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[Blackguard] 2H only?

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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Re: [Blackguard] 2H only?

Post#11 » Sun Jun 05, 2016 5:59 pm

ToXoS wrote:Now I'm level 16, I use a shield and it's really better, and I'm more useful that way.
As you said, for now I can't get crimson death, but I'm still gonna try it when I'll be able to.
Mate, dont let ppl tell you what to play and how to play.
In the end its up to you on what char/build u have most fun.
So aslong as you dont try to be a dps and focus on tanking/ccing while doing some assist dmg im sure you be fine.
Just dont neglect your defensive stats.
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Re: [Blackguard] 2H only?

Post#12 » Sun Jun 05, 2016 6:47 pm

TenTonHammer wrote:I'm sorry what? Are you guys for real? Are you really saying that crimson death is a worthy trade off for losing your shield? And with it acess to the longest duration knock down in the game with reduced surviveabilty, the utility of hold the line?
I said almost. You then proceeded to say exactly what I said in different words.

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Re: [Blackguard] 2H only?

Post#13 » Fri Jun 10, 2016 8:00 pm

Hey all, I have been going over the career builder and looking at the 2h BO, BG, and Chosen trying figure out which one i really would like to play. The thing i was wondering is yes the BG if goes 2h does not get the knockdown but niether does the BO unless you sacrafice alot of things just to get the 3sec knockdown. I understand too the BG's is best in game with 5second but its also conditional so not an on use. What im wondering is why is 2h BG considered so bad compared to the BO or even Chosen. I ask this cause im fairly new to game and just trying learn and get things straight not trying argue or call out people just kinda...lost lol. Thank you for all who answer.

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Re: [Blackguard] 2H only?

Post#14 » Fri Jun 10, 2016 9:31 pm

calditil wrote:What im wondering is why is 2h BG considered so bad compared to the BO or even Chosen. I ask this cause im fairly new to game and just trying learn and get things straight not trying argue or call out people just kinda...lost lol. Thank you for all who answer.
Lets start by looking at chosen and why it goes 2H ... 781:0:4792:
firstly a vast majority of 2H chosen's damage is spiritual damage which through its resists aura it can debuff targets resistances significantly allowing ravage and rending blade to hit significantly hard

Now the main selling point of going 2h though is not about damage its about utility, and you go 2h chosen so that you can become better at appling crippling strikes debuff, oppressing blow increases your chance to crit and rending blade allows you to apply it in AoE on multiple targets

and lastly 2h chosen is very survivable because suppression, renown and gear allow chosens to get a verry high parry chance

BO has the biggest spike damage in the game (for a tank) because BO is the only tank in the game with a critical damage increaser, i.e it increases the amount of damamge the critical hits do, along with a critical hit chance increaser; ... 469:0:4480:

big brawling grants a 5 second CD 30ft AoE snare furthermore BO's stat steal bellow is extreamly strong being able to debuff and buff mutilpe stats for a group including stats that a chosen cant buff but one of the shining features of it is when it steals iniative, it can increase a targets chance to be critically hit by 100% +
and also access to a 5s CD increaser with Not In Da Face

but in both cases the SnB build is stronger just like with BG becuase it provides more for a group ... :4791:4792:
for chosen ou can still apply crippling stikes in an AoE with blast wave and you dont need oppressing blows if you have a BO debuffing initiative

Bo can still DPS respectably even with SnB and their is the added bonus of the morale builder with you sez me blok dat; ... 4:;0:0:0:0:
further more you go for the kd and can have it on demand with change da plan > big swing which puts you in Da Best Plan stance to apply the KD, futhermore You Missed Me stacks with crippling strikes to apply 45% physiscal damage buff which really messes with slayers

or you can do the same build as if you were 2h; ... 0:;0:0:0:0:

2H Bg looses a lot of surviveablity with out shield, all 2h tanks do and BG is the squishiest of the destro tanks in the first place, it dosnt have the big parry benefits like chosen does while bo has a weapon skill buff that gives them more base parry than BG

both of which make BO and chosen better guard tanks than BG and what they bring to the table is far more valuable than bgs 5s 10% crit debuff, chosens auras are so good and alway desireable hence why their is always one in the party while BO's stat steal in invaluable as well, they also bring AoE snares to mess up melee trains, can buff WS for MDPS put CD increaser's on healers etc

If you take a 2h tank, its not worth to pick a BG over a chosen or BO
Last edited by TenTonHammer on Fri Jun 10, 2016 9:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Blackguard] 2H only?

Post#15 » Fri Jun 10, 2016 9:36 pm

KikkL wrote:Hey I have some experience with BG. First of all dont listen to the people who say its ineffective.
This is based from my way of playing not anyone else.

I believe there is a dps core tactic at lvl13? It increases your dmg with reduced armor.
>Focused offense
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>Focused offense
>Focused offense
>Focused offense
>Focused offense
>Focused offense

>unironic shitposting

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Re: [Blackguard] 2H only?

Post#16 » Fri Jun 10, 2016 9:38 pm

Focused Offense is a tactic for nub tanks, like Morfee!!
Soulcheg wrote:Want mirrored classes - play chess.
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Re: [Blackguard] 2H only?

Post#17 » Fri Jun 10, 2016 11:34 pm

Thank you very much for the info TenTon that helped clear up a lot of the questions i had lol. Ya with the 2 hander plan on playing a support dps to suppliment my team just never understood why BG was the black sheep of the tank class in that aspect. It looks good on paper especially with the spamable healing debuff if use right tactic and i never knew they were more quishy. So looks like going chosen or BO :). Now just to learn what best abilities/stats to focus on and where put my renown later on and start rockin and rolling. Appreciate the help ty again.

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Re: [Blackguard] 2H only?

Post#18 » Wed Aug 24, 2016 4:59 pm

1. 2h BG is doable if you are playing for a specific role. If you go high toughness then the armor drop of FO isn't very relevant. You lose significant damage from not stacking STR, but so it goes. The 2h inherent DPS will balance most of that.

2. The main reason why people criticize 2h BG is because the shield-specific CC is so uniquely useful for the BG when defending their group. 2h BG is not a good spec for sitting in your own backline. SnB is superior at this role for multiple reasons.

3. The secondary reason that 2h BGs get criticized is that people try to justify the 2h setup with "DPS!11!11", so they end up stacking full DPS stats and they get melted. Poor results from poor decision-making.

The general result of going with a 2h toughness build is as follows:

1. Enemies will think you're a squishie 2h derp, so they will attack you and quickly realize they're doing jack **** for damage. Meanwhile, your team is untouched.

2. After they switch targets to something that they deal more than double-digit damage to, they will now ignore you, despite the fact that you are dropping AOE slows on them, and then humping the legs of their healers and dropping infinite heal debuffs along with your moderate damage.

The result here is that you are effectively very similar to any CC/support-oriented BG, except you are on their backline, not defending your own backline. Your moderate damage and 2h loadout draws enemy attention and aggro.

Successful play in this role will result in the enemy healers and glass cannons having no AP and being generally annoyed as hell that you're still in their faces. They will rage at their teammates asking them why they don't just kill the 2h "loldps wannabe" tank that is stopping them from pressing buttons. Etc.

Posts: 23

Re: [Blackguard] 2H only?

Post#19 » Thu Aug 25, 2016 8:32 pm

I play BG because it is fun. 2h looks awesome and the class just clicks for me. I'll likely find myself in the role EasyMode mentioned and that's all right too. Makes me smile to be a thorn :)

If you have to play the best tank by analysis, don't play BG. Otherwise I'll paraphrase...If you like your BG, you can keep your BG ;)

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Re: [Blackguard] 2H only?

Post#20 » Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:17 pm

EasymodeX wrote:1. 2h BG is doable if you are playing for a specific role. If you go high toughness then the armor drop of FO isn't very relevant. You lose significant damage from not stacking STR, but so it goes. The 2h inherent DPS will balance most of that.

2. The main reason why people criticize 2h BG is because the shield-specific CC is so uniquely useful for the BG when defending their group. 2h BG is not a good spec for sitting in your own backline. SnB is superior at this role for multiple reasons.

3. The secondary reason that 2h BGs get criticized is that people try to justify the 2h setup with "DPS!11!11", so they end up stacking full DPS stats and they get melted. Poor results from poor decision-making.

The general result of going with a 2h toughness build is as follows:

1. Enemies will think you're a squishie 2h derp, so they will attack you and quickly realize they're doing jack **** for damage. Meanwhile, your team is untouched.

2. After they switch targets to something that they deal more than double-digit damage to, they will now ignore you, despite the fact that you are dropping AOE slows on them, and then humping the legs of their healers and dropping infinite heal debuffs along with your moderate damage.

The result here is that you are effectively very similar to any CC/support-oriented BG, except you are on their backline, not defending your own backline. Your moderate damage and 2h loadout draws enemy attention and aggro.

Successful play in this role will result in the enemy healers and glass cannons having no AP and being generally annoyed as hell that you're still in their faces. They will rage at their teammates asking them why they don't just kill the 2h "loldps wannabe" tank that is stopping them from pressing buttons. Etc.

Focused offensive is the most garbage tactic in the entire game , a paltry 15% dmg inc is never worth a 30%+ loss of armor irregardless of how much tough you stack

Secondly; no the reason that people criticize 2H BG is becuase all you get for the massive loss in survieablity and untilty by going 2H insted of SnB is crimson death, everything else you listed an SnB dps specd BG can do as well and better. Further more if you are going for Wave of Scorn AoE slow and soul kill out going HD then what is the point of going 2H bg? If you dont get crimson death their is abolutly no reason to go 2H bg still and of all the debuffs BG has, mara and other classes have better ones

Secodly if i wanted a tank runnign around spammin AoE slows and stuff then why do i want BG? Why not a Blorc with big brawlin whose AoE slow has a much lower cool down and is buried by the str debuff so it cannont be clensesed as easily and has higher dps output than BG

Thirdly it seems you face bad players who cant punt away/cc guard tanks and whom also cannot kite or are more than happy to allow their healers to get chased even then all the time you spend trying to chase a healer is more time for your party to get beat on b/c they have 1 less guard in range

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