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Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

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Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

Post#21 » Thu Feb 20, 2020 5:08 pm

Ekundu01 wrote: Thu Feb 20, 2020 4:16 pm
Lag can be caused by a number of things most of the time the lag is caused in this game by the effects and limitations of your internet connection to the server. Some graphic effects have a larger draw on your systems performance. Your system/internet can only process so much at a time even if you have a beastly computer you are limited to your internet connection as well.

For example many moons ago back when the biggest MMO was Everquest and PCs were worse then a phone in todays time we were doing a raid and one of our raid members had to leave unexpectedly but didn't have time to log out. We didn't want to let them die but we wanted to finish the raid so everyone in the raid sent spam tells to the person to overload the system to make them crash out and it worked. After about 30secs of overloading the limitations of the PC and internet it crashed them out.

In the case of this video you are getting lag from a number of sources. One could be terrain. This is in an area that has Water and water effects can really bog the system down. Another thing that plagues performance is render distance or clip plane (how far you see someone before they disappear) this can cause major lag when a lot of players enter your render distance at the same time and your game is trying to show them all at once. If you keep moving in and out of render distance it has to keep drawing them on your screen. The farther out you have it the better because if it is too close as you kite people you might move out of this range and it has to show all those players at once again. Stack that on top of all the effects playing out that it is trying to put on your screen and you get lag. It could be a specific animation causes more draw on performance and when you have multiple of that stacked on top of all the other things that cause your system to bog down and you get the lag.

Add the added effect of actual distance you are from the server (your ping) it can cause hell on your performance because your internet can only process so much so in cases where a lot is going on and the server is trying to send a ton of information to your computer all at once it creates a bottle neck. This is where you will get lock ups and then all of sudden you get blasted with all the information that has caught up from people hitting you and you go from full health to 0 in seconds.

Addons have issues with causing lag too. Also the amount of text limit you allow to stay on the screen can be a factor.

Why am i posting all this, because it may not be isolated to just one ability and could be multiple factors adding up causing the issues that you may not think is adding to the lag issues.
Seems to me that you haven't read the thread, or purposely ignored everything written in it. Multiple reports, all with ofc diff settings and computers, 2 videos of the same person running lower specs yet lagging, but all having one thing in common: playing order at the time. The trouble has to be in destro side by simple logic.

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Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

Post#22 » Thu Feb 20, 2020 5:25 pm

Ototo wrote: Thu Feb 20, 2020 5:08 pm
Ekundu01 wrote: Thu Feb 20, 2020 4:16 pm
Lag can be caused by a number of things most of the time the lag is caused in this game by the effects and limitations of your internet connection to the server. Some graphic effects have a larger draw on your systems performance. Your system/internet can only process so much at a time even if you have a beastly computer you are limited to your internet connection as well.

For example many moons ago back when the biggest MMO was Everquest and PCs were worse then a phone in todays time we were doing a raid and one of our raid members had to leave unexpectedly but didn't have time to log out. We didn't want to let them die but we wanted to finish the raid so everyone in the raid sent spam tells to the person to overload the system to make them crash out and it worked. After about 30secs of overloading the limitations of the PC and internet it crashed them out.

In the case of this video you are getting lag from a number of sources. One could be terrain. This is in an area that has Water and water effects can really bog the system down. Another thing that plagues performance is render distance or clip plane (how far you see someone before they disappear) this can cause major lag when a lot of players enter your render distance at the same time and your game is trying to show them all at once. If you keep moving in and out of render distance it has to keep drawing them on your screen. The farther out you have it the better because if it is too close as you kite people you might move out of this range and it has to show all those players at once again. Stack that on top of all the effects playing out that it is trying to put on your screen and you get lag. It could be a specific animation causes more draw on performance and when you have multiple of that stacked on top of all the other things that cause your system to bog down and you get the lag.

Add the added effect of actual distance you are from the server (your ping) it can cause hell on your performance because your internet can only process so much so in cases where a lot is going on and the server is trying to send a ton of information to your computer all at once it creates a bottle neck. This is where you will get lock ups and then all of sudden you get blasted with all the information that has caught up from people hitting you and you go from full health to 0 in seconds.

Addons have issues with causing lag too. Also the amount of text limit you allow to stay on the screen can be a factor.

Why am i posting all this, because it may not be isolated to just one ability and could be multiple factors adding up causing the issues that you may not think is adding to the lag issues.
Seems to me that you haven't read the thread, or purposely ignored everything written in it. Multiple reports, all with ofc diff settings and computers, 2 videos of the same person running lower specs yet lagging, but all having one thing in common: playing order at the time. The trouble has to be in destro side by simple logic.
I read the thread and posted reason why it could be an issue. Both videos are not recorded in the same zone so it could be something in one zone and not the other. He/she also has miracle grow remix add on active on the order character and not on the destro character and that add on is notorious for lag issues. Plus the game setting could be different for each toon so i listed things that could be causing it and it might not be just isolated to some destro conspiracy that every order player thinks every destro player has knowledge of some game breaking bug to make them lose everytime.

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Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

Post#23 » Thu Feb 20, 2020 6:28 pm

I play on a very old laptop on mobile hotspot. I minimize my lag by turning my graphics down to lowest setting, no effects, and closing most of my other applications I might have open (e.g., Spotify, web browser). SoR addon (& others) causes me lag, so I don't have it. I restart my client after every large fight or zone flip.

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Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

Post#24 » Thu Feb 20, 2020 6:31 pm

the server client is bad... i would like to be Billion Gates to help devs to have a better server, but im not.

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Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

Post#25 » Thu Feb 20, 2020 7:00 pm

Ekundu01 wrote: Thu Feb 20, 2020 5:25 pm
I read the thread and posted reason why it could be an issue. Both videos are not recorded in the same zone so it could be something in one zone and not the other. He/she also has miracle grow remix add on active on the order character and not on the destro character and that add on is notorious for lag issues. Plus the game setting could be different for each toon so i listed things that could be causing it and it might not be just isolated to some destro conspiracy that every order player thinks every destro player has knowledge of some game breaking bug to make them lose everytime.
in my old sorc videos im running more addons in the background that do not appear on the video, it barely matters on destro, your gameplay is relatively smooth anyway. MGRemix is non issue if not in active use, you can hide it, or you can turn it off, close to zero effect unless you cultivating in middle of fights.
I have higher settings and usually "ooh shiny" when recording any of my Sorc videos, and its barely any issue, and barely any crashes ever even if it means recording fights in the same zone for +4hours without any reloading. On Order you risk far higher FPS drops if attempting "ooh shiny" in largescale, not sure why, but most likely due to some VFX on some destro ability that is common in RvR.
It's not an Destro conspiracy, it's most likely some badly edited VFX causing issues and mostly just to targets on one side of the game.

You can go through all +30 or so videos of my youtube channel, most of them are from Destro pov, Sorc+Choppa. Generally I can keep up 30-50fsp normally, large fight between 15-30 fps and then drops to 5-10 if even larger, occasional very massive fight can be then below 5fps for a short while.
On Order its more common to drop down to 10-20 fps in larger fights, only slightly more laggy at times, right until some ability is fired causing some extra issues to the client which either drops fps down to 1-5 or straight up freezes your screen.

It's not conspiracy or bias, its just a bug relating to something that is hard to pinpoint down, and it's making gameplay bit more challenging from Order POV if you are on the receiving end of "lagbomb" (basically whoever initiates fight and managed to fire of 2-4 gcd of aoe dots/debuffs on enemy first in larger fight) - and then some buggy VFX/other bug is launched and you end up with 0-1 frames for a short while.

my own theory is atm about some change done last summer to Big Bouncin' viewtopic.php?f=42&t=32939&p=371293 not sure what was changed in that animation, but something feels really off when 2-3+ squigs appearing on your screen mean you will be unable to receive any frames for several seconds.

Posts: 143

Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

Post#26 » Thu Feb 20, 2020 7:44 pm

So what u mean .... i am playing on both sides in fights with small numbers and large scale fights .... yes it lags often but not more on order or destro. it´s really even .... so dont blame any class or realm ... so look on your own ... you have a lot addons running and you are streaming to .... and yeah maybe a second tap with youporn ... so turn off this **** and have a look after this .... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

    Healefix - Runepriest 40/65+
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    Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

    Post#27 » Thu Feb 20, 2020 7:49 pm

    Aurandilaz wrote: Thu Feb 20, 2020 7:00 pm
    Ekundu01 wrote: Thu Feb 20, 2020 5:25 pm
    I read the thread and posted reason why it could be an issue. Both videos are not recorded in the same zone so it could be something in one zone and not the other. He/she also has miracle grow remix add on active on the order character and not on the destro character and that add on is notorious for lag issues. Plus the game setting could be different for each toon so i listed things that could be causing it and it might not be just isolated to some destro conspiracy that every order player thinks every destro player has knowledge of some game breaking bug to make them lose everytime.
    in my old sorc videos im running more addons in the background that do not appear on the video, it barely matters on destro, your gameplay is relatively smooth anyway. MGRemix is non issue if not in active use, you can hide it, or you can turn it off, close to zero effect unless you cultivating in middle of fights.
    I have higher settings and usually "ooh shiny" when recording any of my Sorc videos, and its barely any issue, and barely any crashes ever even if it means recording fights in the same zone for +4hours without any reloading. On Order you risk far higher FPS drops if attempting "ooh shiny" in largescale, not sure why, but most likely due to some VFX on some destro ability that is common in RvR.
    It's not an Destro conspiracy, it's most likely some badly edited VFX causing issues and mostly just to targets on one side of the game.

    You can go through all +30 or so videos of my youtube channel, most of them are from Destro pov, Sorc+Choppa. Generally I can keep up 30-50fsp normally, large fight between 15-30 fps and then drops to 5-10 if even larger, occasional very massive fight can be then below 5fps for a short while.
    On Order its more common to drop down to 10-20 fps in larger fights, only slightly more laggy at times, right until some ability is fired causing some extra issues to the client which either drops fps down to 1-5 or straight up freezes your screen.

    It's not conspiracy or bias, its just a bug relating to something that is hard to pinpoint down, and it's making gameplay bit more challenging from Order POV if you are on the receiving end of "lagbomb" (basically whoever initiates fight and managed to fire of 2-4 gcd of aoe dots/debuffs on enemy first in larger fight) - and then some buggy VFX/other bug is launched and you end up with 0-1 frames for a short while.

    my own theory is atm about some change done last summer to Big Bouncin' viewtopic.php?f=42&t=32939&p=371293 not sure what was changed in that animation, but something feels really off when 2-3+ squigs appearing on your screen mean you will be unable to receive any frames for several seconds.
    The same thing can happen on destro side when you have a big battle with all gfx on especially when you have been in a zone for a while and you have addons like deathblow and other kill tracking going on that the list keeps growing as people come and go from the zone. Anytime you have bomb groups time stamping players with a string of damage in an already laggy situation you are going to get that type of lag. It is simply too much for it all to handle no matter if you have a potato computer or something that is able to do it all.

    If this was just isolated to destro causing some problem for order then forts would be a giant no win situation for order while destro lags them out. But it isn't just isolated to destro because we get the same lag you get in large battle situations if we are running all the graphics on.

    If it was some destro graphics causing some abnormal lag you would get it all the time even when it wasn't a zerg fest and stacking of what you suspect is a SH problem. And Destro would have the same lag if they had all the graphics turned up because you would see the same animations. If animations are causing lag it would affect everyone and not just order, animations that cause lag don't discriminate just cause you are on order it would make destro and order have the same issues. So the 2 videos as proof doesn't really prove anything other then something extra is running either addon or graphic setting that isn't realized is causing the lag.

    I had a similar problem when i had a ton of addons and gfx turned on even on destro side and it took me a few hours to figure out the right set up for my computer to make it run smooth and still have decent animations active so i can see things like puddles in orvr.

    Posts: 143

    Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

    Post#28 » Thu Feb 20, 2020 7:56 pm

    quick solution for the order whiners .... turn off all your addons and use standard ui layout ... it works fine .... in big fights too!!!!

      Healefix - Runepriest 40/65+
      Index - Knight 40/40
      Obyvankenobi - SW 40/66+
      Snipeshot - Engi 40/67+

      "small scale lover"

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      Greensyndrom - SH 40/81+
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      Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

      Post#29 » Thu Feb 20, 2020 8:38 pm

      Oculta wrote: Thu Feb 20, 2020 7:56 pm quick solution for the order whiners .... turn off all your addons and use standard ui layout ... it works fine .... in big fights too!!!!
      0 Addons got same issue, pls explain do you even play vs organized wbs on order?

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      Re: Absurd lagspikes vs Destro lagbombs

      Post#30 » Thu Feb 20, 2020 10:09 pm

      adding more material for comparison, filmed on same day, same zone, same amount of addons running, Choppa POV to BW POV

      Click here to watch on YouTube

      vs fight at 2min timer

      Click here to watch on YouTube

      on Choppa im fine charging into enemy blob and still doing fine at 5-15frames, BW and you just drop to 0-1 frames as soon as fight starts.

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