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Make heavy blow hit 3 targets

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Re: Make heavy blow hit 3 targets

Post#11 » Tue Jul 21, 2020 7:32 pm

Ramlaen wrote: Tue Jul 21, 2020 7:09 pm I mean I don't think you would get much resistance from IB if GBF was made to hit all enemies X feet in front of the IB.
They will be happy with this change.

I would be happy with BaL/Inq.Fury/Repel/Vindication on my WE, with FBB/Burn Through/ range knock on my sorc, with Vigilance on my chosen, wounds buff on dok, rampage etc. everybody has something to ask for.

But we have Kotbs, and this guy already has all the offensive tools he used to share with Malice BG, enjoy cross-mirroring, all the classed should be unique, arent they?
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Re: Make heavy blow hit 3 targets

Post#12 » Tue Jul 21, 2020 7:43 pm

Atropik wrote: Tue Jul 21, 2020 7:32 pm
Ramlaen wrote: Tue Jul 21, 2020 7:09 pm I mean I don't think you would get much resistance from IB if GBF was made to hit all enemies X feet in front of the IB.
They will be happy with this change.

I would be happy with BaL/Inq.Fury/Repel/Vindication on my WE, with FBB/Burn Through/ range knock on my sorc, with Vigilance on my chosen, wounds buff on dok, rampage etc. everybody has something to ask for.

But we have Kotbs, and this guy already has all the offensive tools he used to share with Malice BG, enjoy cross-mirroring, all the classed should be unique, arent they?
Setting aside you goofed about GBF and my response was about that, this would fit the pattern of mirroring Order abilities to Destro but not Destro abilities to Order.
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Re: Make heavy blow hit 3 targets

Post#13 » Tue Jul 21, 2020 8:00 pm

lol dmg will not help IB to get better spot to warband, tanks need to have good support buffs / debuffs

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Re: Make heavy blow hit 3 targets

Post#14 » Tue Jul 21, 2020 10:07 pm

Foltestik wrote: Tue Jul 21, 2020 8:00 pm lol dmg will not help IB to get better spot to warband, tanks need to have good support buffs / debuffs
Yea BG's can already do this and they still are only wanted as 1 ofs in Cities usually.

Which is also a good argument for giving it to IBs cause, who cares? But also it's a good argument for not giving it to IBs because again, who cares?

Is there a large community of IBs here who want to spam aoe damage that eats up all their grudge?

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Re: Make heavy blow hit 3 targets

Post#15 » Tue Jul 21, 2020 10:24 pm

BG WOS Snare is better than the IB's because it's a huge radius forward cone. With mediocre aiming you will get a lot more people most of the time.

But ES does do some nice damage at high grudge.

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Re: Make heavy blow hit 3 targets

Post#16 » Tue Jul 21, 2020 10:37 pm

Foofmonger wrote: Tue Jul 21, 2020 10:07 pm
Foltestik wrote: Tue Jul 21, 2020 8:00 pm lol dmg will not help IB to get better spot to warband, tanks need to have good support buffs / debuffs
Yea BG's can already do this and they still are only wanted as 1 ofs in Cities usually.

Which is also a good argument for giving it to IBs cause, who cares? But also it's a good argument for not giving it to IBs because again, who cares?

Is there a large community of IBs here who want to spam aoe damage that eats up all their grudge?
IB wouldn't say no to being given a spammable AoE, but it is not something they need or something that would get them spots in city warbands.
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Re: Make heavy blow hit 3 targets

Post#17 » Tue Jul 21, 2020 10:49 pm

This game is balanced around warband play... of course IB NEEDS more aoe... his single target is **** and he doesn’t bring much else to WB.

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Re: Make heavy blow hit 3 targets

Post#18 » Tue Jul 21, 2020 11:08 pm

Crazy its almost like a tanks main focus should be on something different than doing AOE damage?

On a different note I could see Rune Etched Axe with like a 7 second CD so when paired with an SM it has a 2second CD. Chosens have rending blade @ 5 second CD but this attack doesn't go through all armor, but it is undefendable. So again some balance things to try out.

I think IB's would/should be happy with 7second CD on rune etched axe (100% armor pen aoe) And maybe a damage value increase.

You don't need a spamable aoe. No BG gets a spot in a warband/city/6+ people group because they can spam monstro rending. They get a spot because they can apply a crit debuff, aoe slow, and wounds debuff, In that order. They can also stack enough parry to not be an issue holding a 2 hand weapon. Armor debuff is pretty nice too but this is mirrored by IB.

any "my ib doesn't get a spot because he can't spam aoe" comment is a stupid thing to say and proves how little you know about the tanking role. I'm not saying you shouldn't get spammable aoe but to hide it behind false statements like is just stupid.

You're a tank. You have guard, punts, knock downs, and aoe slows/cc. Any tank should be welcomed as long as they don't slot focus offense lol. Guard is one of the most defining things in this game and no matter what tank you play you will always have a spot in all content because of it. Just because you aren't keeping up with other tanks on the SC board or city board doesn't mean you aren't useful.

If you sent out your aoe slow, applied all your buffs/debuffs to the main assist target, used KD when the immunity isn't used, created opportunities by singling out high prio targets and notifying your MA. You are doing your job correct and I don't see anything that having a spam aoe will help with other than damage numbers and 1/10 deathblows that you steal from the dps classes.

If you're truly upset about damage numbers at the end of a city you should probably go make a slayer and watch as you have 300k dps when other dps classes are just around the 100k dps.

But again my beef isn't with you IB's wanting a spammable AOE, its the reasoning, and to see such blatant bullshit is annoying. Which is why I proposed changes to your 10second aoe to put it down to 7 seconds. You could probably argue that it needs to be 5seconds, or maybe if you slot a tactic it goes to 5 seconds instead of 10, who knows. Just don't lie and say IB's viability is because they can't spam aoe because I don't think I've read stupider ****.
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Re: Make heavy blow hit 3 targets

Post#19 » Tue Jul 21, 2020 11:24 pm

Axe Slam is one of the best M4 AOE's in the game. 2400 damage in a 65' line is significant.
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Re: Make heavy blow hit 3 targets

Post#20 » Wed Jul 22, 2020 1:09 am

While I'd be okay with having something like monstrous rending, ultimately it really wouldn't change anything and is not needed. My reaction would be very similar to the M1 changes (rock clutch) from a few weeks ago. Yeah it is cool and a little more useful, but it doesn't fix the root cause. IBs suffer from a couple of problems (BGs can relate in some aspects), they are in no specific order:

1. IBs in their current state require more skill to play effectively than any other tank in the game while providing less utility
2. Knights are very very strong (as are Chosen).
3. All of our buffs/debuffs are single target. I think it goes without saying that aoe is king in RvR and city (endgame content).
4. IBs single target buffs/debuffs are weak, and many of them overlap with other classes who have better versions. IBs have a lot of tools (many of which are very situational) but they don't excel at anything.
5. IBs are pretty shitty rdps guards.

Overview of IB buffs/debuffs:

The best IBs have:
- Oathbound: (25% parry + init) is the best IB has to offer when it comes to buffs. It has a short duration, you aren't going to have it up on more than two others at a time and needs to be re-applied often.
- Ancestor's Fury: (10% crit buff + str) is most useful for mdps but can be used on rdps and healers. Str buff unfortunately overlaps with inspiring attack and suffers the same duration problems as Oathbound.

The good:
- Stonebreaker: (armor debuff) not as strong as WL/Marauder debuff, but is on a shorter cooldown and has a longer duration.
- Punishing Knock: (50% OHD) stronger reduction than Knight's 25% OHD aura, and longer duration than WH's aoe 50% OHD. BGs is quite a bit better as it is spammable and tied to a stackable willpower debuff
- Inspiring Attack: (str + wp buff) is a free strength buff and a willpower buff based on grudges (same as BGs Brutal Smash). Willpower is useful in the rare event you run self heal, or if you happen to have time and are in range to throw oathfriend on healer (goes back to the difficulty of playing IB).

The meh:
- Runic Shield: (magic bubble) is a bit stronger than Protection of the Hoeth (group bubble), but is single target.
- Vengeful Strike: (toughness buff) which is nearly the same as BGs Feeding on Weakness, however the BG ability provides additional benefits to their dark protector. Knight's toughness aura (Stand Strong!) has the same base stat improvement as Vengeful Strike (which is single target), is passive, and double the range lol. If a Knight runs this aura it will always be better
- Watch An' Learn: (self WS buff + AP buff for oathfriend) The WS buff is okay as all IB damage is physical and requires a significant investment in WS to do decent damage. WaL is probably the best burst AP buff in the game, but is on a long cooldown and is situational. Given proper group comp (Knight with To Glory! and WP/RP AP buff) + AP pots, its usefulness takes a hit.
- Told Ya So! (tactic): (group AP buff) Gives group members 25AP and procs off critical hit up to once every 3 seconds. More suitable for a 2h build as the higher the crit the better, however, it is probably better to have a WP or RP run their AP buff.
- Oath of Vengeance (tactic): (ally toughness buff) Effects of Vengeful Strike apply to all allies within 20 feet of your oathfriend. I think if the range was a little greater on this it could qualify for the good tier, but like with many IB abilities it is tough to use for a couple of reasons. You need to be within 50ft of your oathfriend (given), you need to hit something, and your oathfriend needs to be within 20ft of a cluster of players (otherwise it requires switching oathfriend to someone else before applying buff).

The bad:
- Guarded Attack: (armor buff) is generally a waste of a GCD as armor pots will provide roughly the same armor increase. Armor pots did not exist on live.
- Stubborn as Stone: (corp buff + AA haste) is more of a self buff as only the corp buff is shared with oathfriend (also same baseline as Knights resists aura). It can be paired well with Watch An' Learn (AP buff) but it is situational as it requires getting hit by magic damage.
- Kneecapper: (20% crit hit reduction debuff) is the same as BG's Crush the Weak. People on the forums often rave about this debuff being OP, until they realize that it is not a flat critical hit rate reduction. It is multiplicative and if not for it being used to hide better debuffs it would be a waste of a GCD.

The so bad, why does it even exist:
- Avenging the Debt: You have to somehow manage to get the killing blow with this skill as a TANK in order to heal yourself and your oathfriend for next to nothing lol.

My personal opinion is that IBs will continue to occupy the bottom of the tank totem pole until they are given group utility in the form of an aoe buff, debuff, or cc that can't be brought by another class. They are the only tank in the game that does not have a single aoe buff/debuff ability. Every other tank has multiple aoe buffs and/or debuffs that come as default or can be specced into. Couple that with the fact that IBs/BGs middle tree is a remnant from a game that required pve as part of its endgame, it is not surprising that the BG and IB sit at the 5th and 6th spots respectively on the tank totem pole.
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