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Its time to fight the zerg

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Re: Its time to fight the zerg

Post#11 » Tue Oct 10, 2017 8:59 am

areanda wrote:stuff
wat? Can someone translate?

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Re: Its time to fight the zerg

Post#12 » Tue Oct 10, 2017 9:14 am

Ill translate for ya mr.
Orders are scared little rats ! Man up ! Zerg is life.

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Re: Its time to fight the zerg

Post#13 » Tue Oct 10, 2017 9:17 am

U = you
u = you
. . = . And return
! ! = ! And return
2 = too

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Re: Its time to fight the zerg

Post#14 » Tue Oct 10, 2017 9:58 am

You can do nothing about the zerg. It's not like only destro does it. I didn't really play the last few days so I didn't see this huge zerg people are talking about. But it remains a fact, as it's been said here, both sides do it. It's simply the way this game is. And there is nothing you can do about it. There are a few guilds that make actual warbands to try and organize themselves. I haven't seen TUP in a while, and we didn't have a warband for about a week either I think. And one of the reasons is destro zerg. If we were also online it would be a complete whitewash I guess. And we absolutely despise zerging, no matter what side does it. The problem with the game is that numbers will always beat quality. I agree that quantity has a quality of it's own, but in this game it's simply impossible for pugs to deal with large numbers in an open field. Very hard for guilds, and impossible for pugs.

Yes it's a problem that order doesn't have pug leaders. What Ocara does, is invite people to discord. I still think that communication is the absolute key to any play style. Even if you have only 6-10 people out of those 24 talking in real time with each other, it makes a huge difference. But it seems order players just can't be bothered with that. You don't even need your own server, you have the RoR discord. Just hop on there and organize. It can't be more simple than that. Of course, organizing, leading and all that takes time and practice. People have to choose their leader, someone who they can trust and who can win battles, or at least give a good fight. But that's definitely not easy against the zerg. Even the most 'hardcore' guild wbs struggle against huge numbers, so it's really not a surprise for pugs to struggle as well. I know it's very discouraging and hopeless, but like Reesh said, doing events is the only way you can hope to organize people. You have to be consistent and keep pushing yourself, that's the only way. Learn from your mistakes, don't just give up.

Maybe one day, a person will come out of the crowd to lead the poor pugs to victory :D

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Re: Its time to fight the zerg

Post#15 » Tue Oct 10, 2017 10:21 am

True. One day the chosen one will arise and lead the order pugs to victory. ;)

I have lead Pug warbands several times in the past. But it is sometimes tiresome and sometimes after two whipes cohesion is lost. Also sometimes you have great peoples in and change something in rvr.

But overall I think I'm there like most other order warband leaders who want to lead their guildgroup. Because people there knows your voice channels and don't argue everyone of your direction commands.

Also in the Bitterstone Thunderers as well as CNTK, Phalanx, Beavers or TUP and all the other guilds there are guild warband dates. People are up for 2,3,4 hours and you know you can count on them and not half of them will ragequit or afk at the wc or leave the wb and begin to queue for SCs.

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Re: Its time to fight the zerg

Post#16 » Tue Oct 10, 2017 10:40 am

I am not sure if i am authorised to speak of my guild but TUP already reduced their raiding days just to counter this zerg feeling.
We raid 3 days a week down from 4.
As a destro player i remember lvling my shaman as an underdog and in pug groups under the commandment of Ocara and Gdy. I know the feeling but as soon as you embrace it the earlier you will enhoy the fights.
One last thing. Stop funneling in every suitable place you find. Funneling is good when needed. Funneling a BO from the very first minute of the opened rvr lake spoils your game. From my prespective yesterdays fight in Reikland (manor BO) was a complete waste of 30mins of gameplay.
Funnel when needed. Always be active. And enjoy the game.


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Re: Its time to fight the zerg

Post#17 » Tue Oct 10, 2017 10:42 am

Collateral wrote: Maybe one day, a person will come out of the crowd to lead the poor pugs to victory :D
And his name will be Pugmar Banhammer

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Re: Its time to fight the zerg

Post#18 » Tue Oct 10, 2017 10:47 am

szejoza wrote:
Collateral wrote: Maybe one day, a person will come out of the crowd to lead the poor pugs to victory :D
And his name will be Pugmar Banhammer
The uniter of the clans, who safed a Dev who was captured by Trolls in the mountains.
As a gift the King of the Devs made a present to him. A runic warhammer named "Ghal Kickazz". With that weapon he became the Banhammer. And this is his story ...

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Re: Its time to fight the zerg

Post#19 » Tue Oct 10, 2017 11:10 am

for break zerging:

1- reduce talking power in /t4 /2 /1.

2- make some requirements for making a warband [for example level 35 guild with realm captain tag]

3- give some anti zerg tools.
zerg a: fight agaist 1:3 in 100 ft [ it can be 2 vs 6 or 6 vs 18 or 24 vs 72 ]
zerg b: x numbers of players blobbing in 100 ft, let's say 48+

4- ban/warn people who's actually creates zerg.

5- put some number limits for zones or rvr lakes.
Guildmaster of Phalanx

K8P - Karak Norn

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Re: Its time to fight the zerg

Post#20 » Tue Oct 10, 2017 11:14 am

Haojin wrote:for break zerging:

1- reduce talking power in /t4 /2 /1.

2- make some requirements for making a warband [for example level 35 guild with realm captain tag]

3- give some anti zerg tools.
zerg a: fight agaist 1:3 in 100 ft [ it can be 2 vs 6 or 6 vs 18 or 24 vs 72 ]
zerg b: x numbers of players blobbing in 100 ft, let's say 48+

4- ban/warn people who's actually creates zerg.

5- put some number limits for zones or rvr lakes.
I think these might be too drastic measures to take :D

The best way is to accept the fate of order, we all know that the End Times will inevitably come and it will be the end of the world
That is the biggest roleplay action ever, whole faction following the story written in novels!

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