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Best solo class

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Re: Best solo class

Post#11 » Sun May 31, 2020 10:38 am

nat3s wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 10:30 am
wildwindblows wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 10:19 am
jughurta69 wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 10:04 am

good dps ok , good survivability on mostro ok but in sava/bruta ...
Monstro mara aoe damage is fine but flail skill which is your anytimer hits really low damage. You can do solo monstro marauder but you need to stack armor and your damage will decrease dramatically. Best mara damage build is sav/brut but this build have been nerfed to the ground so you can't go solo with with it. For solo game play, you need kd/brust to assassinate ppl or you need to be tanky with good damage. DPS Dok has nice hp regen, life steal and really good burst finisher. DPS BO is more tankier than mara and has kd and brust.

Ignore the posts suggesting Mara is good 1v1 and read my post above, gives you all the answers to the current meta. Anyone going for bursting people down is talking about pug stomping. True meta 1v1 classes will destroy someone in a glass cannon burst setup.

Too much noise in this thread from people who think they know about 1v1 meta, but don't :)
I'm just saying there are better classes for solo roam than mara. Mara is one of the best 1v1 class, if you go monstro stance and stack armor with absorb tactic. Solo roam and 1v1 is not the same think as you know. Choice is yours.

It seems you have much more experience for solo roam so if mara is really good for solo roam please add your list above. My solo roam experience with mara is not so good even with end game gear.

Posts: 73

Re: Best solo class

Post#12 » Sun May 31, 2020 11:04 am

nat3s wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 9:58 am Ignore the above, Mara is trash tier in 1v1 (great WB class though). I've played most meta solo classes as it's my preferred playstyle. I'd happily debate this order with anyone:

1. DPS AM - No question, reigns supreme, no counter class, beats everything Destro has to offer 1v1 including your 2h chosen, def magus, dps shammy meta classes. Power is in the AP drain and the fact casting it doesn't interrupt your detaunt. You'd be surprised how many newb AM don't know this and instead start a 1v1 casting dots and die.

2. DPS Shammy - As above, AP drain on CD, outlive initial burst of enemy and you don't even need to kite. Best 1v1 spec is to take Do Sumfin Useful in Mork and You Got Nuthin in Green which a lot of people don't realise. Beats all Order class besides AM (can beat AM if AM plays too offensively without cleansing on CD).

3. Regen WE - 600 abs tactic, kiss heal tactic, full Regeneration from renown points, then hp/sec gear. Can reach 420hp regen which with the 600 abs tactic and toughness talis slotted makes you unkillable, use low point Ruthless Assault to consume your Witchbrew stacks for burst. Don't be seduced into needing to hit 1050 str softcap, power here is in Witchbrew being Corp dmg so you can slot those tough/armour talis.

4. Def magus - 700 toughness, 950 int, 10k hp with Aegis up and 2.7k armour. Need to understand your cc immunities, if you use stagger you can't use disarm, if you use rift you can't use knockback. Once you know which cc combo to use for each class/situation they can do awesome things. Like any solo class, you need pots, 3.6k rejuv, 1.8k officer + 2.4k Aegis heal and 1h staff heal is 8.8k+ self healing on top of your 700 toughness, very powerful. Beats everything 1v1 other than DPS AM and imo is the most fun due to cc options.

5. Def IB - Outlast most classes, loses to dps shammy (eventually) and a well played spirit Chosen, but can usually just choose to leave the fight. Good self healing and ok ish dmg for a 2h tank. Silky smooth if you setup Nerf Buttons properly.

6. Spirit Chosen - Spirit dmg so you no need for weapon skill allowing you to focus more on def. Destroys any melee, but like most 2h setups, you get kited.

7. Parry WH - The best melee stomper imo and can take on 2h solo tanks once you have the bonus points from Sov set to pick up both Blessed Blades and BAL.

8. DPS DoK - Bloodlord gear, heals a lot and does great dps. Dies to AM / def IB / Parry WH, but great pug stomper.

Ignore the echo chamber effect you see from the people screaming WL OP, WL don't make my top 10. In my experience players are blissfully unaware of the above meta picks. Your typical inexperienced solo roamer is usually trying to roam in a Zarbix style fully soft capped glass cannon setup which is complete dogshit against any proper 1v1 player. If you want to go full dps gear/renown then grab a healer, if you want to 1v1 then you need to be much more nuanced in your approach.
Shadow Warrior and Squig Herder out of radar and they more for siege? I thought they good for solo range, with they adaptive for range abilities...

Posts: 452

Re: Best solo class

Post#13 » Sun May 31, 2020 12:48 pm

aSW with armour talis works ok, mSH is great in cities, but not very good 1v1. The ranged specs can be ok.

Depends what you're after here, anything with a gap closer and stun is going to stomp glass cannon newbs, but they'll get owned by true solo roamers. Are you looking for competitive 1v1s with some of the best on the server or the ability to take it easy and stomp glass cannons (which is the way most of the people on the server gear). If you want the former go with one of the classes I covered, if you want the latter, roll a WL or DPS AM.
Last edited by nat3s on Sun May 31, 2020 12:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Defraz rr81 Magus
Defrack rr81 Mara
Induce rr77 Shaman
rr7x AM, Choppa, WL, WH, WE, BG

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Posts: 374

Re: Best solo class

Post#14 » Sun May 31, 2020 12:50 pm

Dps Am or Dps Shaman.Ranged class is way more effective with all these zergs running around.You can follow a blob pick up your victim and farm medals easy using allies as meat shield and when solo you can practice kiting and do good anyway without having to rely on healers or support.The only downside to dps am or shaman is that if you really want bis gear meaning city gear (sov/wl) you will have to spec healer or pug it as dps and make everyone rage but oppressor set is a decent set for dps so you can just farm sc and be at peace with it.
Squig is also fine if you play it ranged ,melee squig need support to be effective,with ranged squig u can kill stuff safely with finish em off and heal debuff but ofc you dont have a way to keep ur health up other than pots and thats why i personally prefer a dps heal class.

If you instead prefer a melee class other than wh/we (that are built for solo ) i would go with bg on destro or sm on order but be prepared to suffer as melee cause you need way better gear renown rank and positioning to survive and do something.
Last edited by Noslock on Sun May 31, 2020 1:13 pm, edited 5 times in total.

Posts: 676

Re: Best solo class

Post#15 » Sun May 31, 2020 12:57 pm

nat3s wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 9:58 am
5. Def IB - Outlast most classes, loses to dps shammy (eventually) and a well played spirit Chosen, but can usually just choose to leave the fight. Good self healing and ok ish dmg for a 2h tank. Silky smooth if you setup Nerf Buttons properly.

Wouldn't a BG fit into this as well, similar as the IB you can outlast everything (you die to dps AM), you have okish dmg as a 2h, with two pots and bolstering anger you can afford to keep yourself up for a long long time and besides anger drives me boosting your parry to a reasonable 70% you still have elite training with the clutch 4 x 100% parries.
Lower cd on juggernaut will help you with those pesky snares and roots and if you manage to apply brutal smash you'll have enough willpower to disrupt a hit or two to proc endless pursuit.
Edit: Forgot to link the build - Black Guard
It's a pretty fun spec to play, the only thing you miss is the kd sadly.
With 2piece sov you could replace the juggernaut tactic, or endless pursuit with either the outgoing heal debuff or the disspell detaunt debuff and pick up the ap debuff (I'd say with defensive sov, since if you go 6piece offensive sov you are a bit squishy for 1vX)

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Re: Best solo class

Post#16 » Sun May 31, 2020 1:01 pm

Ib have more balanced spec to work better solo on 2h while being tanky than bg

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Re: Best solo class

Post#17 » Tue Jun 02, 2020 10:57 pm

nat3s wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 9:58 am Ignore the above, Mara is trash tier in 1v1 (great WB class though). I've played most meta solo classes as it's my preferred playstyle. I'd happily debate this order with anyone:

1. DPS AM - No question, reigns supreme, no counter class, beats everything Destro has to offer 1v1 including your 2h chosen, def magus, dps shammy meta classes. Power is in the AP drain and the fact casting it doesn't interrupt your detaunt. You'd be surprised how many newb AM don't know this and instead start a 1v1 casting dots and die.

2. DPS Shammy - As above, AP drain on CD, outlive initial burst of enemy and you don't even need to kite. Best 1v1 spec is to take Do Sumfin Useful in Mork and You Got Nuthin in Green which a lot of people don't realise. Beats all Order class besides AM (can beat AM if AM plays too offensively without cleansing on CD).

3. Regen WE - 600 abs tactic, kiss heal tactic, full Regeneration from renown points, then hp/sec gear. Can reach 420hp regen which with the 600 abs tactic and toughness talis slotted makes you unkillable, use low point Ruthless Assault to consume your Witchbrew stacks for burst. Don't be seduced into needing to hit 1050 str softcap, power here is in Witchbrew being Corp dmg so you can slot those tough/armour talis.

4. Def magus - 700 toughness, 950 int, 10k hp with Aegis up and 2.7k armour. Need to understand your cc immunities, if you use stagger you can't use disarm, if you use rift you can't use knockback. Once you know which cc combo to use for each class/situation they can do awesome things. Like any solo class, you need pots, 3.6k rejuv, 1.8k officer + 2.4k Aegis heal and 1h staff heal is 8.8k+ self healing on top of your 700 toughness, very powerful. Beats everything 1v1 other than DPS AM and imo is the most fun due to cc options.

5. Def IB - Outlast most classes, loses to dps shammy (eventually) and a well played spirit Chosen, but can usually just choose to leave the fight. Good self healing and ok ish dmg for a 2h tank. Silky smooth if you setup Nerf Buttons properly.

6. Spirit Chosen - Spirit dmg so you no need for weapon skill allowing you to focus more on def. Destroys any melee, but like most 2h setups, you get kited.

7. Parry WH - The best melee stomper imo and can take on 2h solo tanks once you have the bonus points from Sov set to pick up both Blessed Blades and BAL.

8. DPS DoK - Bloodlord gear, heals a lot and does great dps. Dies to AM / def IB / Parry WH, but great pug stomper.

Ignore the echo chamber effect you see from the people screaming WL OP, WL don't make my top 10. In my experience players are blissfully unaware of the above meta picks. Your typical inexperienced solo roamer is usually trying to roam in a Zarbix style fully soft capped glass cannon setup which is complete dogshit against any proper 1v1 player. If you want to go full dps gear/renown then grab a healer, if you want to 1v1 then you need to be much more nuanced in your approach.
Somewhat of a noob here, for the regen WE, you would go with mostly offensive gear, but slot thoughness on all the talis slots? or do you have any aproximate numbers you like to hit on each stat to be considered strong/sufficient? like X thoughness, X armor, etc? thanks

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Re: Best solo class

Post#18 » Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:20 pm

Kabuchop / Kabusquig / Kabuterimon / Tentomon

Posts: 336

Re: Best solo class

Post#19 » Wed Jun 03, 2020 12:23 am

DPS AM reigns supreme 1v1, good burst (on a long cd and only at start of fight), 100% uptime healdebuff, self healing, busted M1 3600 absorb bubble...

Then id say the next 3 would be Magus, Engineer and WL. All these classes are durable, have very good burst and 1v1 potential. The reason they are below AM is simply because they dont have a healdebuff, that really puts a damper on some ecounters. And speaking of thats why DPS Shaman is imo 5th and the last class ill talk about. They have a healdebuff but its on a 33%? uptime and the GCD you use to pop it does no dmg or very little. They lack one of the power dots AM has, and dont have the OP m1 etc... Being the best kiter in the game means absolutely **** all tbh.

Now all 5 of these classes with the exception of 1 are TRASH T R A S H, in any organized setting like city. WL is the only class here that is meta in city and 6v6 to boot. And this is honestly really sad, because DPS AM/Sh and Magus/Engineer will probably never get any kind of buffs because they are so terrifying 1v1. "WhAt YoU meAn You'Re BUFfinG EngINeeR OnE kIlLeD mE iN 2 SecOndS FroM kEEp WaLl YestErDAy!!!"

And to clarify this is about solo just as much as 1v1, Tanks and MDPS besides WL just can't deal with 1vX encounters as well. WH/WE you would think would be on this list but tbh those """Stealth""" classes act more like suicide bombers in most 1vX situations than some of the disgusting stuff you can pull off on the 5 above.

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Re: Best solo class

Post#20 » Wed Jun 03, 2020 12:47 am

People talking about BURST for solo roam class don't know what they are talking about...

99% of the time you won't find your 1v1 to burst someone down, you end up being CCd halfway through your combo and die in 2 seconds on those chars. 99% of the time you find 2+ people so you should build a spec that is not just 1v1 "oh look at me i press 1 button on my full vanq WL and kill this guy lololol" glass trash.

You need to consider actually surviving 1vX situation and winning it. Seeing those "solo ganker" WE's running around in full conq thinking they are on the right path makes me sad to look at them.

Nat3s summed it up pretty good. He didn't add Engi though, which can work wonders for kiting and killing in 1vX situations if built correctly and playing grenadier, but has a very high skillcap though.
Nonoffensive - WE
Faceburn - BW
+ tons of misc alts

~ First rr100 WE on live.
~ First WE with 1+ million RvR kills on live.

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