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Statement current exploits

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Re: Statement current exploits

Post#181 » Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:17 pm

OldPlayer wrote:
Colephis wrote: i hope a soultion to get rid of the exploits is near then we can finaly go back to our normal evening fun without all the negativity :)
Won't happen before we hear the Story promised!

Ok you want a story fine;

I had long held my suspicion that zonder knew how to gold dupe, a suspicion that proved true for me by his own guild leader who kicked him from necrosis and after the events of today everyone knows as well.

Once some weeks back before I even knew that there was an exploit I had tried to xfaction trade 34 gold from destroy to ordo and zonder agree to help me, when he traded me he put up 200g and asked me to up 100g I told him that I did not have that much he hit accept and so I did too after the trade was completed he said crap then he told me to keep the gold, I wondered if he was trying to trade dupe the gold but I wrote it off as he had not intended to press accept.

2 weeks ago my brother was trying to sell a Glaive of the lady and zonder said that he was willing to buy it before they could finalize the deal my brother had a small power outage and he was offline for 15-20 minutes when he logged back on he asked if zonder was there and he did not get a response so he said in /ad that he was selling, he got a response from a person who was also the guild leader of necrosis they said that they knew I was looking for zonder but that I should not take his gold as it was all duped, he asked him what he ment and they responded that “we both know what hes been doing that’s why I kicked him out of my guild”, so my brother asked if zonder then was one of the gold exploiters and they said that they can’t say more but that they are going to inform the devs.

That brings us to the events of today, around 10-10:30cst destroy was in nordland fighting in the rvr lake and ofc the topic of discussion was the coming gold wipe I stated that when the devs wipe that they should make sure to ban all the exploiters in /ad to which zonder responded by laughing and then proceeded to try and defend his point that those who exploited should not be banned because they were “just trying to get gold and dupe items to help others”, and he tried to argue this for some time even after I told his that to exploit violates the ToS which is grounds for banning.

Then vithioras stated that “of course you would try to defend exploiters so hard after all you are one of them” , zonder told him to stfu vith responded by saying i hope you get banned to which zonder responded by calling them a “traitor”, it was then that everyone there realized why zonder was being so defensive.

There are other exploiters besides him but zonder has had his hand in creating the situation we are in now.
ZonderSchaduw wrote:
TenTonHammer wrote:knows now of what you have done
The less you know the better you sleep - i think its not your motto, u got too many unproved informations
ignorance is bliss such a saying is for sheep; in a small community like ours the truth would come out eventually

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Re: Statement current exploits

Post#182 » Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:44 pm

Well Zonder also said something about a screenshot that shows us how to dupe Lady stuff in the same conversation you've stated .. and i also was wondering about that 'traitor'

Maybe vith should open his mouth and tell us a bit as well :>

*lighting a torch and grabbing the wood stake*

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Re: Statement current exploits

Post#183 » Thu Apr 16, 2015 8:54 am

ZonderSchaduw wrote:ten ton hammer u are doned rag u dont know us and u selling again your unproved stories damm to washing floors fcking bacterie going to wipe u.... they destroyed the economy and when ppl starts to asking they just choosing the best to go out all that in your post traitors...... and they dont kicked me from necrosis i leaved them few dayz before and the voice of necrosis u was talkking with was the voice of selfish inferiority... anyway thanks the thread is doned for me i wont talking with unloyal dogs i dont know how to dupe gold or what vamp are talking about but i know u can go back to your malus comics ten ton hammer

Oh my god, It's Captain Caring of the S.S. Melodrama!

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Re: Statement current exploits

Post#184 » Thu Apr 16, 2015 8:56 am

ZonderSchaduw wrote:i dont know how to dupe gold
I bet 43.000 gold that you know how to exploit gold. I don't have that much, but i can't loose on that bet.

Edit: He is not the only one, responsible for the situation...

Hopefully the people will stop blaming the devs for the situation we are in atm and start pointing the fingers into another direction.

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Re: Statement current exploits

Post#185 » Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:15 am

Azarael wrote:43,000 Gold is an impressive amount.
You can buy alot of Bugmans XXXXXX with that much gold I'm just saying Some very epic glorious gameplay of warhammer online on the original servers

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Re: Statement current exploits

Post#186 » Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:24 am

ZonderSchaduw wrote: i dont know how to dupe gold
Well from what i've heard you indeed do not know how to dupe Gold, but thats not true for duping items. And i even recall you spamming tons of Purple T4 crafting mats in the AdviceChat some months ago. So if i count 1+1 together, i'd assume you simply duped items, sold them and thus got endless money. Overall this makes no difference to duping Gold here.

and btw:

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Re: Statement current exploits

Post#187 » Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:38 am

Tbh, there is no point talking about anything more in this topic.

Clear Gold.
Clear Gear.
Remove apoth, Cult items etc from the game, until the problem is fixed. (Because i think thats the item which is being duped into a huge portion, and sold to a vendor)
Put vendor with bloody gear. And Only blue and Purple gear should be farmed from PvE.
Making bloody gear purchase able for silver will remove your problem. (Yes i know, it wont find the exploit bug or w/e you call it) But it help alot.

Next - Open Tier 2! ;)

Sorry agian for my bad gramma :D

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Re: Statement current exploits

Post#188 » Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:50 am

Vampire wrote:Tbh, there is no point talking about anything more in this topic.

Clear Gold.
Clear Gear.
Remove apoth, Cult items etc from the game, until the problem is fixed. (Because i think thats the item which is being duped into a huge portion, and sold to a vendor)
Put vendor with bloody gear. And Only blue and Purple gear should be farmed from PvE.
Making bloody gear purchase able for silver will remove your problem. (Yes i know, it wont find the exploit bug or w/e you call it) But it help alot.

Next - Open Tier 2! ;)

Sorry agian for my bad gramma :D
I thought I seen enough naked Dwarves for one lifetime but I agree with all this, full gear wipe, etc. Except for the part about blue/purple gear in PvE. I don't think elite/BiS gear should be farmable from PvE, at least not from normal mobs, maybe just the lairs. Whatever though, game will survive. @Vamp - Hope your gramma gets well soon ;)
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Re: Statement current exploits

Post#189 » Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:52 am

Rebuke wrote:Russians...
What do Russians have to do with the issue?
magicthighs wrote:Finding bugs is what players are for. The RoR team itself doesn't have the people nor the time to do that.

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Re: Statement current exploits

Post#190 » Thu Apr 16, 2015 10:02 am

OldPlayer wrote:
Rebuke wrote:Russians...
What do Russians have to do with the issue?

I think he wanted to state that they sometimes seem a bit.. unreasonable/unreproducible :o

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