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Changelog 08/11/16

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Re: Changelog 08/11/16

Post#131 » Wed Nov 09, 2016 7:17 pm

adei wrote: I can simply revert this statement and say that it is bad and misinformed players that cry that these hybrids are OP because you simply lack the communication or knowledge to counter it, if you engage a WP/DoK 1v1 you should either be aware of the fact that those classes are designed to win those fights and you will only win if you know/can counter them at the correct moments. The class is being addressed, and its funny to see how many people cry about such a class given what other issues are at hand, the DoK has always been in a good spot, there are areas where it could be improved to make it a true melee healer and not focus on damage, the same way it can be made into a more effective mdps, it has almost everything apart from an armor shred, but any true mdps should outdo its damage.
I appreciate your reply Ade, I mostly play solo (WL/WH) and I can say I fare ok against mDoks: sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, and it's always a tough and interesting fight. The point is not the (low?) dmg, but the fact that they simple outclass you with an almost infinite streaks of heals. Now, I know that devs don't care about one on ones, but the same applies to one vs X (a 6 man party killed by a Dok+Chosen duo, I've seen it many times): is that balance? I don't know, but probably not.

Posts: 456

Re: Changelog 08/11/16

Post#132 » Wed Nov 09, 2016 7:19 pm

wargrimnir wrote:
kryss wrote:
jorgemarco wrote:Thats not true. 2 mele doks guarded are really hard to kill. now add they can easily getting higher ranks in dps in scs and the same ammount of heal and u have a super unbalanced class.
Melee doks, a ridicously overpowered class often played by people who don't even realize it and cry for lese majesty (in tells) if you are a mpds and dare to kill them 1 on 1. There will be one day when the class will have to be addressed, but probably not on this server since it keeps getting buffed.
Why would you think a MDPS class would stand a chance against a medium armor class with significant self healing? Wrong tool for the job. Hell, even pure heal DoK would stand there and lol at a single MDPS class unassisted. Full defensive tanks would laugh at you as well 1v1.

Point is, this ain't a 1v1 game. So yeah, probably not going to find a lot of reasons to balance against it.

Wanna beat a dps dok 1v1? Get ranged dps class and kite. If it can't hit you, it can't heal (at least for nearly as much as otherwise).
Was late to your post, but my reply to Ade would be the same for yours. Don't count my 1 vs 1, I know u don't care (and I still win some), but look at those 1, 2 vs X who are embarassing, and often not because the Dok is an amazing player.

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Re: Changelog 08/11/16

Post#133 » Wed Nov 09, 2016 7:31 pm

kryss wrote: I appreciate your reply Ade, I mostly play solo (WL/WH) and I can say I fare ok against mDoks: sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, and it's always a tough and interesting fight. The point is not the (low?) dmg, but the fact that they simple outclass you with an almost infinite streaks of heals. Now, I know that devs don't care about one on ones, but the same applies to one vs X (a 6 man party killed by a Dok+Chosen duo, I've seen it many times): is that balance? I don't know, but probably not.
Thing is we can apply this to all the classes, how a sorc and shaman could do the same thing to a melee group, or how 3 SH could kill an entire WB ( I couldn't believe it either but yes its true ) DoK + Chosen is of course a strong duo, but we have to look at it in all ways, it might look unbalanced when a duo kill a 6 man, but then you have to ask yourself, is that really about the class, or about the people playing them, a 6 man should kill any duo with co-ordination.

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Re: Changelog 08/11/16

Post#134 » Wed Nov 09, 2016 7:42 pm

adei wrote:
kryss wrote: I appreciate your reply Ade, I mostly play solo (WL/WH) and I can say I fare ok against mDoks: sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, and it's always a tough and interesting fight. The point is not the (low?) dmg, but the fact that they simple outclass you with an almost infinite streaks of heals. Now, I know that devs don't care about one on ones, but the same applies to one vs X (a 6 man party killed by a Dok+Chosen duo, I've seen it many times): is that balance? I don't know, but probably not.
Thing is we can apply this to all the classes, how a sorc and shaman could do the same thing to a melee group, or how 3 SH could kill an entire WB ( I couldn't believe it either but yes its true ) DoK + Chosen is of course a strong duo, but we have to look at it in all ways, it might look unbalanced when a duo kill a 6 man, but then you have to ask yourself, is that really about the class, or about the people playing them, a 6 man should kill any duo with co-ordination.
We'll see how the meta turns out, but it's not beyond the wit of man to see how DoK + Chosen is an integral part of it and will become even more so. It'd also be nice to see DPS WP brought up to par - and I mean really equal, not some minor buffs - and to get the Destro feedback on that. At least then a two-sided debate can be held.
Karak-Norn /// Asildur - RR100 WL /// Marsares - RR95 AM /// Nirnaeth - RR64 SW

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Re: Changelog 08/11/16

Post#135 » Wed Nov 09, 2016 7:48 pm

adei wrote:
kryss wrote: I appreciate your reply Ade, I mostly play solo (WL/WH) and I can say I fare ok against mDoks: sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, and it's always a tough and interesting fight. The point is not the (low?) dmg, but the fact that they simple outclass you with an almost infinite streaks of heals. Now, I know that devs don't care about one on ones, but the same applies to one vs X (a 6 man party killed by a Dok+Chosen duo, I've seen it many times): is that balance? I don't know, but probably not.
Thing is we can apply this to all the classes, how a sorc and shaman could do the same thing to a melee group, or how 3 SH could kill an entire WB ( I couldn't believe it either but yes its true ) DoK + Chosen is of course a strong duo, but we have to look at it in all ways, it might look unbalanced when a duo kill a 6 man, but then you have to ask yourself, is that really about the class, or about the people playing them, a 6 man should kill any duo with co-ordination.
Can you please explain this? In what specs under what conditions.
Vdova - Witch elf princess of suffer and despair

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Re: Changelog 08/11/16

Post#136 » Wed Nov 09, 2016 8:04 pm

Marsares wrote: We'll see how the meta turns out, but it's not beyond the wit of man to see how DoK + Chosen is an integral part of it and will become even more so. It'd also be nice to see DPS WP brought up to par - and I mean really equal, not some minor buffs - and to get the Destro feedback on that. At least then a two-sided debate can be held.
Of course, without giving too much away there are changes in line, and testing going on, melee WP is of course leagues behind melee DoK in its trees, and without client control there are things about it that cannot yet be changed, After extensive testing on DoK I have been testing DPS WP myself, I have yet to test grace but it looks promising, in addition to the new changes to HoS/WA it gives the DPS trees a bit more 'punch' to help rival the counterparts.

Having said that there are already some melee WP out there and have been for a while that have ran very successful KotBS/WP duos to the same sort of level, I have seen them myself and they fair quite well. The problem is that melee DoK is just more popular, so of course you see more.

Hail Sigmar.
Vdova wrote:Can you please explain this? In what specs under what conditions.
I'm not going to name and shame people, it's a story I heard that apparently holds merit.

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Re: Changelog 08/11/16

Post#137 » Wed Nov 09, 2016 9:31 pm

Can you please explain this? In what specs under what conditions.
I'm not going to name and shame people, it's a story I heard that apparently holds merit.

"And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth." And for one brief moment in Warhammer, squig herders rose out of the muck and ruled the world...
Stinkyweed SH.86
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Re: Changelog 08/11/16

Post#138 » Wed Nov 09, 2016 10:51 pm

Ostricheggs managed to wipe entire warbands, even warcamp guards @ live on an engineer.

Nerf engis.
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Posts: 627

Re: Changelog 08/11/16

Post#139 » Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:08 pm

Stinkyweed wrote:
Can you please explain this? In what specs under what conditions.
I'm not going to name and shame people, it's a story I heard that apparently holds merit.

"And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth." And for one brief moment in Warhammer, squig herders rose out of the muck and ruled the world...
Squig Trojan with Magus or Chosen ftw.

Posts: 627

Re: Changelog 08/11/16

Post#140 » Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:08 pm

dur3al wrote:Ostricheggs managed to wipe entire warbands, even warcamp guards @ live on an engineer.

Nerf engis.
With exploits =P

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