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Warfront Weekends.

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Re: Warfront Weekends.

Post#11 » Fri May 08, 2020 3:59 pm

I don't play sc's, so I don't have a dog in this fight personally but I don't think it's unreasonable that 'casual' pugs getting a separate arena than the big boys. Although I would ABSOLUTELY make the rewards far less. And I mean a lot. Premade vs premade should carry some hefty bonuses to rewards. Some people with a casual mindset just want to log on and fight other people with a casual mindset. Win some, lose some, but have fun.

When I join a pick-up soccer league it's because I'm going to be playing with other wheezing old men like me, not Real Madrid. I also won't be getting paid millions, but that's not the reason I'm playing.

Again, I don't give a **** about sc's personally. There's a standard pug sc every week, seems okay to me. But I can understand the view of being disappointed when every week there's some bonus event/warfront that's pretty much 'Casuals Not Welcome.'
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Re: Warfront Weekends.

Post#12 » Fri May 08, 2020 4:05 pm

Wam wrote: Fri May 08, 2020 3:35 pm I too prefer the duo laid back nature of pug to contrast of large scale... but if event is set in premade landscape and I choose not to bring a premade to that landscape then that is my own decision and you have to do it ironically the harder way and grind longer.

you know what you are in for when you sign up, why should i complain about it? it is my own fault (for bringing 4 less reliable players) If I didn't do everything in my power to win... you get into more murky waters when you try seperate people. Wouldn't dev's time be better spent on fixing bugs? stability? and future content? their time is limited and priorities... this event didn't exclude people, it included everyone, just people operate at varying wide ranging levels. Do we even have the population to seperate things even more than we currently do?
But the population is going to stagnate or continue to wane if we don't support different playstyles, including pugs (which make up a vast majority of the population).

Like I said, I don't support the idea that the most powerful set in the game should be obtained without the challenge of the playing against the best. I simply mean that something that's intended more for fun and to give a small reward for completing a few simple tasks, such as Weekend Warfront, can only serve the gaming environment by supporting people with different playstyle preferences. Remember that the game is meant to be played for fun, and the majority of people don't find forming or engaging with premades (with or against) at all times to be fun.

Creating PUG Weekend Warfronts doesn't and wouldn't disturb the current flow of progression in any way.

As far as time investment from the devs, it could honestly be said that the time spent on Weekend Warfronts in general could have been better spent elsewhere, but it wasn't, and we got something fun to do on the side now. These are merely suggestions.

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Re: Warfront Weekends.

Post#13 » Fri May 08, 2020 4:22 pm

If you dont have a try hard premade then you really just need to wait a few days until they all get their stuff

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Re: Warfront Weekends.

Post#14 » Fri May 08, 2020 4:27 pm

Telen wrote: Fri May 08, 2020 4:22 pm If you dont have a try hard premade then you really just need to wait a few days until they all get their stuff
Not taking any sides in this topic but I'm hoping this is sarcasm considering the event lasts a few days.
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Re: Warfront Weekends.

Post#15 » Fri May 08, 2020 4:31 pm

What I would love to see is: If a group queues as a premade they get put vs other groups queuing as a premade. Yes they may have to wait longer but that's on them.
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Re: Warfront Weekends.

Post#16 » Fri May 08, 2020 4:32 pm

CeeJay89 wrote: Fri May 08, 2020 4:05 pm
Wam wrote: Fri May 08, 2020 3:35 pm I too prefer the duo laid back nature of pug to contrast of large scale... but if event is set in premade landscape and I choose not to bring a premade to that landscape then that is my own decision and you have to do it ironically the harder way and grind longer.

you know what you are in for when you sign up, why should i complain about it? it is my own fault (for bringing 4 less reliable players) If I didn't do everything in my power to win... you get into more murky waters when you try seperate people. Wouldn't dev's time be better spent on fixing bugs? stability? and future content? their time is limited and priorities... this event didn't exclude people, it included everyone, just people operate at varying wide ranging levels. Do we even have the population to seperate things even more than we currently do?
But the population is going to stagnate or continue to wane if we don't support different playstyles, including pugs (which make up a vast majority of the population).

Like I said, I don't support the idea that the most powerful set in the game should be obtained without the challenge of the playing against the best. I simply mean that something that's intended more for fun and to give a small reward for completing a few simple tasks, such as Weekend Warfront, can only serve the gaming environment by supporting people with different playstyle preferences. Remember that the game is meant to be played for fun, and the majority of people don't find forming or engaging with premades (with or against) at all times to be fun.

Creating PUG Weekend Warfronts doesn't and wouldn't disturb the current flow of progression in any way.

As far as time investment from the devs, it could honestly be said that the time spent on Weekend Warfronts in general could have been better spent elsewhere, but it wasn't, and we got something fun to do on the side now. These are merely suggestions.
I agree with some of what you are saying BUT

my big issue with this is, player entitlement and always wanting more, things become ALOT easier and still see complaints... even if you give pugs what they want it will still wane IMO just like the past

appeasing pugs, and this is appeasement, has never gone well on this server... its always been met with ungrateful asf from my point of view when they made gearing / leveling alot more "pleasent" and faster experience than way back when... i guess many people wasnt around when you could get a few hundred kills at a keep and only 1,000 renown for capturing the keep... less than zerging one poor guy in a pvdoor keep these days.

When the game felt more based around fights for fight sake than gear progression.

So if you give them this, they will want more and more and more and where do you draw the line in the sand?

Pug event? Pug City? when tovl gets released will they make a pug version where you cannot be invaded? This is pvp game shouldnt there be some aspiration for pvp and improving? There is already a pug SC which can meet pug needs, you already get rewarded for losing... how many other games do you get rewarded for dying and losing?

Yes it is kinda rough going to begin with, but everyone started somewhere...
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Re: Warfront Weekends.

Post#17 » Fri May 08, 2020 4:39 pm

They already made the sc weapons and vanq gear cheaper and easier to get, they made Invader easily available through all sorts of bullshit when before you had to go "Alright I need to lose 10more forts for my next peace"
I know that leading a premade can sometimes be annoying and you just want to chill in a sc, but nothing stops you from hoping in with someone else and just listening to their calls and following their targets.

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Re: Warfront Weekends.

Post#18 » Fri May 08, 2020 4:41 pm

I asked the dps to assist each other in a pug today. Last time I ever speak in scenarios. Just got rage back that we are pugs we cant asisst.

This is the mentality you have to deal with. People do not want to improve. They just want to be carried.

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Re: Warfront Weekends.

Post#19 » Fri May 08, 2020 4:48 pm

Damn all this whining for a crappy 30 meleepower item?I could understand if they put sovereign stuff as reward but honestly not even bothering queue for that warfront stuff and if i do i do it with people in comms.And for the part "they like minimum effort because they premade" and blah blah blah well the few times i premade it requires way more effort like proper assist,guard swap,calling out when morale ready compared to the switch off brain mentality that you can find in pug scenario.Find a group join comms learn to play as a team and stop asking for reward without effort.

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Re: Warfront Weekends.

Post#20 » Fri May 08, 2020 4:52 pm

Wam wrote: Fri May 08, 2020 4:32 pm
CeeJay89 wrote: Fri May 08, 2020 4:05 pm
Wam wrote: Fri May 08, 2020 3:35 pm I too prefer the duo laid back nature of pug to contrast of large scale... but if event is set in premade landscape and I choose not to bring a premade to that landscape then that is my own decision and you have to do it ironically the harder way and grind longer.

you know what you are in for when you sign up, why should i complain about it? it is my own fault (for bringing 4 less reliable players) If I didn't do everything in my power to win... you get into more murky waters when you try seperate people. Wouldn't dev's time be better spent on fixing bugs? stability? and future content? their time is limited and priorities... this event didn't exclude people, it included everyone, just people operate at varying wide ranging levels. Do we even have the population to seperate things even more than we currently do?
But the population is going to stagnate or continue to wane if we don't support different playstyles, including pugs (which make up a vast majority of the population).

Like I said, I don't support the idea that the most powerful set in the game should be obtained without the challenge of the playing against the best. I simply mean that something that's intended more for fun and to give a small reward for completing a few simple tasks, such as Weekend Warfront, can only serve the gaming environment by supporting people with different playstyle preferences. Remember that the game is meant to be played for fun, and the majority of people don't find forming or engaging with premades (with or against) at all times to be fun.

Creating PUG Weekend Warfronts doesn't and wouldn't disturb the current flow of progression in any way.

As far as time investment from the devs, it could honestly be said that the time spent on Weekend Warfronts in general could have been better spent elsewhere, but it wasn't, and we got something fun to do on the side now. These are merely suggestions.
I agree with some of what you are saying BUT

my big issue with this is, player entitlement and always wanting more, things become ALOT easier and still see complaints... even if you give pugs what they want it will still wane IMO just like the past

appeasing pugs, and this is appeasement, has never gone well on this server... its always been met with ungrateful asf from my point of view when they made gearing / leveling alot more "pleasent" and faster experience than way back when... i guess many people wasnt around when you could get a few hundred kills at a keep and only 1,000 renown for capturing the keep... less than zerging one poor guy in a pvdoor keep these days.

When the game felt more based around fights for fight sake than gear progression.

So if you give them this, they will want more and more and more and where do you draw the line in the sand?

Pug event? Pug City? when tovl gets released will they make a pug version where you cannot be invaded? This is pvp game shouldnt there be some aspiration for pvp and improving? There is already a pug SC which can meet pug needs, you already get rewarded for losing... how many other games do you get rewarded for dying and losing?

Yes it is kinda rough going to begin with, but everyone started somewhere...
I'm not disagreeing with everything you're saying. All I'm saying is that Weekend Warfronts have rewards that do not disrupt the flow of progression at all. A renown pot, a neat cosmetic, and a temporary item? I see no reason why something like this can't be given a pug-friendly option.

I've been playing off and on for quite a long time, so I definitely remember the times you're talking about. I also remember when NA would have less then 10 people in the lakes at any given time, even before Forts and City. So I don't think it's fair to say that all streamlining decisions were bad for the game's health.

One of the issues with premades vs pugs right now is that the power creep has gotten really bad. Back when say Conqueror was the highest set, there wasn't some astronomical difference between a player fresh at 40, albeit still a slight disadvantage to the fresh 40. So a premade could capitalize on that slight advantage. But the difference between a fresh 40 and Sovereign is tremendous now. Now put a group of Sov users together...or a warband of Sov users...and a premade who exponentially benefit from gear gaps which makes it even harder to close said gear gap, and you have a recipe we'll simply call "not fun".

If the devs believe the future of the game is in premade-only, then more power to them. But I personally don't believe it's going to be good for the game's longevity.

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