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How do i stop losing in scenarios

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Posts: 7229

Re: How do i stop losing in scenarios

Post#11 » Mon Mar 09, 2020 9:12 am

M0rw47h wrote: Sun Mar 08, 2020 10:57 pm
Phantasm wrote: Sun Mar 08, 2020 9:51 pm 1 rdps is least burden for a sc group, tank got rensposibilites, healers are 1st to blame after lost scs. Sorc is easy, u got instants, dots, long cast, when u start dying you learn kite, prekite, avoid blob, etc. Great class to learn "read" surroundings. Ofc if u not give up:)
rDPS are the worst classes for scenarios, which are based on assist train and guard switching. Anyone who has doubts can check ranked leaderboards and see how many sorcs and bright wizards are around the top, or even middle of tier of it compared to other classes.
6vs6 sc is not the same as regular sc. Rdps are totally fine for regular sc. In T1-3 It's actually a cake walk with rdps and you need no pocket guard or heal.
Dying is no option.

Posts: 10

Re: How do i stop losing in scenarios

Post#12 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 5:25 pm

ulqX wrote: Sun Mar 08, 2020 8:47 pm i'm new here. just started playing this weekend.
i got a lv 12 sorc on destruction and lv 6 witch hunter on order

played around 25 rounds of scenarios so far, evenly split between the characters, and i've only won 2 times
when im on destro, destro loses, when im on order, order loses
commonality here is me-- am i doing something to drag my team down? i dont have highest death count, im usually middle of the pack overall on the losing team's charts

how do i stop losing cuz im at like a 90% lose ratio now-- which is rare in any pvp. even in 5v5 games like LoL its tough to lose this much

Hi! First of all welcome to the game! I love your attitude of admitting that you are the common denominator. It is refreshing to see after reading some complaints about how xyz always loses.

I had a similar experience of playing around thirty games and could count the number of Order victories on one hand. For me, personally the biggest thing that will take you from getting smashed all the time to winning is forming a premade with other people. It has been stated a few times in this thread but I want to make sure it gets repeated loudly. Well planned premades crush games. Use 2 tanks, 2 dps and 2 healers for your 6 man.

If guild mates or alliance members are not online or are undesirable then use the LFG channel or the local /say to find people. Just /say around the NPCs where you normally turn your scenario quests in at the major cities. People will respond, many of them are sick of losing and frustrated as well. If you are serious then make comms a requirement. People don't necessarily need a mic to talk but they need to at least be able to listen to calls.

At the beginning of the match, leave your current party in the scenario party window and have everyone join party no. 6 (doesn't have to be 6, I just use it, the important thing is that you are all in a group together within the scenario to run your premade). This should be made clear before the first game starts. With the influx of new players, some people don't know how to change groups within the SC. Just click the little white flag by the mini map to open the window to manage the SC groups.

It may take some work to find people and set up a solid group but once you get rolling the experience will be worth it. As you get more experienced in doing this people will add you in game and it will take less and less time to put together a group each time. Eventually, everyone will be on the same page and things will smooth out. Then, when you run into an enemy premade the real fun begins. Punt their tanks away from those they are guarding, burst the now unguarded enemy dps then silence/swap targets to their healers who will likely be frantically trying to get a rez off.

Even if you lose to another premade, it (hopefully) won't be like the streak of frustrating losses you are currently experiencing. You will have lost a battle between warriors and not one of lions tearing apart lambs. GLHF

Edit; It should go without saying that you should not try to sneak a premade into the daily soloQ by coordinating queing with your buddies at the same time. It's predatory and I'd imagine it gets you banned.
Last edited by Philsky on Thu Mar 12, 2020 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 3

Re: How do i stop losing in scenarios

Post#13 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 5:44 pm

I'm also a new player so take my advice with a grain of salt.

But nine times out of ten when I lost a game it was because people were treating a lot of scenarios like team death match. Play the objectives if your team isn't - It'll surprise you just how much at T1 people don't play it. Also recommend queuing with 2 friends if possible. Gives you a good, small group to rely on and play the objective a lot better.

Posts: 17

Re: How do i stop losing in scenarios

Post#14 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 7:04 pm

Vaereir wrote: Tue Mar 10, 2020 5:44 pm I'm also a new player so take my advice with a grain of salt.

But nine times out of ten when I lost a game it was because people were treating a lot of scenarios like team death match. Play the objectives if your team isn't - It'll surprise you just how much at T1 people don't play it. Also recommend queuing with 2 friends if possible. Gives you a good, small group to rely on and play the objective a lot better.
Yeah, there are a lot of noobs on both sides and really the win goes to whoever actually plays the objective. I had a pug call me useless the other day because at the end of the match my damage was 0 and healing was under 5k. Heres the catch though, it was serpent, and we won ONLY because I was carrying the supplies back and forth the entire game.

Each scenario has its own goals, if you arent playing the objective you are wasting everyones time. KD, damage, Killing blows dont matter. Did you play the objective? Thats the only question you should ask yourself at the end of the match.

Posts: 9

Re: How do i stop losing in scenarios

Post#15 » Wed Mar 11, 2020 10:41 pm

Malecus wrote: Tue Mar 10, 2020 7:04 pm Each scenario has its own goals, if you arent playing the objective you are wasting everyones time. KD, damage, Killing blows dont matter. Did you play the objective? Thats the only question you should ask yourself at the end of the match.
In almost half of my Nordenwatch games (so roughly 25) this event I've been able to cap the Fort just by standing on the flag while everyone else is battling all around the area but just out of range of capping.

So I think it cannot be overstated that at T1 just playing the objective is the single most effective improvement you can make for your team.

Posts: 19

Re: How do i stop losing in scenarios

Post#16 » Wed Mar 11, 2020 10:54 pm

WH/WE is a class that when present on SC passively contributes towards your own team loose condition. Just playing those two means you will be able to do significantly less on SC than any other class.

Other than that you being a new player is another reason why your team looses - you simply take a slot that otherwise some veteran making a new toon don't let that discourage you tho - we all been there.

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