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Warrior Priest weapons after the lvl 51 Book and Hammer "of Glory" seem underwhelming

Knight of the Blazing Sun, Bright Wizard, Witch Hunter, Warrior Priest
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Re: Warrior Priest weapons after the lvl 51 Book and Hammer "of Glory" seem underwhelming

Post#11 » Tue Dec 20, 2022 1:00 pm

Subjugator 1H hammer is IMO the best you can get ; "small" healing proc x4 ticks of Martyr's Blessing on 24 players is huge (you proc on like 5-6 players at once for each MB), and stats are very good nonethelss.

Everything else is either with shitty procs or useless stats (disrupt, morale, etc.)

They nerfed the Tome of Repose (Influence reward from T4 iirc) wich was like 32 woundw/touchness and 110 on 2 magic resistances ; you slotted a +85 corporeal resistance and you got the best defensive T4 book of the game.
They made it like +2% disrupt (wich is by no mean equal to +220 magic resistance), wich is now uber bad.
You can still try to use the "blue" version of this one, wich still got +80 all magic resistances, but you still miss the +2% heal crit. Still, it's your best bet to get strong magic resistances outside of Winds jewelry.

Items of glory/rememberance are good if you seek for extra %crit, but stilla bit meh to me.

Other procs (sentinel, fortress) are bad for healer spec, and you already have to share one third of your stuff to shield spec... :/

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Re: Warrior Priest weapons after the lvl 51 Book and Hammer "of Glory" seem underwhelming

Post#12 » Tue Dec 20, 2022 1:54 pm

Fortress hammer and glory book are BiS. 3 morale gain is pointless after the first firing. As you'll regrn it by the next round of availablity. What you look for is what gives you the most stats for either healing or survival. The hammer proc in a WB is a guaranteed 4 extra hots. It's worth way more than 160 willpower so pick it up. The glory book has more stats. The glory hammer is crap, nobody cares about an extra 3 morale a second. And yes, healing doesn't scale well with willpower. However, 9 willpower is the equivalent of 1% crit heal. And considering you've only got 3 main stats you want to invest in (wounds to 10k, toughness and willpower) you might as well take whatever willpower you can get whilst acquiring other stats.
Last edited by Scottx125 on Tue Dec 20, 2022 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Warrior Priest weapons after the lvl 51 Book and Hammer "of Glory" seem underwhelming

Post#13 » Tue Dec 20, 2022 2:07 pm

Fenris78 wrote: Tue Dec 20, 2022 1:00 pm Subjugator 1H hammer is IMO the best you can get ; "small" healing proc x4 ticks of Martyr's Blessing on 24 players is huge (you proc on like 5-6 players at once for each MB), and stats are very good nonethelss.

Everything else is either with shitty procs or useless stats (disrupt, morale, etc.)

They nerfed the Tome of Repose (Influence reward from T4 iirc) wich was like 32 woundw/touchness and 110 on 2 magic resistances ; you slotted a +85 corporeal resistance and you got the best defensive T4 book of the game.
They made it like +2% disrupt (wich is by no mean equal to +220 magic resistance), wich is now uber bad.
You can still try to use the "blue" version of this one, wich still got +80 all magic resistances, but you still miss the +2% heal crit. Still, it's your best bet to get strong magic resistances outside of Winds jewelry.

Items of glory/rememberance are good if you seek for extra %crit, but stilla bit meh to me.

Other procs (sentinel, fortress) are bad for healer spec, and you already have to share one third of your stuff to shield spec... :/
Man, Shield dok/wp just makes everything worse in this game. Anyway Tome of Repose used to have 700 Armour proc on it as well which stacked with Armour pot. And those stacked with third armour proc OR Rp/Ze Regen Shield/Warp The Spirit that gave about 1600 armour on itself. So with Pot+Proc its over 3k Armour. I miss these High Amounts of procs and stacking rules. Imo this game Needs Things like Original Runefang 720 stats, core skill lvl 15 or so.

Or 3K armour for 6 seconds (Armour buff procs from gear were always 6 seconds if i remember correctly) In RoR Armour pot dont stack with RP/ZE Tactic because it's deemed too powerful. I disagree, since Tactics are very limited,Unique & Should be very powerful. I think Same way about Set bonuses/Gear that have some kind of proc. For Example 2x procs that gives 9% Crit and 18% Critical Dmg stacked with 10% Crit and 20% Critical dmg to 19% Crit/38% Critical dmg.

And that 9% Crit/18% Critical dmg was on 1h wpn. Slayer and Choppa had R38RR38 Inf 1H wpn that had 9%Crit/12% Critical dmg proc. In RoR None of the Inf rewards offer anything with procs, and the procs in RoR Compared to Aor (Not Counting Lotd or rr 90-100) are basically 300 dmg proc. 450 dot dmg proc. 7%Chance on getting hit increase Run speed. These kind of are the Options on procs in RoR. Ofc there are more but those are almost it.

Why would i want on healing gear (really none of the senti wpns have 2x good procs on shaman when talking about healing. I would love on Avoidance getting 10 parry disrupt dodge AND Pilfer proc on same staff(BW's get these 2x on same wpn with amazing stats. Sorc Has 450 dmg 9 sec dot instead of 10 % all avoidances on same wpn : D GIVE US INSANE AMOUNT OF PROCS! Then those that are too strong, remove them. Much better to try and go overboard than srlsy go so much underboard that there really is no 2 procs in same Senti 2H's for heal shammy that makes sense. And this goes for so many other classes and 1H's.
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