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Changelog 08/11/16

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Re: Changelog 08/11/16

Post#141 » Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:47 pm

dur3al wrote:Ostricheggs managed to wipe entire warbands, even warcamp guards @ live on an engineer.

Nerf engis.
*Hums rocky theme tune* :P
Khorlar, Thorvold, Sjohgar, Anareth, Toldavf, Hartwin, Gotrin and others -_-


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Re: Changelog 08/11/16

Post#142 » Thu Nov 10, 2016 6:42 am

Alright guys, thats enough. Keep to topic of patchnotes.

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Re: Changelog 08/11/16

Post#143 » Thu Nov 10, 2016 1:37 pm

adei wrote:No self respecting WP would ever choose SS, its a useless ability that just drains you
I'm sorry, but this is exactly what i heard from everyone on live about DoK's Devour Essence. Everybody say this, every word are same. And after i make a guide for melee dok - a lot of people start to use it. Every russian melee dok use it to this day.
back to SS: it is healing ability. You need to heal your party. How much healing abilities WP have? Answer is two. And with SS it's 3. Not much huh? So there is no point to throw away one.
Do you play melee WP in party (not 2-2-2 of course), do you know all aspects and thin details of his mechanic in a group, or all you wrote is just theorycrafting?

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Re: Changelog 08/11/16

Post#144 » Thu Nov 10, 2016 2:16 pm

Sigmar's Shield:

- Severable (Blessing) while being most effective against melees, the prime severers
- Does not require target in range of enemy
- Requires target be attacked
- Unsafe application (melee, snares ahoy)
- Can be parried and blocked, preventing the effect from going off
- Heals for about 120 per 20 RF
- Causes you to lose control of your Righteous Fury pool (loss of 20 RF whenever target is hit)

Devour Essence:

- Not severable (Damaging)
- Requires target in range of enemy
- Does not require target be attacked
- Safe application even if movement impeded (ranged cast)
- Application cannot be prevented (ranged cast)
- Inflicts damage as well
- Heals for much more than 120 per 25 SE
- Maintains control of your essence pool (constant 25/s drain)

Please stop this garbage. There is a reason no one takes that skill.

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Re: Changelog 08/11/16

Post#145 » Thu Nov 10, 2016 6:18 pm

Azarael wrote:Sigmar's Shield:

- Severable (Blessing) while being most effective against melees, the prime severers
- Does not require target in range of enemy
- Requires target be attacked
- Unsafe application (melee, snares ahoy)
- Can be parried and blocked, preventing the effect from going off
- Heals for about 120 per 20 RF
- Causes you to lose control of your Righteous Fury pool (loss of 20 RF whenever target is hit)

Devour Essence:

- Not severable (Damaging)
- Requires target in range of enemy
- Does not require target be attacked
- Safe application even if movement impeded (ranged cast)
- Application cannot be prevented (ranged cast)
- Inflicts damage as well
- Heals for much more than 120 per 25 SE
- Maintains control of your essence pool (constant 25/s drain)

Please stop this garbage. There is a reason no one takes that skill.
I don't say it's better or something, i just make example of another situation. Those 2 abilities are very different, so you can't just compare them like this. SS is healing ability, DE is best DoK's damage ability with nice bonus healing.
Also I think SS is underestimated. If WP will need to heal somebody he can put SS on him and spam Sigmar's radiance, which will restore RF points and heal whole party too. Also SS not require any soft target to WP itself, so if he will be snared by tanks - he still will regen RF from hitting them.
But yes, it's not really good ability in general, i just don't think it so bad as you say it is.
You're can concider possibility to just replace Sigmar's Shield by Devour Essence effect, so those two abilities will be same and no one will be displeased.

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Re: Changelog 08/11/16

Post#146 » Thu Nov 10, 2016 6:35 pm

Arena wrote:
adei wrote:No self respecting WP would ever choose SS, its a useless ability that just drains you
I'm sorry, but this is exactly what i heard from everyone on live about DoK's Devour Essence. Everybody say this, every word are same. And after i make a guide for melee dok - a lot of people start to use it. Every russian melee dok use it to this day.
back to SS: it is healing ability. You need to heal your party. How much healing abilities WP have? Answer is two. And with SS it's 3. Not much huh? So there is no point to throw away one.
Do you play melee WP in party (not 2-2-2 of course), do you know all aspects and thin details of his mechanic in a group, or all you wrote is just theorycrafting?
Not quite sure how things were on the russian servers, but everyone took DE and never said anything of the sorts about it being a bad skill. The DoK builds have pretty much been set in stone for as long as I can remember. SS is basically a huge sign above your head saying, 'Please drain my pool', what do you plan to do then? SS just drains you and the healing it provides is nowhere near enough to compensate for this. Devour has decent damage, some healing and a steady drop in your pool that you can maintain it easily enough, SS has pool drain, bad damage ( if it can ) and bad healing. I would always drop such a skill in replacement for anything else, I would even take Soulfire over this.

Replacing the abilities to mirror each other is also poor design, mirrors get boring, SS needs a redesign in a way to make it a better utility skill and provide benefits like devour does, this will come in time no doubt.

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Re: Changelog 08/11/16

Post#147 » Thu Nov 10, 2016 6:51 pm

adei wrote: Not quite sure how things were on the russian servers, but everyone took DE and never said anything of the sorts about it being a bad skill. The DoK builds have pretty much been set in stone for as long as I can remember. SS is basically a huge sign above your head saying, 'Please drain my pool', what do you plan to do then? SS just drains you and the healing it provides is nowhere near enough to compensate for this. Devour has decent damage, some healing and a steady drop in your pool that you can maintain it easily enough, SS has pool drain, bad damage ( if it can ) and bad healing. I would always drop such a skill in replacement for anything else, I would even take Soulfire over this.

Replacing the abilities to mirror each other is also poor design, mirrors get boring, SS needs a redesign in a way to make it a better utility skill and provide benefits like devour does, this will come in time no doubt.
You probably right. I look into this ability from the position "if it had been in the DoK, could I find a way to use it?", and of course with my experience i can imagine where i can use it in battle. But i don't have opportunity to test it in party, so i can't be entirely right.
I hope they will be carefull and not broke Dok's/WP's heal-from-damage mechanic in a future. Any changes is making me worry, concidering Azarael not played by melee Dok/WP and he might not know lots of small details that make them playable in party and because of which this class can be choosen instead of regular healer.

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Re: Changelog 08/11/16

Post#148 » Thu Nov 10, 2016 7:04 pm

Arena wrote: You probably right. I look into this ability from the position "if it had been in the DoK, could I find a way to use it?", and of course with my experience i can imagine where i can use it in battle. But i don't have opportunity to test it in party, so i can't be entirely right.
I hope they will be carefull and not broke Dok's/WP's heal-from-damage mechanic in a future. Any changes is making me worry, concidering Azarael not played by melee Dok/WP and he might not know lots of small details that make them playable in party and because of which this class can be choosen instead of regular healer.
Changes are coming. Staff have been testing it, extensively, to make these classes much more in line of the way they should be, in all trees available. I believe the changes to truly resemble what melee DoK should be, if you want to melee heal, you can, if you want to be more of a damage focused dok, you can, same goes for WP. I will not expand further as it is still under testing and it changes day by day, but you will all see soon enough.

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Re: Changelog 08/11/16

Post#149 » Thu Nov 10, 2016 7:08 pm

I thought everyone knew that I play melee WP (I refuse to book heal unless forced) and that I have actually invested a lot of time into understanding the problems with the class and to resolving them.

I guess not.

Posts: 146

Re: Changelog 08/11/16

Post#150 » Thu Nov 10, 2016 8:56 pm

I dont want a 1v1, u dont understand. I dont want an extremely op class in scs.

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