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Patch Notes 26/02/2021

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Re: Patch Notes 26/02/2021

Post#181 » Sun Feb 28, 2021 2:01 pm

Starx wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 1:48 am
emiliorv wrote: Sat Feb 27, 2021 11:40 pm
Sulorie wrote: Sat Feb 27, 2021 10:02 am People stacked armor, because toughness is underperforming and now we reduce armor values to make people look for other defensive options? Most healers picked armor because the other options are actually not worth it. This isn't going to change. People
will just die faster.

The less base armor you have, the bigger the effect of debuffs and penetration will be, as it is percentage based reduction.
Totally this, healers stacking armor because:
-willpower sucks: heals scaling suck, and shield absorbs dont scale with WP.
-melee dmg is op: a cloth healer after a armor debuff is basicly naked.
-thoughnes: not good enough, you need high numbers to make It worth.

Simply nerfing armor talis without improving other options....really is needed this punishment to healers??
Willpower does suck, but if you look at the base value for heals its scary to think what kind of monster you would create by making it not shitty. Healing is massively OP in this game, because its balanced around gigantic cuts to output via heal debuffs, and the insane amount of aoe dmg we had at 9 cap... let alone this private server 24 cap.

Healers are fine, you have access to a peel/guard from your tanks that can cut damage in half, and even further with challenge and morales, you have detaunts and most healers besides AM have good on the move heals or oh **** buttons.

healers losing like 200 armor from this change and losing their minds is just funny.
Well if "healers lose only 200 armor" why make this Nerf ?? If means nothing why the hell piss of one of the less rewarding archetypes to play??

After the CAP increase the aoe dmg numbers grow x2-x3...but healing remained the same.

New sets and new weapons released, giving higher dps numbers...but healing remained the same.

Also absorb shileds was nerfed....some months ago.

Well its clear that Game is punishing healer why bother keep playing them?

Healers are Monsters you say? How much you can heal after incoming+outgoing healdebuffs??

Guard many healers are playing at 30ft from tanks ??

Posts: 121

Re: Patch Notes 26/02/2021

Post#182 » Sun Feb 28, 2021 2:01 pm

emiliorv wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 1:44 pm Well i Will simply stop playing support classes and enjoy the dps buffs...when everyone stop playing healers (outside guild premades) lets see how Game is going...
isn't that a good thing? less Healers and the World becomes a more dangerous Place :arrow: Patch is a success! :idea:
AM / RP / Shaman / Zealot / WP / DoK

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Re: Patch Notes 26/02/2021

Post#183 » Sun Feb 28, 2021 2:10 pm

Kloaner wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 2:01 pm
emiliorv wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 1:44 pm Well i Will simply stop playing support classes and enjoy the dps buffs...when everyone stop playing healers (outside guild premades) lets see how Game is going...
isn't that a good thing? less Healers and the World becomes a more dangerous Place :arrow: Patch is a success! :idea:
Working as intended.

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Re: Patch Notes 26/02/2021

Post#184 » Sun Feb 28, 2021 3:09 pm

Here is a small list for you Slayer realm champs.

-remove CS outgoing damage debuf
-reduce BO aoe snare
-make brute proc armor pen shrug more unreliable
-add more ws to gear
-give IB more util on top of +25% parry/crits
-gobo kite nerf
-add an aoe armor debuff
-reduce armor tallies in game

I have to admit I find it a tad strange the meta class of WAR (2xSlayer meta) is passively buffed again and again
Last edited by Bozzax on Sun Feb 28, 2021 6:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Patch Notes 26/02/2021

Post#185 » Sun Feb 28, 2021 3:51 pm


Then its a balance issue that should not be papered over by _needing_ to have armor talis to have damage be balanced.

Because the same thing applies to dps classes with medium armor using them or, worse, using them and then doubling their armor. That's utterly broken IMO.

Sure. I am not saying this change is terrible itself, I am saying this change without any other buffs/nerfs is.
Zealot 84, Sorc 83, BG 83, WP 50+

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Re: Patch Notes 26/02/2021

Post#186 » Sun Feb 28, 2021 5:30 pm

Rumpel wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:33 am If all now stack toughness before armor, life gets harder for all dds. Armor you can strike through on some ways but toughnes....playing with 800 toughnes on my WE was nearly unkillable (even before toughnes buff!!!), except dmg was not that good but as healer its not that problem I think. But I don't know if its possible stacking so much toughnes on healers but at the end when everybody knows how to stack it they will become unkillable. I think they're are already some healers with hight toughnes cause some, not many, are hard to kill even without detaunt. They now will feel the real pain having much more to pay now for toughnes talis.
How classes like AM, zealot or rp should stack toughtness? You don't understand that every item has armor on it but not every item has toughness.
The solution for that might be to additional toughness values to healer sets of am, zeal, rp and allow people to respec in cities before 1st stage starts.
Because the problem is that you can't know what you will fight and def.defender is just way to universal to just drop without knowing who are you fighting against.

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Re: Patch Notes 26/02/2021

Post#187 » Sun Feb 28, 2021 7:01 pm

Cloak, Belt and Weapons dont have armor values. Belt lacks tali-slot but rest does. just wanted to add that.
Ravezaar Slayer rr86
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Re: Patch Notes 26/02/2021

Post#188 » Sun Feb 28, 2021 7:03 pm

Hi guys! Love the change in armor talis... I though also the +24's are too easy to make, too common? Way easier than on live thats for sure. I think lower the crit chance some?
Awesome thanks

Posts: 2249

Re: Patch Notes 26/02/2021

Post#189 » Sun Feb 28, 2021 9:02 pm

Why change armor tali's? Armor pots are the reason nearly a dozen abilities are utterly worthless, unshatterable, ez to mass produce, and are used by literally everyone...

Meh, I don't play and I never agreed with armor stacking. But it wasn't the tali's that are the issue, it's the pot on top replacing core class abilities and any form of counterplay. Saying you are adjusting armor tali's to the same as others is dumb, as no other defence has a passive strike through(WS). Tough/resist needs to be actively targeted, WS allows you to effectively double debuff armor, hence, the higher rates....

Edit: "is dumb" was a poor choice of words. MB.
Last edited by Dabbart on Sun Feb 28, 2021 10:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Azarael wrote: It's only a nerf if you're bad.

(see, I can shitpost too!)
Secrets wrote: Kindly adjust your attitude to actually help the community and do not impose your will on it. You aren't as powerful as you think.

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Re: Patch Notes 26/02/2021

Post#190 » Sun Feb 28, 2021 9:05 pm

Greenbeast wrote: Sat Feb 27, 2021 1:07 am
Grock wrote: Sat Feb 27, 2021 12:14 am
Greenbeast wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 11:18 pm I can only suggest you to stop theory crafting around solo/duo groups and think about other classes that can bring stackable, single target or aoe armor debuff.
The nerf is 10% mitigation for light armor classes. If you think that they difference between 10 and 20% mitigation is insignificat then fine.
I'm not talking about pugs/zerg scenarios. In this scenarios you can disable half of the game mechanics and the game will stay the same.
What I'm talking about are premades that can spike you for 8000 HP/Second during the knock down. In that scenario 10% mitigation is equal of 2-3 seconds that maybe will allow second healer to react.
But keep pretending that it's dosent matter. For your class it's defenitely not a problem because your class benefits from this change more than anybody else.
"10% mitigation" is 440 armor (actually more when you count weapon skill), are you really losing that much from this nerf? Were you using 10 armor talismans?
The difference between 10% and 20% mitigation is about 11% more incoming damge, in your example that s like 1k damge, but your numbers are far from reality anyway, the real values are way lower
This will most definitely not give you 2-3 seconds when taking 8k dps in :lol:

Also since you weren't paying attention i also noted whats gonna happen when target gets debuffed and who's going to benefit frm that the most. And as i already explained my class doesn't benefit from this "more than anybody else" because we already have to stack massive armor penetration which makes these changes absolutely negligible. Are you really trying to tell me that 2% less mitigation on the target is going to make my day? Give me a break

You tell me to stop theorycraft while not getting the point, i guess all i can reply is to stop whining? The math is right there, you can try to understand the real change or you can just keep being upset, your choice
The lose is 352 armor.

Yes, 10% less damage is a big difference. If it's not just tell your tanks to not use bellows next time.
Your class benefits from it because of rampage. You don't need to be red to wreck 1300-1400 AA on shamans/zealots + undefendable damage on their tanks, while bouth melt like snow. It works more or less same for choppa if it will make you feel better.
I'm not here to attack the classes that will profit from this change. I think about meta classes like shaman or am that will become even more meta now.

I told you to stop theorycrafting for a solo/duo. Look at group compositions and synergies. Nobody cares about unguarded solo slayer. It can't kill anything. Just bring wl, engi, wh with it.
P.s. In the reality 6 man ST group in a premade kills shaman/zealot that don't have detaunt or guard swap in 2 seconds while it's knocked down. Same for AM/Runepriest. As I said the major impact of this change will be on shamans, am, zealot, rune priest and not on the actual armor stacking healers - wp/dok.
Don't be triggered when somebody disagrees with you.
You've got quite a talent for reading only the parts you like and ignoring everything you don't like, while also inventing things that didn't happen.

The "10% mitigation" that you pulled out of thin air doesn't exist, in practice the mitigation difference against properly built slayer will be around 1.5-2% at best.
Nowhere in this whole conversation did i imply that i was talking about solo gameplay.

Absolutely pointless to continue this conversation as i already replied to everything that concerns you. You just want to panic, okay then.
Orkni 85+ (in-game Grock is not me...)

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