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Changelog 17.02.2016

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Re: Changelog 17.02.2016

Post#151 » Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:12 am

Let's call a spade a spade here.

The bunny hop change is not a fix or bandaid fix, it is punishement for people bunny hopping.

Fix: Figure out what is causing bunny hoping to grant additional speed and correct.

Bandaid Fix: Bunny hopping results in a 5% speed increase, so therefore bunny hopping will now result in a 5% speed reduction to the character until the root cause can be analyzed and fixed.

Punishment: Cumulative 5% speed reduction, up to 20% total, for bunny hopping. ...even though bunny hopping never gives a 20% speed increase.

Why do you guys not not bunny hopping?

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Re: Changelog 17.02.2016

Post#152 » Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:18 am

I am especially eager to see what is new with parties and stuff.]
Has any work been done towards allies 'dots on the map'? I noticed in RvR sometimes the dots lag behind if they are far away or just wrong at times.

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Re: Changelog 17.02.2016

Post#153 » Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:31 am

I did a couple of scs on my SH and came away with this... run away still allows me to bunny hop. Also it would be nice to have a visual debuff show up to know when you're being slowed by too much jumping :)
Agrot 35/40 Aggychopp 32/40
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Re: Changelog 17.02.2016

Post#154 » Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:46 am

Now that I play it more 20% seems too high, should be 2% a stack to a max of 10%. Or even 1% to a max of 5%, since bunny hopping is about that much of a speed boost.

Still a needed change, as something had to be done. And again this is how alpha games work, there is no test server, so we all test this stuff as it comes out. Dont like it go back to a major mmo that has dedicated teams to test this stuff for weeks before it comes out.
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Re: Changelog 17.02.2016

Post#155 » Thu Feb 18, 2016 2:02 am

yes perhaps 20% is kinda high 10% or so would be enough i suppose

and if they presist bunny hopping after the debuff turn them into a chicken :twisted:

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Re: Changelog 17.02.2016

Post#156 » Thu Feb 18, 2016 2:13 am

First time I rejoined the game back in September, the first thing I did was hop into T2 with my Shaman, when the level cap was still 12. I was bunnyhopping too then during a Reikland Factory SC, kiting Slayers to their death, not knowing that bunnyhopping got you out of their melee range. First tell I got was "stop exploit hopping noob" - it wasn't even seen as bunnyhopping by those having to fight against it, I was outright being called an exploiter for my mad muscle memory skills.

I hope we can one day get the warping truly fixed so this added speed decrease won't get our leet kiters killed ;)

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Re: Changelog 17.02.2016

Post#157 » Thu Feb 18, 2016 4:44 am

After running SCs on my WE today I have the following:
1. Most people do not know about the bunny hop change and it does not show up as a debuff so they are most likely confused. Suggest a public announcement?
2. As others have said its not that bad but maybe a 10% max speed debuff. 20% hurts
3. Love the dot change. Can actually gank again! thx for this
Tklees Chatoullier

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Re: Changelog 17.02.2016

Post#158 » Thu Feb 18, 2016 5:03 am

soooo yeah seems the debuff doesnt show up.
curious to know how long it lasts

other than that it didnt seem to harsh to me on my sw play session tonite

funny to watch some ppl cluelessly spamming it still
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Re: Changelog 17.02.2016

Post#159 » Thu Feb 18, 2016 5:37 am

TBH I didn't notice the jump nuke at all. I didn't get a chance do the New York City Shuffle in GoE and I didn't blunderbuss kite at all which isn't that great anyway.
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Penril wrote:So you are saying that a class you never touched is OP?
Go play it before posting about it pal...

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Re: Changelog 17.02.2016

Post#160 » Thu Feb 18, 2016 5:41 am

I think the funny thing is really ppl that try to "exploit" when just running on flat ground.. loll it's so funny.
I hope we can one day get the warping truly fixed so this added speed decrease won't get our leet kiters killed

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