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[Shadow Warrior] Additional Playstyle Proposal

Swordmaster, Shadow Warrior, White Lion, Archmage
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Re: [Shadow Warrior] Additional Playstyle Proposal

Post#21 » Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:41 pm


I appreciate the banter regarding Sorc vs. Shadow Warrior but I respectfully ask that we veer back on to main topic at hand. That being a buff to split arrows to increase the aoe viability of the SW and enhance new playstyles.

I agree with Thorindor's assessment that flanking shot should not be aoe due to the positional requirement. But the rest I think we should maintain.

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Re: [Shadow Warrior] Additional Playstyle Proposal

Post#22 » Tue Mar 22, 2016 9:00 pm

Once again i am flabbergast that you think your suggestion is even remotely reasonable.

With one tactic you fell it is reasonable to have access to:

AoE 65ft 50% inc hd + dot
65ft AoE Dot,
65ft AoE iniative debuff
65ft AoE rKD

All this for 1 tactic slot

are you for real

only morales can do this ****

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Posts: 71

Re: [Shadow Warrior] Additional Playstyle Proposal

Post#23 » Tue Mar 22, 2016 9:06 pm

I said that there would obviously be a reduction in the ability damage proportionate to the reduction that SFA takes from split arrows currently. I think in light of that the request is not in the least bit overpowered.

Posts: 2840

Re: [Shadow Warrior] Additional Playstyle Proposal

Post#24 » Tue Mar 22, 2016 9:23 pm

incredible wrote:I’d like to discuss what I believe is an imbalance for the shadow warrior class as a result of nerfs to Festering Arrow and Shadow Sting. Mainly, due to the movement of the heal debuff to 9 points in the tree (previously only 6) and the reduction of Festering Arrow resistance bypass to 50%, shadow warriors now have one and only one spec and playstyle – a spec up the skirmish tree as a single target dps.

Some may argue that this spec yields sufficient results for the Shadow Warrior and they are therefore properly balanced. I would disagree. First, having your spec options limited is a nerf, plain and simple. But, in addition, nothing about the skirmish spec really “outshines” what the other rdps for order can currently do.
For this reason, I propose a small buff to one of the least used tactics in the SW skirmish tree. Specifically, I propose a change to the split arrows tactic. Currently this tactic makes your spiral fletched arrow AOE but at the price of reducing the damage on said ability.

In my opinion, this tactic needs to further bolster the skirmish line and some key core SW abilities. I propose that it makes Shadow Sting, Broadhead Arrow, Takedown, Flanking shot, and Eyeshot all AOE. I agree that the damage of each ability should also be reduced by the same proportion that Spiral Fletched Arrow is.

This proposed change would bring about a whole new playstyle for Shadow Warriors. Like Bright Wizards, you could either single target spec in skirmisher for maximum damage, or you can AOE spec with split arrows and help your team through area of effect pressure damage. Having an aoe heal debuff and knockdown may sound strong, but the reduced damage applied to the abilities as a result of the split arrows should compensate for the additional AOE strength.

With T4 imminent, I wanted to get this proposal on the table in hopes that the dialogue could get rolling for what will likely be a number of requests once T4 is active.
incredible wrote:Gentlemen,

I appreciate the banter regarding Sorc vs. Shadow Warrior but I respectfully ask that we veer back on to main topic at hand. That being a buff to split arrows to increase the aoe viability of the SW and enhance new playstyles.

I agree with Thorindor's assessment that flanking shot should not be aoe due to the positional requirement. But the rest I think we should maintain.
This is either a troll attempt or the worst suggestion ever...

I'm not even talking about that this would be the most efficient tactic in the game, but

1. range spammable 50% AOE incoming healdebuff? i always had the impression that most people have no clue what an incoming healdebuff does with your effective damage when there are healers around, but this is just WOW...
2. range AOE knockdown? You realised that AOE knockdowns are very rare in this game and for a good reason (easymode bombing etc.)
3. range AOE initiative debuff? See 1. Most people don't stack initiative and you can raise the enemies chance to be crit very high by debuffing initiative. I mentioned somewhere else that i once managed to debuff my slayers initiative to ~76% chance to be crit, just with the self debuff from fierceness.
4. range AOE snare? AOE snare is one of the most effective counters against the meleetrain; why should you be able to use it from afar? The only other classes with something comparable are the AM/shaman and their abilities are ground target AOE (inferiour).

As i already wrote: you either troll or have absolutely no clue about balancing and class synergy...

Just in case you don't troll: Imagine for a second what a slayer would do with your AOE heal- and initiative debuffed, snared and knockdowned targets in a few seconds :roll:

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Re: [Shadow Warrior] Additional Playstyle Proposal

Post#25 » Tue Mar 22, 2016 9:31 pm

Can't be serious...

Pretty much always afk or tabbed out.

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