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Patch Notes 01/01/2021

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Re: Patch Notes 01/01/2021

Post#101 » Mon Jan 04, 2021 1:24 am

MedV wrote: Sun Jan 03, 2021 12:07 pm As someone who does organized cities I love this change. If I’m going to spend an hour preparing a wb with the right classes, a MA, game plan etc, I want to compete against another group. If I wana go against pugs with my premade I would just stick to orvr.

People complaining just want to make semi organized and stomp randoms. Real competitors will love the new que.

Why are people saying this caters to solo? IMO it caters to the hardcore players who want to truly compete!
because they really don't want competitive fights. Those that are complaining are the same ones building twink premades in Mid Tier scenarios.
-= Agony =-

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Re: Patch Notes 01/01/2021

Post#102 » Mon Jan 04, 2021 1:29 am

Wam wrote: Sat Jan 02, 2021 5:20 am

My 2 Cents
You know you are opening pandora's box with this change in design right? It really sends out a negative message to those who care about teaming with other players in a massive multiplayer online game...

There was already issues with que and now you are just causing extra problems. The lack of transparecy being a massive issue, the other night my alliance warband had played 8 hours... we instant qued with 24... and i know 18 man's who qued after us got a pop before us, where i am from que's work a different way not a RNG lottery. So having a number in SOR so you know your chances for "pop" would be a nice addition if possible (would also help with some people who afk and also reduce rage if people miss out if they know there chances of pop are low to begin with) we had a pop 5 minutes from the end... because a enemy order warband as per usual try to que dodge destro premades and get easy pug opposition at the end (there is a long history of this besides one or two groups that i know of on order side))

I worry for the future of organised in large scale and rvr with changes like this because... you are pandering to solo players and saying they contribute more than warbands. But not just this, you are reinventing the wheel for a small amount of solo DPS players from order side... and in doing so you are encouraging order to neglect healers and tanks and encouraging the archtype population imbalance... these players who have no interest in teaming can already gear up from losing and zerging in orvr, now they will be taking spots from premades who do the heavy lifting in crushing enemy faction zergs and taking well defended forts. Destro premades will be dumbing themselves down and having to break up and solo que to trample over and get priority before other destro premades to get a "pop" as order given the history of taking path of least resistance always will que manipulate even more and improve their chances with solo que lottery for the most part.

If FMJ, or ourselves pushed hard on destro many days in a row we got to a city and we get no pop... because people just solo que and order que avoid (as per usual) that will kill their motivation to push and shows you treat us lowly, that organised groups are beneath solo DPS healers in your eyes, who don't even get champion status in stage 3. That will eventually end up with people being disinterested and leaving because its a sour taste, the signal i see is screw premades, especially destro premades.

The current population in cities usually favours destro around 55/60 - 45-40 % so people are already missing out, despite instant queing as 24 man warband like you said in the past. There is generally more destro premades, but now you are trying to break this and dumb down the content even more and make it pure RNG pug teaming with little organisation, you have already dumbed it down with the removal of morale bombs. What you use in "ranked SC" does not work on a larger scale... you will end up with so much more drama, by teaming people of bad mentality or afkness with those on the other end of the spectrum, forcing people to team with those they despise.

I don't care if we fight LOB/NGE, or if we fight solo quers... it was pure RNG matchmaking you beat whats infront of you, if we fight the same people all the time it will become very repeitive and boring, and if we are GETTING THE SAME REWARDS FOR EXTRA WORK... then why simply bother? how is it fair? if you spend time gathering people and actually have to use assist and co-ordination... how is it fair you get the same or worse rewards than some solo streamer who afks most the instance in easier instance? People should aim to improve and get better in end game.

What is the vision for cities? its end game content... to me its like a dungeon, people keep on bringing alts (all the big boy fights on mains are long well gone) ... if you want cities to be competitive then can you not simply make the rewards global account based so you can play "mains" then send it to the character you wish to work on...

what is the definition of premade? because everyone's definiation is going to vary... feels like you making something more messy than it needs to be.

If with this new re design of content for a small portion of the player base... can I ask for the same treatment for the rest of the content, so that dungeons and chapter 22 can be completable whilst i am solo or without healers and tanks atleast? (healers do not really need gear from pve and thus hard to come by) this is exact same thing and logic which is being applied here... that groups of players who actually care about teaming with another are being placed LAST. Its simple if you do the maths and know order premades behaviour to dodge.

There is more premades on destro, you already instant que with 24 and not guranteed a pop... 18 mans get in before 24 man's... even though you mentioned 24 is suppose to be priority... now 24 man destro groups are kicked to the back of the que and will have to wait 30 minutes for a doubtful pop.

do you want cities to be competitive? if so can you increase the reward for "premades" and also make it account bound if you want people to play their main's and want it at higher level... because its basically pve / grinding alts to gear up... if it was competitive you will bring mains (but if you bring mains you dont gear up what is needed so its wasted) people play cities for gearing up... so why should solo'ers get the same reward and more priority for less effort? I need to know why they should get same reward for less effort (they take no risk and get maximum reward)... because you will kill organised groups and motivation to push any zones, and without that spearhead in orvr it will be even more of a circlejerk headless chicken zerg fest than it already is.

Currently there is 4-7 instances in NA time aprox

EU prime aprox around 15 instances

why do you feel the need to add more barriers to entry?

Destro pugs got with the program within the first two weeks... Order's simply refuse too and blame everything but themselves... now you pander to them again and they will still complain, especially about balance which they simply have zero clue about and talk with such major bias it is mind boggling.

I am passionate about this game and this server and supported for a long time, I try to raise my concerns in the best possible manner... this change just gives wrong signals in sense of direction and also for motivation.

Currently for organised forces its best to push to forts get some contribution abandon and let them fail and get medals via kills/bags from zone locks ... because city is far from guranteed no matter how much effort you put in. you could push for 12 hours, order que dodge... no pops for premades, then all the soloer's get in and not enough space for premades sorry... this is a ANTI TEAM and ANTI MMO change.

If you are so against people teaming just let me know now and i will move on and save my time and energy... if this is the direction you want us to go in and pander to solo leachers then by all means but if premades are just a after thought then thanks for everything i appreciate it, its been a blast.

PS. I've done hundreds of cities both sides, i think im on my 7th character by now... having to wait a mandatory extra 25 mins per each of these cities on a maybe and not definate city, seems like wasting our time for no reason compared to how things was.
Mostly i see this as a complaint about not getting a pop. And that is something i can agree with, it's a bummer. As much of a bummer as being a pug/solo that has 100% chance of going up agianst your 24 man premade. Both are valid complaints. I think you hit on one possible solution. making royals account&realm bound. Although not sure if they have that ability
-= Agony =-

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Re: Patch Notes 01/01/2021

Post#103 » Mon Jan 04, 2021 3:35 am

Akalukz wrote: Mon Jan 04, 2021 1:22 am
But why? Why change them? Wouldn't you rather have people completing the content over and over rather than just one and done? So many things are gated and locked from use throughout the life of your charcter. take Influence gear. Basically unusable by the time you get them, so you are forced to get the for appearance, yet you can't exchange them. Dye quests that are one and done, so you can't ever use those again for different set pieces to maintain a color scheme.

maybe dyes will be rare end contents.
maybe new farming method will be introduced.
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Re: Patch Notes 01/01/2021

Post#104 » Mon Jan 04, 2021 4:01 am

Ty you so much for the changes to city quene that was some of the most fun fights I had in RoR as a poor pug/solo.

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Re: Patch Notes 01/01/2021

Post#105 » Mon Jan 04, 2021 4:29 am

same finaly a good pug vs pug fight

Posts: 394

Re: Patch Notes 01/01/2021

Post#106 » Mon Jan 04, 2021 7:16 am

Akalukz wrote: Mon Jan 04, 2021 1:24 am
MedV wrote: Sun Jan 03, 2021 12:07 pm As someone who does organized cities I love this change. If I’m going to spend an hour preparing a wb with the right classes, a MA, game plan etc, I want to compete against another group. If I wana go against pugs with my premade I would just stick to orvr.

People complaining just want to make semi organized and stomp randoms. Real competitors will love the new que.

Why are people saying this caters to solo? IMO it caters to the hardcore players who want to truly compete!
because they really don't want competitive fights. Those that are complaining are the same ones building twink premades in Mid Tier scenarios.
Care to provide proof of this? Or is this just what you "feel is true"?

If you're trying to tell me a instance with a mix of pretty much all careers Vs. Full ranged DPS and 1 tank are competitive I beg to differ.
These will continue to happen and in the end we will not have solved anything.

Posts: 1295

Re: Patch Notes 01/01/2021

Post#107 » Mon Jan 04, 2021 7:34 am

MedV wrote: Sun Jan 03, 2021 12:07 pm Why are people saying this caters to solo? IMO it caters to the hardcore players who want to truly compete!
Caters Solo or hardcore => the whole field between that 2 extreme points are totally trashed with this patch.

There are a big diference of a guild wb, or spend +1h to make the "perfect setup" and try to fill a 24wb with a 2-2-2 setup to maximice your chance to get pop and to get a balance team => right now that 2 kind of wbs are in the same boat. So forming a pug 2-2-2 wb is not increasing your chances to win anymore...

I dont understand how making the game harder for organiced players is a good change, playing in organized grps/wbs is good for SCs and ORVR....but in end game content you get punished. Well OK.
Last edited by emiliorv on Mon Jan 04, 2021 7:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Patch Notes 01/01/2021

Post#108 » Mon Jan 04, 2021 7:39 am

MedV wrote: Sun Jan 03, 2021 12:07 pm Why are people saying this caters to solo? IMO it caters to the hardcore players who want to truly compete!
If they actually want to compete. A lot will say they do, but all they really want is to steamroll pugs.

Posts: 1295

Re: Patch Notes 01/01/2021

Post#109 » Mon Jan 04, 2021 8:06 am

Naelar wrote: Mon Jan 04, 2021 7:39 am
MedV wrote: Sun Jan 03, 2021 12:07 pm Why are people saying this caters to solo? IMO it caters to the hardcore players who want to truly compete!
If they actually want to compete. A lot will say they do, but all they really want is to steamroll pugs.
When i join a PUG wb what i expect:
-Get a pop: the best way to increase the % to get a pop WAS in a 24 wb (not anymore)
-Balance team: i dont want to spend a whole city with 2 tanks or with 3 healers....
-Chance to win: having a balanced team increased my chances to win (not anymore).

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Re: Patch Notes 01/01/2021

Post#110 » Mon Jan 04, 2021 9:58 am

emiliorv wrote: Mon Jan 04, 2021 8:06 am
Naelar wrote: Mon Jan 04, 2021 7:39 am
MedV wrote: Sun Jan 03, 2021 12:07 pm Why are people saying this caters to solo? IMO it caters to the hardcore players who want to truly compete!
If they actually want to compete. A lot will say they do, but all they really want is to steamroll pugs.
When i join a PUG wb what i expect:
-Get a pop: the best way to increase the % to get a pop WAS in a 24 wb (not anymore)
-Balance team: i dont want to spend a whole city with 2 tanks or with 3 healers....
-Chance to win: having a balanced team increased my chances to win (not anymore).

You're expecting to meet weaker enemy.
minimum effort to easy farming.
why would game encourage that ?

now you have high chance of meeting same kind of you and compete.
or small chance of real competitive enemy or i don't care solo queues.

I'm sure you'll find some weird way to farm solo queues.
SM8, SW8, AM8, WL7, KoBS5, BW6, WP8, WH7, IB7, Eng5, RP5, SL6
BG8, Sorc8, DoK8, WE7, Chs8, Mg8, Ze7, Mara8, BO6, SH7, Shm6, Chop4
SC summary - viewtopic.php?f=8&t=20415
( last update : 2020.06.09)

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