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War Stories With Karisanna

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Just hope you're not the target :)
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Re: War Stories With Karisanna

Post#181 » Sun Dec 03, 2017 6:14 am

An event took place in game tonight which is, by extension, related to this thread, therefore I thought I would post this here. I find it quite disturbing, and I would hope any who read this will understand why.

Gates of Ekrund scenario occurring about 00:30 EST December 2nd, 2017, I killed Black Guard whose name begins with a T. A few seconds later I received a tell message from said Black Guard which read, and I quote: "13 year old piece of trash."

For the record, my son is 12. At one time he played this game, it is his BG he leveled to rank 40 that I now play on occasion. In addition he created the Youtube page where I post my videos. He also post videos there, of course, basically all the other stuff you see. Doom, Roblox, DragonBall Z, etc. Early on he posted a few Warhammer training videos, as he called them, and he recorded voice-overs to narrate. He does that on other videos as well.

Obviously this particular Black Guard player whose name begins with T has viewed our page, and watched some of my son's videos. Also obviously he thought when I killed him in the Gates SC, it was my son playing as opposed to me.

Over time I have been the target of more than a few in game personal attacks I know to be directly related to the fact I record and publish my videos, with complete disregard to the fact I have stated on more than one occasion I do not believe that as a player I am anything special. I just love the game and enjoy both playing and promoting it. I try and have fun with it, which means going out and killing the enemy. If that makes me different from any other player in game, someone please explain to me how.

I don't get this. I am an adult, I can handle a bit of name calling. I have received it in tell before from a couple of Witch Elf players who for whatever reason don't like me. Whatever. But damn, picking on a 12 year old, calling someone you believe to only be 13 a piece of trash over one kill in a video game...what kind of low-life does that?

Perhaps the Black Guard whose name begins with T will read this, and he can tell us all about it.

I have all of this on video, should any of the powers that be have any interest.
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Re: War Stories With Karisanna

Post#182 » Sat Dec 16, 2017 8:05 am

Welcome back.

I endeavor to present material which, in some manner, is different from what has come before. Over the last couple of days I found myself fortunate enough to be presented with just such an opportunity.

Swordmasters are unique breed. Ok, sure, I am a bit biased, as the class has always been my most favorite and cherished with which to take the field of battle. Since inception I have found the rotation mechanic engaging and fun, the inherent challenge to craft a sequence of attacks which will prove effective against most opponents. Not that you will always prevail, of course, but winning a battle as a Swordmaster has always, to me at least, constituted a expression of art as well as form, resulting in a subtle object of beauty.

Witch Hunters and Witch Elves benefit from this same phenomena, however given the class mechanics painting their art can often be a bit more...uncomplicated. No offense, but Swordmaster play can often be defined as much by what abilities you don't have as opposed to those you do. Swordmasters are an in-your-face class, their play characterized by the need create an opportunity to grapple with the enemy and hold them, until one or the other of you is dead. Escape is rarely a viable option. And the truth is, I wouldn't have it any other way.

We also tend to be rare. Which brings me to this video.

Presented here are six scenarios all sharing one commonality, in that each features at least four or more Swordmasters in play. Three of the proffered engagements feature a six Swordmaster force structure, an manifestation which, at least in my experience, is almost as rare as a slow Shammy sighting. Given the plethora of fellow Defenders of the Everqueen who materialized for these fights, I thought them worth both recording and presenting for the viewing pleasure of the membership at large.

Oh, and there were some other guys along as well.

Segment One features a battle in Stonetroll Crossing, featuring I, your humble narrator, accompanied by fellow Swordmasters Ralphael, Taipanic, and Tianming. Also present were Dwarves extraordinaire Arthur Arnbitter and Krunched. I always love it when Arthur shows up.

Segment Two features another struggle for Stonetroll Crossing featuring fellow Swordmasters Ralphael, Tiapanic, Tianming, and Celegion.

Segment Three features a fight to dominate Howling Gorge featuring fellow Swordmasters Ralphael, Malulabar, Angel, and Tianming. Also present were the man, the myth, the legend Zaxxed and the hyper-active Mspuddin.

Segment Four features yet another fight in Stonetroll Crossing featuring fellow Swordmasters Celegion, Tianming, Angel, Fuuki, and Malulabar. Zaxxed and Mspudding make additional cameos.

Segment Five features a romp in Howling Gorge along side fellow Swordmasters Angel, Malulabar, Taipanic, Tianming, and Ralphael. A Warrior Priest of few words, Xtz, helps keep us all alive.

Segment Six features an energetic fight in the Battle For Praag, featuring fellow Swordmasters Kytula, Mrgod, Radikal, Taipanic, and Yncarne. The Dark Horse was a Shadow Warrior named Skalier. Excellent damage output.

All individual scenarios are separated by fades to black. Additional edits account only for respawn timers.

Music selections follow the order of the individual scenarios.

1. Klangnomad - from the Mix entitled "I know what I am" featuring The Cardigans song "My Favorite Game."

2. Worakls - "Salzburg"

3. Kollektiv Trumstrasse - Meoko Exclusive Mix

4. DJ Nightstar - Progressive Trance Mix entitled "Follow Me."

5. Aronsa 84 - Progressive Goa Mix "New Life."

6. DJ Nightstar - Progressive Trance Mix entitled "Reflection."

As always respect to all our worthy opponents, and thanks for watching.

For the Everqueen...

Click here to watch on YouTube
Last edited by Martok on Sat Dec 16, 2017 8:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Blame It On My ADD Baby...

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Re: War Stories With Karisanna

Post#183 » Sat Dec 16, 2017 6:30 pm

For those interested the above video has been temporarily deleted while a replacement edit is uploaded. Stupid movie studios won't let me have any fun.
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Re: War Stories With Karisanna

Post#184 » Sat Dec 16, 2017 8:51 pm

And we're back. The video in post number 182 has been re-edited and re-posted with the blocked content removed. As always thanks for watching.
Blame It On My ADD Baby...

Posts: 263

Re: War Stories With Karisanna

Post#185 » Sat Dec 16, 2017 11:50 pm

Martok wrote:I don't get this. I am an adult, I can handle a bit of name calling. I have received it in tell before from a couple of Witch Elf players who for whatever reason don't like me. Whatever. But damn, picking on a 12 year old, calling someone you believe to only be 13 a piece of trash over one kill in a video game...what kind of low-life does that?
Everytime someone kills me in the game or attempts to kill me. I always send them a rude message, all the time.
I send a lot of these messages. Its akin to road rage or something I JUST GET SO INFURIATED!
Even my own teammates, it doesnt matter. I flame them all !

Its all in the spirit of the game and thats how it should be taken. But a lot are butt hurt and cry and take it serious or personal. Sometimes I pray they dont report me, sometimes I try to hold back, really really hard.
And sometimes it turns into a nice conversation about that game, but usually it just involves ignore for one of us 8-)

P.s. No I am not that BG.

Posts: 263

Re: War Stories With Karisanna

Post#186 » Sat Dec 16, 2017 11:53 pm

Martok wrote:I don't get this. I am an adult, I can handle a bit of name calling. I have received it in tell before from a couple of Witch Elf players who for whatever reason don't like me. Whatever. But damn, picking on a 12 year old, calling someone you believe to only be 13 a piece of trash over one kill in a video game...what kind of low-life does that?
Everytime someone kills me in the game or attempts to kill me. I always send them a rude message, all the time.
I send a lot of these messages. Its akin to road rage or something I JUST GET SO INFURIATED!
Even my own teammates, it doesnt matter. I flame them all !

Its all in the spirit of the game and thats how it should be taken. But a lot are butt hurt and cry and take it serious or personal. Sometimes I pray they dont report me, sometimes I try to hold back, really really hard.
And sometimes it turns into a nice conversation about the game, but usually it just involves ignore for one of us 8-)

P.s. No I am not that BG.

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Re: War Stories With Karisanna

Post#187 » Wed Dec 20, 2017 5:53 pm

A couple of months or so ago someone began a thread featuring screenshots taken from various locations around the Warhammer world. I thought that well done, and enjoyed the results. As a consequence of that thread I considered undertaking a like effort, only employing video. And so I have.

This video features no combat of any sort. It is a composite of short segments featuring staged captures of landscapes, vistas, and creatures scattered around the Warhammer world. Video postcards, if you will.

Someday this war is going to end, as all things do. I thought a visual memory worth preserving.

Featured music is from the following sources.

Worakls - "Blue"

Worakls - Salzburg

Klangomad - "I Am What I Am," featuring Asaf Avidan's "Is This It" and Peer Kusiv's "Someone Told Me."

Again my gratitude to all of the Devs, GM's, and all others who keep this game alive. Respects to all of you, my fellow players. And as always, thanks for watching.

Click here to watch on YouTube
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Re: War Stories With Karisanna

Post#188 » Wed Jan 10, 2018 8:17 pm

Recorded over a period of time from November 2017 to January 2018.

Welcome back. One of the aspects I love about this game is the strategy inherent in achieving, or at least in the attempt to increase your chances to achieve, victory over the enemy. Note I am not speaking to renown builds, gear builds, and/or skill rotations. I am talking about the more esoteric endeavor most appropriately categorized as how to create, manipulate, initiate, and influence the fight via alternative factors.

There are actions one can take, strategies and tactics one can employ in game, whether attached to a group or running solo which can and often will help tip the combat equation in your favor. There are other players who know this, I see them out and about on occasion. They are the warband leaders who understand the use of terrain, and thus know to deploy their forces in locations favorable to an ambush, a defense, or a general attack. They are the group players who understand the use of, and have the patience for, hide positions. And they are the solo players who understand in order to isolate and create the fights you desire, time, terrain, and most important of all patience, are your best friends.

Again, I make no claim to be the best in this game at anything. But I do know how to hunt. In addition I know how to read a scenario and apply, however best I can, tactics to help increase the chance and opportunity for my side to win.

That is the essence of this video, a simple attempt, for whatever it may be worth, to illustrate some of those tactics. As always I appreciate all who watch, for whatever reason. However in the case of this particular offering my endeavor was to create what I hoped would prove a useful training video. In that spirit take from it what you will. Or take nothing. All of you are intelligent people, but on occasion I have learned a trick or two from watching the play of others so perhaps the reverse may also prove true. Irregardless of applicability, ultimately I am just someone who enjoys playing this game.

Fight sequences run the typical gamut. A complete time-index listing for all fights, to include those fighting along with me combined with a few appropriate associated details, may be found below.

Featured music attached to individual segments as follows:

Combat Segment One: Deep Shepherd, from Deep Shepherd 6 and gratefully used with permission:

Combat Segment Two: DJ Nightstar, from Progressive Psytrance Mix 2018, Flashback. The accompanying video well:

Combat Segment Three: Deep Shepherd, from Deep Shepherd 6 and gratefully used with permission. Link above.

Combat Segment Four: DJ Nightstar, from Progressive Trance Mix 2017 Trance Fighter:

Combat Segment Five: Aronsa84, from Progressive Mix New Life Progonbeatz 10:

All music remains the property of the individual owners and is used for entertainment purposes only.

Film segments utilized for theme remain the property of the appropriate owners and are used for entertainment purposes only.

All glory to the Hypnotoad.

Click here to watch on YouTube

As always thanks for watching.
Time Index Listing For All Fights:

00:00 to 02:11 Introduction Maggots!!

02:12 to 03:52 1v1 versus Thargrimm. Thargrimm is a good player, but surprise was on my side.
03:53 to 05:35 1v2 versus Squignewton and Juhgit
05:35 to 06:41 1v2 versus Xala and Thargrimm. Always try and kill the Sorc first.
06:42 to 07:48 1v1 versus Nagsainaste. Break the WE's Stealth.
07:49 to 08:28 1v1 versus Neeska. Close the gap.
08:29 to 09:51 1v2 Katsuane and Shimshamm. In a fight against these particular two classes take out the Marauder first.
09:52 to 10:31 1v1 versus Zooy. I was not part of the group, so I engaged the target I thought would best help them win.
10:32 to 11:58 1v1 versus Killtay.
11:59 to 13:00 1v2 in Khaine's Embrace versus Cnmb and Juhgit. This particular segment I thought unique for how the fight
13:01 to 14:53 1v2 which moves to a 2v2 which moves to a 1v1 against Havoc, Korthar, and Goregrunt.
14:54 to 16:11 1v2 versus Kelit and Kordine
16:12 to 16:54 1v1 versus Rakijaa. It always helps to see the WE first.
16:55 to 18:05 1v1 completely random encounter with Thargrimm.
18:06 to 19:05 1v1 against Chopmaster. Good close fight I really thought I had.

19:06 to 19:59 Interlude One: Would You Like to Know More?

20:00 to 22:23 Group Fight in Caledor Featuring the Right Hand of Vengeance!
22:24 to 23:00 Mass Fight in Praag. The key in these type of fights is to keep moving forward.
23:01 to 24:18 Ambush at Kinschel's Stronghold featuring Waldimirr Mock. Note the use of terrain to mask approach.
24:19 to 27:21 Mass Fight in Caledor which flows into Dragonwake. Again, the key is to keep pushing forward.
27:22 to 29:14 Saving the Keep in Saphery. Note the circle to the left.

29:15 to 29:58 Interlude Two: Gonna Run All Day 'Till the Runnin's Done...

29:59 to 33:04 Roaming in Black Fire Pass with Solidheals, MsPuddin, Raebrek, and Sleepykk. Again, keep moving.

33:05 to 33:09 Interlude for some random babes...

33:10 to 34:12 Pies flying in air courtesy of Ivyin (as promised).

34:13 to 40:41 Maw of Madness fight featuring Kemp, Missteak, Freeside, Raebrek, Helldagger, and Dirshaun. Note we do not
make the mistake of pushing out of mid.
40:42 to 46:05 Maw of Madness fight featuring Diolyse, Ezgor, Mtm, Tanelion, and Sammael.
46:06 to 58:38 Khaine's Embrace struggle featuring Megavolt, Heallogic, Rhix, Hedien, and Almanzor. Sometimes you have to go
make the enemy fight.

58:39 to 59:20 "On the Ready Line!"

59:21 to 59:36 Goderick Richter leads his forces into combat. Also known of as "Walking in Praag."

59:37 to 101:56 Battle for Praag segment featuring Zaxxond and a fight against Flora, Ithaca, and Veruca Salt.
101:57 to 103:29 Action in Nordenwatch defending the Fortress Flag featuring Nitroexpress, Elfkrunch, Fierdal, Angeltear, and
103:30 to 104:31 Attempted Ambush at Woodchoppaz Camp. Not all Order went forward, which led to our defeat.
104:32 to 105:47 Gates Fight featuring Theco, Nojoke, Soulview, Oops, and Barry. Aggressive action, which is key.
105:48 to 110:42 Fighting with Trainer in Khaine's Embrace. Assist the WL.
110:43 to 111:53 Ambush at Hallenfurt Manor. The key is they didn't expect us to show up.

111:54 to 112:19 "Now I Want You To Remember..."

112:20 to 122:35 Action in Howling Gorge while grouped with Solidheals, Apso, Sleepykk, Grumbler, and MsPuddin. Zaxxond was
along for the ride in Group Two.

122:36 End Credit.
Blame It On My ADD Baby...

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Re: War Stories With Karisanna

Post#189 » Wed Feb 07, 2018 5:54 pm

Welcome back.

As I have stated prior on multiple occasions one of the primary reasons I began posting my videos and then later crafting them into themed events was to promote not only the game but those who played it. Over time I have published videos specifically recorded to feature and named for particular players, principally Indacut, Tion Black, and Dansaran. A few other videos followed that pattern, with a specific series recorded solely for and dedicated to the Bitterstone Thunderers. Those were fun times.

Recently I realized a significant period of time had passed since I last crafted a video materially designed to feature and promote one specific Return of Reckoning superstar. Other than me, of course. "Swords of the Everqueen" approximated that goal, but was class-centric on Swordmasters as opposed to any individual. Therefore over the last few weeks I have been attempting to capture in game footage which, as best as possible, is hallmarked by the play of another. This video is the first result, and I hope you all enjoy.

This video incorporates combat captures from four different scenarios. The second scenario featured was by far the most fun, however all were engaging and ultimately rewarding. To fully appreciate why I included footage from the forth scenario please read the scenario chat during the period we are all just standing around.

This is a great game, with some great players in it. My continued appreciation to all involved, and please enjoy my latest attempt to promote our communal guilty pleasure.

Featured music from Aronsa84, Progressive Goa Mix - Enjoy Life 2014 Mix Prog-On-Beatz 05. All music remains the property of the individual owners and is used for entertainment purposes only. Thanks mate, good work as usual.

Source for Music:

Brief film sequence from "Gladiator," all rights reserved, and used for entertainment purposes only.


Click here to watch on YouTube
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Re: War Stories With Karisanna

Post#190 » Wed Feb 07, 2018 6:42 pm

I always appreciate the guard and the assists!

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