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Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

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Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

Post#11 » Thu Feb 20, 2020 9:57 am

I think this needs some testing.
Performance if:
Effects on self x effects on party x effects on all
Shadows details off, medium, high on all.
No addons x addons enabled ( most lagging cause WSCT addon from my expirience)

Game engine is old and more ppl on screen means more laging. The point is what settings make these lags lesser and acceptable.

I will test it when I get my new pc.
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Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

Post#12 » Thu Feb 20, 2020 10:07 am

I linked 2 different videos just for the comparison purpose, in fact on Sorc I have "Ooh Shiny" running because it is of no issue at all when on Destro and running high graphical effects + all effects on even in largescale and while recording. Even when diving into melee range it is only slightly noticeable drop.
Whereas in the other video my frames start freezing from being within 200ft of the meatball train advancing. And running less addons and lesser graphical settings.

My Choppa diving headfirst into a ball of 50 order is less laggy at melee range than my BW encountering Destro wb of 24 targets and even attempting approach.
And yes, same PC, same addons, downgraded graphics when playing on Order. (and yes same game, even if it means Choppa can run ooh shiny at melee but BW struggles at Fastest Framerate)

I'm not asking for any balance changes etc, but there has to be some broken Destro graphical effect causing all the framelosses for Order, meatballs are onr of the potential issue causers when you have 2-3 of them at your face and your screen stops updating for several seconds. Other possible ideas are maybe BO Big Swing/Waaagh or their other AoE causing random splash spam, or some of the other AoE that simply causes big framedrops. (dont change abilities, maybe try turn off some VFX ?)

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Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

Post#13 » Thu Feb 20, 2020 10:34 am

Sulorie wrote: Thu Feb 20, 2020 9:54 am
kirraha wrote: Thu Feb 20, 2020 9:47 am Beafy computer means nothing on this server.
It's the game client, not the server. Live servers were hardly better on similar player numbers. The only difference was, that only one highly contested zone had lags and not all zones at once.
Prob. Dont remember much from live since I joined to late and the game had lost its glamour. I played with no effects, like you said it was laggy then, but I had a pretty semibad laptop then aswell so think I blamed lags on the laptop then.

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Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

Post#14 » Thu Feb 20, 2020 1:42 pm

I have the same issue. With a fresh restarted game client, crazy lag spikes when 2-3 meatballs jump on us at city siege fights. No real lags without them.
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Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

Post#15 » Thu Feb 20, 2020 1:57 pm

I wonder why this is that Order gets lagged out more during big fights? I also play destro but the lag is not really as bad and I've never crashed from it while playing destro.

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Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

Post#16 » Thu Feb 20, 2020 2:28 pm

Longer U play, worst game work. Bigger the fights, faster game work bad. Restart game in 1h should help all.

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Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

Post#17 » Thu Feb 20, 2020 2:45 pm

And simple test. Go fort and start hit the boss. When i have boss on target game drop about 20 fps. Un-clik boss back to normal fps. I think its about debuf on target. Some1 know how to distable debuffs on target in enemy addon ?

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Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

Post#18 » Thu Feb 20, 2020 3:12 pm

Before city siege etc I usually restart my game delete cache. This have no effect whatsoever when you get 2-3 msh doing cd increase even 24v24 city siege.

On my sorc however it's all fine, sure it start to lag some when there is alot of players but not like this lag vs msh

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Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

Post#19 » Thu Feb 20, 2020 3:35 pm

oh gamebryo....

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Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

Post#20 » Thu Feb 20, 2020 4:16 pm

Lag can be caused by a number of things most of the time the lag is caused in this game by the effects and limitations of your internet connection to the server. Some graphic effects have a larger draw on your systems performance. Your system/internet can only process so much at a time even if you have a beastly computer you are limited to your internet connection as well.

For example many moons ago back when the biggest MMO was Everquest and PCs were worse then a phone in todays time we were doing a raid and one of our raid members had to leave unexpectedly but didn't have time to log out. We didn't want to let them die but we wanted to finish the raid so everyone in the raid sent spam tells to the person to overload the system to make them crash out and it worked. After about 30secs of overloading the limitations of the PC and internet it crashed them out.

In the case of this video you are getting lag from a number of sources. One could be terrain. This is in an area that has Water and water effects can really bog the system down. Another thing that plagues performance is render distance or clip plane (how far you see someone before they disappear) this can cause major lag when a lot of players enter your render distance at the same time and your game is trying to show them all at once. If you keep moving in and out of render distance it has to keep drawing them on your screen. The farther out you have it the better because if it is too close as you kite people you might move out of this range and it has to show all those players at once again. Stack that on top of all the effects playing out that it is trying to put on your screen and you get lag. It could be a specific animation causes more draw on performance and when you have multiple of that stacked on top of all the other things that cause your system to bog down and you get the lag.

Add the added effect of actual distance you are from the server (your ping) it can cause hell on your performance because your internet can only process so much so in cases where a lot is going on and the server is trying to send a ton of information to your computer all at once it creates a bottle neck. This is where you will get lock ups and then all of sudden you get blasted with all the information that has caught up from people hitting you and you go from full health to 0 in seconds.

Addons have issues with causing lag too. Also the amount of text limit you allow to stay on the screen can be a factor.

Why am i posting all this, because it may not be isolated to just one ability and could be multiple factors adding up causing the issues that you may not think is adding to the lag issues.

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