to spike her avoidance past 60% without M2 (Shield Wall). I saw that this is something Chosen can do. Even if it's only temporary/proc based, I would still call it significant for SnB, despite Knight being more tanky on average.
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