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I remember the PvP being really fun... now I'm just getting frustrated with it.

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Re: I remember the PvP being really fun... now I'm just getting frustrated with it.

Post#11 » Tue Jul 14, 2020 5:46 pm

I wouldn’t say T1 is a good representation of the PvP in the game.

The zerg mentality is in every tier, but there’s also a lot of small groups and people roaming in T4.

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Re: I remember the PvP being really fun... now I'm just getting frustrated with it.

Post#12 » Tue Jul 14, 2020 5:58 pm

Grimfang wrote: Tue Jul 14, 2020 4:11 pm The rvr lakes are very small with only 4 bos. Compared to other mmos it really shows its age. Theres no where to go but to zerg.
And with the current orvr mechanics for zonelocks, the BOs are not really valuable to fight over. Most zones see action & fights over 2/4 of the BOs. And most zones have atleast one BO that never sees any pvp action.

orvr can be amazing, but when battleobjectives are not in play roaming ends up being near the central points between the two warcamps. And in barren maps, or maps with narrow passages the action will then naturall be a warcamp back n forth involving several warbands, instead of having the action spread out, warbands roaming from BO to BO and region chat being informative about who is where, and if any location needs help.

As long as this system is dull, the T4 chat will remain a whine or congratulation channel. Region chat will be used for talking about class balance and orvr will never feel great as it did on Live, when zonecontrol, victorypoints and kills mattered.
Bombling 92BW
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Re: I remember the PvP being really fun... now I'm just getting frustrated with it.

Post#13 » Tue Jul 14, 2020 6:22 pm

Paragot wrote: Tue Jul 14, 2020 1:06 am What's worse is I finally got myself into 1v1 fight, and I was up against a Squigherder. What absolute cretin thought it was good a idea to allow them to have a ranged slow, with no minimum range, seemingly no CD (it was always up on me), and the ability to run faster than my Knight who has no gap closer OR stun of any kind. They were easily able to kite me and I hate no chance to retaliate. Absolutely unfair in my opinion. I had literally no chance to do anything against that class. And I fought against them multiple times, and a couple of those times I had the surprise advantage.
1. Go snb.
2. Get decent ap regen, ap aura helps.
3. Chase the sh while channeling htl, so he can't land crap on you.
4. Heaven's Fury->melee snare->Juggernaut to break the snare from his self punt->profit.
Pesteavino wrote: Tue Jul 14, 2020 8:13 am They nerfed crit a lot so now healing is overpowered and you need a zerg to outheal a party /WB, in the old days a good party roam group was able to kill a mediocre WB, now its imposible.

Especially BW and Sorc have been nerfed to 25% max crit chance that makes tanks useless targets, and healers imposible to kill if detaunting
And just where did you hear that?
"Can we play with him, master? He seems so unhappy. Let us help him smile. Please? Or at least let us carve one on his face when he stops screaming."

— Azeila, Alluress of Slaanesh

Posts: 676

Re: I remember the PvP being really fun... now I'm just getting frustrated with it.

Post#14 » Tue Jul 14, 2020 6:58 pm

"in the old days a good party roam group was able to kill a mediocre WB, now its imposible."
This just shows how much of a zergling stuck in whatever "muh live" past you are. Just watch any of the Phalanx videos, or better yet, join something that isn't your usual open box carrier wb and try to be useful.
My wbs definitely are not good as the already mentioned Phalanx, or TUP or the numerous (actually good and not tryhard shitters) 6man roaming groups, but we still manage to break groups that at least have double our numbers with ease if our positioning is good.

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Re: I remember the PvP being really fun... now I'm just getting frustrated with it.

Post#15 » Tue Jul 14, 2020 7:58 pm

wonshot wrote: Tue Jul 14, 2020 5:58 pm
Grimfang wrote: Tue Jul 14, 2020 4:11 pm The rvr lakes are very small with only 4 bos. Compared to other mmos it really shows its age. Theres no where to go but to zerg.
And with the current orvr mechanics for zonelocks, the BOs are not really valuable to fight over. Most zones see action & fights over 2/4 of the BOs. And most zones have atleast one BO that never sees any pvp action.

orvr can be amazing, but when battleobjectives are not in play roaming ends up being near the central points between the two warcamps. And in barren maps, or maps with narrow passages the action will then naturall be a warcamp back n forth involving several warbands, instead of having the action spread out, warbands roaming from BO to BO and region chat being informative about who is where, and if any location needs help.

As long as this system is dull, the T4 chat will remain a whine or congratulation channel. Region chat will be used for talking about class balance and orvr will never feel great as it did on Live, when zonecontrol, victorypoints and kills mattered.
The issue is not only that some bo's are not needed, but that in principle there is no adequate scenario for RvR (the whole rvr comes down to the usual capture of the castle, which provokes zergling, funneling and tunneling, or stupid running around the zone without any visible purpose, or pumping the keep to 5 stars, which is a rather tedious task).
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Re: I remember the PvP being really fun... now I'm just getting frustrated with it.

Post#16 » Tue Jul 14, 2020 8:17 pm

Your experience isn't based on class balance or rvr balance, you most likely forget too much and need to learn a lot.
Don't run around solo on a tank, search for people to form a group.
When you fight 10vs1, which is probably exaggerated, then you made a lot mistakes.
Dying is no option.

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Re: I remember the PvP being really fun... now I'm just getting frustrated with it.

Post#17 » Tue Jul 14, 2020 10:53 pm

Best time was before fort, only running from Zone to zone fighting all days long and getting the gear that way. :3

Posts: 4

Re: I remember the PvP being really fun... now I'm just getting frustrated with it.

Post#18 » Tue Jul 14, 2020 11:43 pm

Others have covered a lot of the stuff you mentioned, I just wanted to point out one thing.

You can clear the stacking wounds debuff you mention by talking to the "healer" npc which you spawn immediately in front of after every death. This costs a very small fee that scales with level, so you really should never actually be in combat with that debuff on.

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Re: I remember the PvP being really fun... now I'm just getting frustrated with it.

Post#19 » Wed Jul 15, 2020 12:50 am

Pesteavino wrote: Tue Jul 14, 2020 8:13 am They nerfed crit a lot so now healing is overpowered and you need a zerg to outheal a party /WB, in the old days a good party roam group was able to kill a mediocre WB, now its imposible.

Especially BW and Sorc have been nerfed to 25% max crit chance that makes tanks useless targets, and healers imposible to kill if detaunting
When did BW and Sorc crit get nerfed?
Voldro BG-85
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Posts: 321

Re: I remember the PvP being really fun... now I'm just getting frustrated with it.

Post#20 » Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:51 am

If you are already annoyed in T1 you should really question yourself if you want to continue playing. T1 is the one i found the most fun. After that, the balance issues will get more and more obvious.
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