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Patchnotes- Rejoice fellow IB, we got..something

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Re: Patchnotes- Rejoice fellow IB, we got..something

Post#11 » Fri Aug 07, 2020 5:39 pm

The changes were very cautious but, hey, at least it's a tiny step in the right direction...

Posts: 64

Re: Patchnotes- Rejoice fellow IB, we got..something

Post#12 » Fri Aug 07, 2020 5:44 pm

Well it may not be ALL that we want, but considering these changes are some nice buffs giving us more TEAM utility they do make us more useful in the "endgame" scenario - City if we consider 24/24 and even 12+/12+.
What I enjoy about these changes the most is that they didn't make giant leaps, even though I would love to get my aoe kd sooner than later, the community seems to accept it positively on both order and destro from my research in the last 48 hours.
Being a main IB for 3.5 years now, and now having an ap pump for THE WHOLE GROUP makes me appreciative of the devs regard for SOME of the IB communities considerations/suggestions which primarily revolve around us not being very viable 12+ people. This definitely indicates the devs are listening and although not all of our IB brothers are satisfied, I am glad its moving in the right direction. Thank you!!!

Posts: 83

Re: Patchnotes- Rejoice fellow IB, we got..something

Post#13 » Fri Aug 07, 2020 8:21 pm

wargrimnir wrote: Fri Aug 07, 2020 5:16 pm
kmark101 wrote: Fri Aug 07, 2020 5:09 pm Rejoice for what? That the class finally got touched with the less-risk, no-difference noobish suggestions? Instead of plenty of great suggestion like Zakgrin's thread etc.. zero of those ideas were even considered?

Pretty crap changes overall, core issues were not touched at all: armor meta, weaponskill value, AoE viability, short tiny single target buffs vs. powerful knight auras etc.. instead you can turtle now even more, while noone been hitting you ever anyway cause you don't make any difference.
The changes were pulled directly from the community and I don't think we modified them at all aside from making them slightly stronger than was suggested. Not everyone can have their wishlist fulfilled simultaneously. mememememe
Never saw these changes proposed on the forum. So the question for me is: where do we make these proposals? And what are the requirements to get the proposals implemented? There was a long thread (several iirc) about improving IB warband viability where a lot of stuff was proposed (lots of bad suggestions imo but still they were suggestions) and none of them were choosen but some stuff proposed by a single (maybe a few but according to rydiac mostly a single) community member (same procedure with the grace wp changes btw) in a way where most of the community is excluded. Feels like there is an inner circle of players who get heard in terms of balance changes and the rest can propose whatever they want because nobody in the team cares about their proposals.

Posts: 34

Re: Patchnotes- Rejoice fellow IB, we got..something

Post#14 » Fri Aug 07, 2020 9:00 pm

I’m not part of the group that made the proposal, but I know it was submitted as a concise list of suggestions with pros and cons for each change. The text is of the changes is almost word for word what was submitted. As wargrimnir said one of the changes that made it in is actually better than what was requested.

Zakrins thread (while wonderful) never made it to the actual Proposals board on this forum. Please correct me if I’m wrong I don’t see it there.

The devs aren’t going to sniff out all the changes people suggest. It’s a pretty small team. If you want something done you should make it easy for them.

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Re: Patchnotes- Rejoice fellow IB, we got..something

Post#15 » Fri Aug 07, 2020 10:47 pm

Ostabenny wrote: Fri Aug 07, 2020 9:00 pm I’m not part of the group that made the proposal, but I know it was submitted as a concise list of suggestions with pros and cons for each change. The text is of the changes is almost word for word what was submitted. As wargrimnir said one of the changes that made it in is actually better than what was requested.

Zakrins thread (while wonderful) never made it to the actual Proposals board on this forum. Please correct me if I’m wrong I don’t see it there.

The devs aren’t going to sniff out all the changes people suggest. It’s a pretty small team. If you want something done you should make it easy for them.
You are correct! My thread never made it. Haven't had the time unfortunately :D There were loads of suggestions in that thread and takes a while to consolidate everything into something that seems like a reasonable proposal. Will get around to it eventually haha
Zakgrin - rr8x Ironbreaker
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Re: Patchnotes- Rejoice fellow IB, we got..something

Post#16 » Sat Aug 08, 2020 12:05 am

How exactly does Avenging the Debt work now?

Is this basically a second snare/root break for the IB that flows over to the oath friend? If so that is a nice little buff. Does it prevent further snares for 10 seconds or?

This has me very curious for SC play.

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Re: Patchnotes- Rejoice fellow IB, we got..something

Post#17 » Sat Aug 08, 2020 12:31 am

Duukar wrote: Sat Aug 08, 2020 12:05 am How exactly does Avenging the Debt work now?

Is this basically a second snare/root break for the IB that flows over to the oath friend? If so that is a nice little buff. Does it prevent further snares for 10 seconds or?

This has me very curious for SC play.
It will clear roots and snares on both ironbreaker and oath friend, and for each one that it clears it will heal for up to 200 health. It doesn't grant any immunity though, it is like juggernaut in that sense.
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Re: Patchnotes- Rejoice fellow IB, we got..something

Post#18 » Sat Aug 08, 2020 8:01 am

Ostabenny wrote: Fri Aug 07, 2020 9:00 pm I’m not part of the group that made the proposal, but I know it was submitted as a concise list of suggestions with pros and cons for each change. The text is of the changes is almost word for word what was submitted. As wargrimnir said one of the changes that made it in is actually better than what was requested.

Zakrins thread (while wonderful) never made it to the actual Proposals board on this forum. Please correct me if I’m wrong I don’t see it there.

The devs aren’t going to sniff out all the changes people suggest. It’s a pretty small team. If you want something done you should make it easy for them.
Where was that proposal submitted? And why did it not go the way over the forum, where people could have given feedback on it? Because it seems like now, if you want to propose some changes, don't do it on the forum where everybody can see it (unless enough people complain about stuff to get nerfed :roll:) instead use some more direct way...

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Re: Patchnotes- Rejoice fellow IB, we got..something

Post#19 » Sat Aug 08, 2020 10:49 am

I am a bit sad about Avenging the Debt changes because it had quite unique and badass VFX on attack.

Wish we could get that back somehow.
Maybe at least put it on Stone Breaker, since it uses the same weapon animation? :)
Orkni 85+ (in-game Grock is not me...)

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Re: Patchnotes- Rejoice fellow IB, we got..something

Post#20 » Sat Aug 08, 2020 11:54 am

Don't get overhyped on this slight changes.
They won't push IBs into wb meta over SM and KotbS.
And those changes have almost zero impact on 6man play.
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