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Changelog 14th May 2016

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Re: Changelog 14th May 2016

Post#121 » Tue May 17, 2016 1:22 pm


Thank you for all your awesome work!
i think you should not get rewarded for zerging empty keeps, but you still Need an incentive for starting a new fight.

as other ppl stated earlier, starting a fight isnt really rewarding atm. so i tried to find a "solution" for the sometimes contradictory Goals.

how it was
-- empty keeps give rewards = zerging empty keeps (round Robin raiding ?)

how it is
-- empty keeps give no rewards = ultimate "blobbing" or deny Defending (for denying loot) or not starting raiding (because lack of incentives)

possible short time work around
-- make keeps give loot to smaller Forces (for example half a WB) ist not that fast to raid a Keep with only 12 men - and ist attractive to defend because even 3 defenders can make a difference with all the Champs/hero's around.

-- but deny loot for zerging empty keeps

in this "Scenario" i would like to start a new fight with a small troop (possibility of gettin loot) but also would like to defend because i really have a Chance of making a difference and not gettin zerged.
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