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[Review] [SW] Scout Tactics

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Re: [SW] Scout Tactics

Post#131 » Tue Dec 19, 2017 7:31 am

anarchypark wrote:
lefze wrote:
I again fail to see a point here, or relevance. "Spamming" instacasts while waiting for an opportunity to FA is the ideal situation for the build imo, but right now it works way too seldom, so switching to skirmish is mandatory in most cases. And this in itself is an indication of something being wrong. Right now scout doesn't work at any range really, 1a or any other change here (except the outright damage buffs, if combined with 1a) is not gonna suddenly make all other specs trash. It's simply a matter of being functional at all.

Not sure I understand you right, but you are basically just listing stuff that makes (certain points) of OPs proposal and the thread as a whole valid, and a buff needed.

I don't see why anyone would not want the option to spec dirrefently. Right now there's two choices, skirmish for everything between melee and long range, and assault for everything between melee and decent range. Scout just doesn't work at any range, would it be so bad to enable the spec to function better/on par with skirmish at long range? I get that some people might not like the meta of their class changing, but that's not what this is about. As long as the change is limited to scout, and requires two tactics from the tree skirmish is completely untouched, and so is the "jack of all trades" bullshit that was mentioned.

And even though balance according to the rules is NOT based on whatever your mirror can do, why shouldn't squig also get a buff in the big shooting tree?
I agree Scout is not good.
I think this proposal lead to overpower Scout.
my theorycraft is example of overpower Scout if this proposal goes live.
overpowering it's own Skirmish in skirmish range.
yes, full scout should work better than half skirmish. but not even in the skirmish territory.
It hurts concept of stance dance which is class mechanic.
u remember when Skirmish was meta? that build worked too well in long range.
this proposal may cause same problem.
too good in mid range.
why go back to problem? for meta?

maybe Devs think melee <-> range is class mechanic then mashup scout/skirmish.
until that time, i'm still standing that class mechanic is long/mid/melee shift.
so range buff for Scout.
Stance dancing is still not a mechanic, right now you would never switch to scout in a skirmish or assault build, you extremely seldom/never swap to skirmish in an assault spec (Only do it for the occasional snare or RF/FS finisher), and swapping into assault from a skirmish spec skirmish is either purely for the tanky stats or the disarm. What I'm saying here is that stance dancing isn't actually playing a nearly as big part as you are making it out to do for any other spec than scout. And skirmish as it is now is still the meta spec I believe as asw can't keep up with a WL for example, and still outperforms scout HARD at what is supposed to be ranges where scout shines. And even with a buff to scout skirmish will continue to be superior in most areas.

And why are you bringing up the meta in the first place? This isn't about changing the meta of the class, it's about improving a dead mastery tree which has the biggest drawbacks and the biggest dependencies on switching to non-specced stances making it a hell of a gimpy spec.

And while I agree a range buff is nice and all and is a decent fix for certain stuff, it still leaves the spec unable to assist, and keep up with a party. And it will also make it very obnoxious to play against and remove counterplay as opponents are no longer fighting something that's stationary for 3 seconds (2 with 1a) in range of CC, but outranges almost everything. But in the end of the day this is gonna make it better at leeching, shooting from keep walls and derping around with pugs, while the inability to play with a party is gonna leave it as it is, a cheesy gimp spec that is still outperformed by full skirmish, skirmish/assault and assault.
Rip Phalanx

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Re: [SW] Scout Tactics

Post#132 » Tue Dec 19, 2017 12:25 pm

lefze wrote: Stance dancing is still not a mechanic, right now you would never switch to scout in a skirmish or assault build, you extremely seldom/never swap to skirmish in an assault spec (Only do it for the occasional snare or RF/FS finisher), and swapping into assault from a skirmish spec skirmish is either purely for the tanky stats or the disarm. What I'm saying here is that stance dancing isn't actually playing a nearly as big part as you are making it out to do for any other spec than scout. And skirmish as it is now is still the meta spec I believe as asw can't keep up with a WL for example, and still outperforms scout HARD at what is supposed to be ranges where scout shines. And even with a buff to scout skirmish will continue to be superior in most areas.

And why are you bringing up the meta in the first place? This isn't about changing the meta of the class, it's about improving a dead mastery tree which has the biggest drawbacks and the biggest dependencies on switching to non-specced stances making it a hell of a gimpy spec.

And while I agree a range buff is nice and all and is a decent fix for certain stuff, it still leaves the spec unable to assist, and keep up with a party. And it will also make it very obnoxious to play against and remove counterplay as opponents are no longer fighting something that's stationary for 3 seconds (2 with 1a) in range of CC, but outranges almost everything. But in the end of the day this is gonna make it better at leeching, shooting from keep walls and derping around with pugs, while the inability to play with a party is gonna leave it as it is, a cheesy gimp spec that is still outperformed by full skirmish, skirmish/assault and assault.
I feel that this sums the situation.
Stance dancing is not a thing, it should be . Link more skills to stance is solution to this to prevent use of tools that are in other stances. This will make stance dancing a thing.
Skirmish is good yes but it get benefit from skills in scout tree, remove the availability of scout skill to skirmish build sorted, especially when even considering or arguing "can't keep up with WL" just shows the ambition level is out there in space.
3-2second cast on skills , nothing new for range dps look at other range classes
Party aspect is not probably best but this spec should work well in WB, where having range helps.
Unable to assist cos of range, lost me there. change target, positioning etc etc, 3 letter combo comes to some arrangement of lp2 I guess

Posts: 167

Re: [SW] Scout Tactics

Post#133 » Tue Dec 19, 2017 1:51 pm

Acidic wrote:
lefze wrote: Stance dancing is still not a mechanic, right now you would never switch to scout in a skirmish or assault build, you extremely seldom/never swap to skirmish in an assault spec (Only do it for the occasional snare or RF/FS finisher), and swapping into assault from a skirmish spec skirmish is either purely for the tanky stats or the disarm. What I'm saying here is that stance dancing isn't actually playing a nearly as big part as you are making it out to do for any other spec than scout. And skirmish as it is now is still the meta spec I believe as asw can't keep up with a WL for example, and still outperforms scout HARD at what is supposed to be ranges where scout shines. And even with a buff to scout skirmish will continue to be superior in most areas.

And why are you bringing up the meta in the first place? This isn't about changing the meta of the class, it's about improving a dead mastery tree which has the biggest drawbacks and the biggest dependencies on switching to non-specced stances making it a hell of a gimpy spec.

And while I agree a range buff is nice and all and is a decent fix for certain stuff, it still leaves the spec unable to assist, and keep up with a party. And it will also make it very obnoxious to play against and remove counterplay as opponents are no longer fighting something that's stationary for 3 seconds (2 with 1a) in range of CC, but outranges almost everything. But in the end of the day this is gonna make it better at leeching, shooting from keep walls and derping around with pugs, while the inability to play with a party is gonna leave it as it is, a cheesy gimp spec that is still outperformed by full skirmish, skirmish/assault and assault.
I feel that this sums the situation.
Stance dancing is not a thing, it should be . Link more skills to stance is solution to this to prevent use of tools that are in other stances. This will make stance dancing a thing.
Skirmish is good yes but it get benefit from skills in scout tree, remove the availability of scout skill to skirmish build sorted, especially when even considering or arguing "can't keep up with WL" just shows the ambition level is out there in space.
3-2second cast on skills , nothing new for range dps look at other range classes
Party aspect is not probably best but this spec should work well in WB, where having range helps.
Unable to assist cos of range, lost me there. change target, positioning etc etc, 3 letter combo comes to some arrangement of lp2 I guess
What makes stance dancing not necessary is not "being able to use skill from different stance mastery"... but the fact that 90% of the necessary tool for ranged play are in skirmish while 90% of necessary tool for melee play are in assault...

to explain more in depth:

Skirmish: Snare, KD/ini debuff, Healing debuff, spammable DoT, finisher, spammable AoE ..... this on top of haveing a 98 ft range vs 110 ft range of scout and tha ebilit to use every skill while on the move

Scout: silence, armor debuff, AoE dot, finisher

Assault: disarm, KD, interrupt, Spammable DoT

As you can see most of the utility are grouped in the same mastery, yes there are more specific and situational better CC in the other 2 mastery but we'r taliking of a 4sec disable vs 3 sec disable, with 3 sec being a 98ft ranged skill usable on the move while the other 2 are either melee or 1 sec standing cast so you already have a Counterbalnce on them ON TOP of the need to swap stance... this make using the KD (that also work as an INI debuff) instead of swapping stance a good choice in most cases... and lead to only swap if you need the CC and the KD is already on CD ^^'

This is IMHO the greatest problem of SW stance balance;
Skirmish have EVERYTHING you want and need to play a ranged character.

Assault being the only mastery focuse on melee obviously have all the avaible tool for melee in it (yes there are a few tool like the snare that are only avaible in other stances but as said 90% are built into the assoult stance).

Scout have several damaging abilities but lack of KEY utility (do you really want to play a ranged without a ranged snare nor a CC effective against melee?).

This lead to skirmish and assault having little to no need to ever swap to other stances (even if you bind the few stance free abilites to their mastery stance) while scout NEED to swap to skirmish in order to get those tool... result: why go scout if you have everything in skirmish?

in this regard the only thing I can see ginving a reason for swapping from skirmish to scout wold be the range discrepency between the 2 being actualy sensible (98 vs 110... is really little and once you take into account the fact that skirmish can cast on the move whle scout have standing cast you will realize that those 12ft actualy can't even cover the distance of a fleeting target that start to run away at the start of your cast...) this lead to either give scout stance a higher range increase (from 10% to 25% or greater) or to reduce the efficency of powerfull draw (from 50% to 25%... that is actualy what eng and magus get from their similar tattics), this way you will create a range gap between the 2 stances and will put the player into the position of having to chose between utility and range
Last edited by Coma on Tue Dec 19, 2017 1:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 167

Re: [SW] Scout Tactics

Post#134 » Tue Dec 19, 2017 1:53 pm

double post sorry ^^'

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Re: [SW] Scout Tactics

Post#135 » Tue Dec 19, 2017 2:09 pm

You guys post too much during the weekend.

Catching up, this might take a while...

Posts: 2524

Re: [SW] Scout Tactics

Post#136 » Tue Dec 19, 2017 3:04 pm

Coma wrote:spammable AoE
To be fair, LA is no longer spammable (I mean you can, but it's fluff damage at 2s cast time).
<Salt Factory>

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Re: [SW] Scout Tactics

Post#137 » Tue Dec 19, 2017 4:31 pm

double post
Last edited by lefze on Tue Dec 19, 2017 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Rip Phalanx

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Posts: 863

Re: [SW] Scout Tactics

Post#138 » Tue Dec 19, 2017 4:44 pm

Coma wrote:
Acidic wrote:
lefze wrote: Stance dancing is still not a mechanic, right now you would never switch to scout in a skirmish or assault build, you extremely seldom/never swap to skirmish in an assault spec (Only do it for the occasional snare or RF/FS finisher), and swapping into assault from a skirmish spec skirmish is either purely for the tanky stats or the disarm. What I'm saying here is that stance dancing isn't actually playing a nearly as big part as you are making it out to do for any other spec than scout. And skirmish as it is now is still the meta spec I believe as asw can't keep up with a WL for example, and still outperforms scout HARD at what is supposed to be ranges where scout shines. And even with a buff to scout skirmish will continue to be superior in most areas.

And why are you bringing up the meta in the first place? This isn't about changing the meta of the class, it's about improving a dead mastery tree which has the biggest drawbacks and the biggest dependencies on switching to non-specced stances making it a hell of a gimpy spec.

And while I agree a range buff is nice and all and is a decent fix for certain stuff, it still leaves the spec unable to assist, and keep up with a party. And it will also make it very obnoxious to play against and remove counterplay as opponents are no longer fighting something that's stationary for 3 seconds (2 with 1a) in range of CC, but outranges almost everything. But in the end of the day this is gonna make it better at leeching, shooting from keep walls and derping around with pugs, while the inability to play with a party is gonna leave it as it is, a cheesy gimp spec that is still outperformed by full skirmish, skirmish/assault and assault.
I feel that this sums the situation.
Stance dancing is not a thing, it should be . Link more skills to stance is solution to this to prevent use of tools that are in other stances. This will make stance dancing a thing.
Skirmish is good yes but it get benefit from skills in scout tree, remove the availability of scout skill to skirmish build sorted, especially when even considering or arguing "can't keep up with WL" just shows the ambition level is out there in space.
3-2second cast on skills , nothing new for range dps look at other range classes
Party aspect is not probably best but this spec should work well in WB, where having range helps.
Unable to assist cos of range, lost me there. change target, positioning etc etc, 3 letter combo comes to some arrangement of lp2 I guess
What makes stance dancing not necessary is not "being able to use skill from different stance mastery"... but the fact that 90% of the necessary tool for ranged play are in skirmish while 90% of necessary tool for melee play are in assault...

to explain more in depth:

Skirmish: Snare, KD/ini debuff, Healing debuff, spammable DoT, finisher, spammable AoE ..... this on top of haveing a 98 ft range vs 110 ft range of scout and tha ebilit to use every skill while on the move

Scout: silence, armor debuff, AoE dot, finisher

Assault: disarm, KD, interrupt, Spammable DoT

As you can see most of the utility are grouped in the same mastery, yes there are more specific and situational better CC in the other 2 mastery but we'r taliking of a 4sec disable vs 3 sec disable, with 3 sec being a 98ft ranged skill usable on the move while the other 2 are either melee or 1 sec standing cast so you already have a Counterbalnce on them ON TOP of the need to swap stance... this make using the KD (that also work as an INI debuff) instead of swapping stance a good choice in most cases... and lead to only swap if you need the CC and the KD is already on CD ^^'

This is IMHO the greatest problem of SW stance balance;
Skirmish have EVERYTHING you want and need to play a ranged character.

Assault being the only mastery focuse on melee obviously have all the avaible tool for melee in it (yes there are a few tool like the snare that are only avaible in other stances but as said 90% are built into the assoult stance).

Scout have several damaging abilities but lack of KEY utility (do you really want to play a ranged without a ranged snare nor a CC effective against melee?).

This lead to skirmish and assault having little to no need to ever swap to other stances (even if you bind the few stance free abilites to their mastery stance) while scout NEED to swap to skirmish in order to get those tool... result: why go scout if you have everything in skirmish?

in this regard the only thing I can see ginving a reason for swapping from skirmish to scout wold be the range discrepency between the 2 being actualy sensible (98 vs 110... is really little and once you take into account the fact that skirmish can cast on the move whle scout have standing cast you will realize that those 12ft actualy can't even cover the distance of a fleeting target that start to run away at the start of your cast...) this lead to either give scout stance a higher range increase (from 10% to 25% or greater) or to reduce the efficency of powerfull draw (from 50% to 25%... that is actualy what eng and magus get from their similar tattics), this way you will create a range gap between the 2 stances and will put the player into the position of having to chose between utility and range
Acidic, three seconds of standing still+huuuuge flight time makes you lag days behind any other dps in your party, 12 man or whatever you are playing. Staying in range for one combo is hard enough, keeping up in range with target switches while contantly trying to get off a 3 sec cast is impractical to say the least (read impossible). A range buff helps you stay in range and get off some festers, but only to a certain degree. The increase in range would have to be pretty damn huge to keep up with most parties.

I agree that to balance scout and skirmish without buffing scout directly cutting the range of skirmish would work. But obviously this only weakens the class over all without actually improving the power of scout in comparison to other classes. Scout isn't only bad when compared to skirmish, it's bad when compared to almost everything.
dansari wrote:
Coma wrote:spammable AoE
To be fair, LA is no longer spammable (I mean you can, but it's fluff damage at 2s cast time).
Double runie and actually building proper parties and slotting CQ are both okay to make it viable even now though.
Rip Phalanx

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Re: [SW] Scout Tactics

Post#139 » Thu Dec 21, 2017 2:09 am

Definitely agree with lefze on all his points about 2s FA. I would still say 1a is the best bet to give Scout some life. Anyone saying it will bring too much damage clearly hasn't played a SW (or SH) to even close to a medium level imo because it enables damage not increases it. I'd be ok with seeing it stay on EA and keeping EA at 7 points and see how that turns out; and if it is a little too much for a skirmish spec as well then we can always either tag it to GT or swap GT and EA's spots in the mastery trees.

Remember guys that no changes are written in permanent marker... They can always be reverted or tweaked; we are in an ALPHA after all.

Posts: 456

Re: [SW] Scout Tactics

Post#140 » Thu Dec 21, 2017 6:44 am

2nd - bad idea. FA not only one spec. -35% AP cost - usefull tactics.

I propose to consider acid arrow. For example to make it caste 1s, add reduced dodge chance by 10%, or change its, in principle, making AoE effect with a radius of a 20ft.

Good idea I think to add disorient effect to Rapid fire.

As before, I offered to change the Flame arrow, adding the effect of reducing the resistance, it would help to use SW at the WB. So now that SW is not needed in WB.

Removing UF the developers made a big mistake, now SW, Squig, engineer became very weak, compared to other RDPS. To change that, improving skills is not possible, since improving the skills so much as you propose, would mean the new OP class.
Petitbras (SW), Threeend (BW), Arrgoor (SL), Popovich (KoTBs), Semenich (Eng), Ancle (WP), Lastalien (WL), Alienessa (AM)


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