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Defendhammer Online

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Re: Defendhammer Online

Post#21 » Thu Oct 01, 2020 9:47 am

heybaws wrote: Thu Oct 01, 2020 9:28 am Problem with those "defences" is that they just wasting everybody time: you spent 5 minutes at ramming the door/killing the oil, then brave order premades killing ram after suiciding on it for 10 times in a row. Whats gonna happen after? Nothing. You wait 10 mins for another ram to do it again, cause "defenders" are sitting on the walls, expecting another ram to die on just to waste everyones time once more (cause they not gonna leave keep untill you get bored). And the main reason it's happening is 3k pure dmg per tick from oil in huge area. You can't really fight those jumpers with oil support which makes it close to impossible to defend the ram if there is 3 rdps on walls who is smart enough to cast aoe near ram to make sure that anyone who wants to remove it gonna get dismounted. Oil damage needs to be nerfed just to allow attackers to actually push defenders away from ram, with 12k pure undefendable dmg per oil thats close to impossible. Or there should be other ways to destroy keep doors other than ram which right now is as cancerous as it can ever be: not only it gets killed by oil jumpers, ST cannons and stealthers, there is also this disgusting decay mechanic that can kill ram even faster just because ram owner went 100ft away from it (someone moved ram from oil just to save it while ram owner was standing with main force near gates for example). Maybe ST cannons should do reliable dmg to gates aswell, or players should be able to hit the damn door too, or maybe both? Because with as it is rn dead ram means that in next 10 mins absolutely nothing gonna happen.

What about reducing the % reduction of Deflect Oil, but allow it to stack? Think that would help?

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Re: Defendhammer Online

Post#22 » Thu Oct 01, 2020 10:11 am

An incentive could be to introduce attack ticks when you manage to break down a door. And imo the defense ticks are way too high. I had a 27k tick for just walking by and fighting off a few enemies.

Posts: 41

Re: Defendhammer Online

Post#23 » Thu Oct 01, 2020 10:52 am

Just an outside point of view: for me being between 16-35, its all boring. I wish we had the population to separate t2 and t3 areas.

Posts: 130

Re: Defendhammer Online

Post#24 » Thu Oct 01, 2020 11:24 am

I'm all for this. Actual keep defences where previously 1 in 100 keeps got defended on the race to city. The game is about more than racing to city.

Up the attacker rewards and we're good.

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Re: Defendhammer Online

Post#25 » Thu Oct 01, 2020 12:32 pm

heybaws wrote: Thu Oct 01, 2020 9:28 am Problem with those "defences" is that they just wasting everybody time: you spent 5 minutes at ramming the door/killing the oil, then brave order premades killing ram after suiciding on it for 10 times in a row. Whats gonna happen after? Nothing. You wait 10 mins for another ram to do it again, cause "defenders" are sitting on the walls, expecting another ram to die on just to waste everyones time once more (cause they not gonna leave keep untill you get bored). And the main reason it's happening is 3k pure dmg per tick from oil in huge area. You can't really fight those jumpers with oil support which makes it close to impossible to defend the ram if there is 3 rdps on walls who is smart enough to cast aoe near ram to make sure that anyone who wants to remove it gonna get dismounted. Oil damage needs to be nerfed just to allow attackers to actually push defenders away from ram, with 12k pure undefendable dmg per oil thats close to impossible. Or there should be other ways to destroy keep doors other than ram which right now is as cancerous as it can ever be: not only it gets killed by oil jumpers, ST cannons and stealthers, there is also this disgusting decay mechanic that can kill ram even faster just because ram owner went 100ft away from it (someone moved ram from oil just to save it while ram owner was standing with main force near gates for example). Maybe ST cannons should do reliable dmg to gates aswell, or players should be able to hit the damn door too, or maybe both? Because with as it is rn dead ram means that in next 10 mins absolutely nothing gonna happen.
What about oil hurting both faction. It's something strange oil just hurts the attacker and defenders dancing under it.

Some real knights in the past where be real happy about the conditions defenders here have bathing in oil and not even get dirty. Wonderweapon.
Image Ruedigga

Greetings from Chaos...

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Re: Defendhammer Online

Post#26 » Thu Oct 01, 2020 12:46 pm

Rumpel wrote: Thu Oct 01, 2020 12:32 pm
heybaws wrote: Thu Oct 01, 2020 9:28 am Problem with those "defences" is that they just wasting everybody time: you spent 5 minutes at ramming the door/killing the oil, then brave order premades killing ram after suiciding on it for 10 times in a row. Whats gonna happen after? Nothing. You wait 10 mins for another ram to do it again, cause "defenders" are sitting on the walls, expecting another ram to die on just to waste everyones time once more (cause they not gonna leave keep untill you get bored). And the main reason it's happening is 3k pure dmg per tick from oil in huge area. You can't really fight those jumpers with oil support which makes it close to impossible to defend the ram if there is 3 rdps on walls who is smart enough to cast aoe near ram to make sure that anyone who wants to remove it gonna get dismounted. Oil damage needs to be nerfed just to allow attackers to actually push defenders away from ram, with 12k pure undefendable dmg per oil thats close to impossible. Or there should be other ways to destroy keep doors other than ram which right now is as cancerous as it can ever be: not only it gets killed by oil jumpers, ST cannons and stealthers, there is also this disgusting decay mechanic that can kill ram even faster just because ram owner went 100ft away from it (someone moved ram from oil just to save it while ram owner was standing with main force near gates for example). Maybe ST cannons should do reliable dmg to gates aswell, or players should be able to hit the damn door too, or maybe both? Because with as it is rn dead ram means that in next 10 mins absolutely nothing gonna happen.
What about oil hurting both faction. It's something strange oil just hurts the attacker and defenders dancing under it.

Some real knights in the past where be real happy about the conditions defenders here have bathing in oil and not even get dirty. Wonderweapon.
Problem meet solution. Oil should be AoE damage to any target. Also, move rams to 3 Star keep.
-= Agony =-

Posts: 16

Re: Defendhammer Online

Post#27 » Thu Oct 01, 2020 1:55 pm

only when there are 24 players left will the people who farm and farm realize that your opponent also needs to have fun playing the game, not sure why that's never considered.

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Re: Defendhammer Online

Post#28 » Thu Oct 01, 2020 2:16 pm

I dont think that changes how oil works, will have such a huge impact in the fact that people are defending more willingly than attacking.

Imo the problem lies with the defence tick, exactly how is the contribution calculated?

Defending a keep for 20 min usually gives me a defence tick on anything between 15-32k rr, now if you compare that to how much you get for the same time as an attacker.

Add to that the fact, that when you attack, in order to succeed you give the other side AAO aswell, normally you cannot take a keep with even numbers.

If I had a choice of attacking a keep or defending a keep, today, I would go for defence every day of the week, regardless if oil splash hits the defenders or not.

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Re: Defendhammer Online

Post#29 » Thu Oct 01, 2020 6:59 pm

I really dislike keep sieges, whether attacking or defending. I disliked them on live, dislike them on RoR.

It's just not fun gameplay (as a tank, not sure about other roles). I can understand why the devs have increased rewards for defending, it is important to encourage the community to actually stand and face one another rather than just trade keeps. But the original devs just didn't design a fun experience.

What I'd love to see (if at all possible, no idea on feasibility):

1) Siege Ladders
Standing around waiting for the door to drop sucks. Lots of waiting around, quick zerg through the door, then more waiting on the second door. If we're lucky, we'll get some skirmishes by the posterns.

If we could actually scale the walls using siege ladders (or grappling hooks, whatever works), it could really improve the diversity of the combat. Defenders would still have the advantage, knocking you off the walls, plus 10s+ of climbing where the attackers can't do anything. But i think this would make the whole siege experience way more interesting, spreading us out a bit more and allowing melee to have more to do.

2) Allow attackers to unlock the doors from the inside
Whether it's the mdps slipping through the posterns to unlock, or the people scaling the walls with siege ladders, I think it would be great if there was a mechanic for unlocking the doors to let the hordes in, as well as a mechanic for re-locking the doors if the defenders can push us out again. This would again be a way to increase the diversity of the combat of sieges, giving more goals and more strategies, spread us out a bit more rather than relying on weight of numbers.

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Re: Defendhammer Online

Post#30 » Fri Oct 02, 2020 6:10 am

Guys... Tanks can ram while oil is dropping on them... There is a trick to it i am sure those that have seen that already.

If order can ram under oil, destro certainly can, but with proper defence aka a wb premade poping out, then yes ram will die quick.

Its not only the rdps that is knocking the ram carrier away either too, its also the premade wb on the ground poping out of main gate that is doing the same.
Fenaal- SM 40/84
Fanaal- CH 40/7x

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