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Changelog 28/10/16

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Re: Changelog 28/10/16

Post#161 » Sat Oct 29, 2016 4:24 pm

adei wrote:
dur3al wrote:I also agree that switching set bonus 5 with 4 makes no sense, you could at least reduce the 5% bonus to 3% and keep the gear variety for the 5th piece.
As Theo said, with this change you're not making crit less important, you're actually making even more important and funnelling everyone into using 5 piece bonus.

And seriously, are Devs suggesting to remove crit altogether? Please let me know how BWs/Sorcs will function, how WE/WHs will function and how you will be able to balance everything so much easier by doing it so.. stuff I read here.. Jeez.
So, switching a more powerful stat bonus to a 5 piece is bad because it gives you less diversity, when a +1 to a skilltree arguable also gives you diversity in the builds you can run without having high RR. It seems all this discussion just reinforces that crit should be a stat that is harder to attain with set bonus'. You can say diversity all you want but you would just go back to using 4 piece crit and an inf/ruin piece for crit, that seems like a flawed argument when its basically, I want more crit.

Also the fact that crit is so sought after is just reinforcing the problem again about how much of a messed up stat it is. Crit will be changed and has been squashed for the time being. Also bear in mind what gear sets we are currently on, this is basically starter gear in the long run, there are plans to address these issues in a more diverse way.
I see where this change is coming from, but +1 in a tree as you said, its arguable helping you in build diversity, perhaps it'll be very good for rr60+ players, but not for most players.

As I mentioned, changing the bonus from 5% to 3% you are essentially keeping the same amount of crit with 1 extra INF reward that we have now? So I'm basically saying to keep the crit you guys want now (overall less 5% crit) while opening a slot for the 5th piece, and for the rr60+ players they'll probably go for full set to make use of that +1.
I don't understand why this change would not go along with your view on the issue, and making people work for INF rewards also puts back the effort in oRvR no? Currently as it is, I can simply do scenarios 100% of the time and get all the gear I possibly need, isn't pushing people to do both scenarios & oRvR a good thing? Shouldn't be fighting to reach a reward level 3 in a pairing zone rewarding?
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Re: Changelog 28/10/16

Post#162 » Sat Oct 29, 2016 5:27 pm

Guess wut guys. I still had fun playing last night. Lol

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Re: Changelog 28/10/16

Post#163 » Sat Oct 29, 2016 5:50 pm

Altough at first glance this change seem to force people to use 5 full sets and reducing diversity i think its more that it supports using 3 piece from same set and 2 from another set or 2 individual item. And get rid of 4 + 1 trend which everyone using the same with absolutely no diversity
For ( i want crit) classes u can reach a close or same bonus crit with a different spec though u might lose other bonus then crit but wont comment further cuz i dont play one myself. If u r that dependent of crit there should be some sacrifices if u aim "max" crit possible
(commenting for destro only)
Except black orc who needs as much block as possible, there isnt rly a change for other tanks the previous build for tanks were:
-- 3 anhi 2 ruin (ruin shoulder glove) this is the one i use with extra resistance againist BW procs and aoe
--2 anhi 3 ruin ; the one with extra toughness
--4 ruin 1 anhi or drengi ; the one with block mostly black orcs: this one changed greatly u can now go either full set ruin or (ruin shoulder + ruin glove +drengi boot + anhi chest + anhi helmet) unless u go a build with lower block
(there might be more options)

Another thing is that i think for all those ruin,anhi,merc sets 4th set bonus were too strong while 5th is too lame so even tho many characters got slightly weaker (which is made so much fuss of) its still better this way so that ppl can stop ( 4 set+another item ) builds which almost everyone using the same

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Re: Changelog 28/10/16

Post#164 » Sat Oct 29, 2016 7:46 pm

I think overall its a good patch towards original WHO way. More movement in rvr zone - opportunists must be happy. Even in T2 it works. You just need Keep at rank 1 to break door with cannon and lock zone.

Also i think Warband leader need this "ray of light" effect like carrier but at 50% transparency, or any other such effect for better organization (like "golden Murderball effect"). It will act like very effective visual waypoint.
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Re: Changelog 28/10/16

Post#165 » Sat Oct 29, 2016 8:25 pm

thank for the changes.
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Re: Changelog 28/10/16

Post#166 » Sat Oct 29, 2016 10:33 pm

I don't understand the way to retake a keep, when you haven't one.

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Re: Changelog 28/10/16

Post#167 » Sat Oct 29, 2016 11:19 pm

Tholkienn wrote:I don't understand the way to retake a keep, when you haven't one.
Generally when both keeps are lost, the zone will be lost shortly afterwards. Unless you already have a couple of cannons deployed elsewhere, there is no way to further damage the doors. Chances are if the enemy has taken your keep, they will have significant numbers to repel an attack and snag the remaining BO's from behind you.
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Re: Changelog 28/10/16

Post#168 » Sat Oct 29, 2016 11:55 pm

ok thanks. :D

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Re: Changelog 28/10/16

Post#169 » Sun Oct 30, 2016 12:17 am

is there any chance the staff will rethink the keep changes for the lower tiers? it has made these tiers close to unplayable. also the NA population will have no chance to participate in rvr if these changes stick in these lower tiers and if they have no t4 chars.

my suggestion would be to apply the recent change strictly to t4 and leave t2/t3 untouched. i know the patch hasnt been out very long but the amount of negative feedback in these tiers is overwhelming.

it is hard to ever find anything bad to say about this server but this change to the lower tier keep takes was not a very good idea.

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Re: Changelog 28/10/16

Post#170 » Sun Oct 30, 2016 12:19 am

We are discussing lower tiers at the moment, in a greater context. If the lower tier population is so low that it can't even sustain Keep Rank 1 (which requires 16 players to reach and is the minimum for taking a keep), then there are fundamental issues which need to be resolved with these tiers.

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