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White Lion the Squig Squisher (and other Stuff)

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Posts: 1295

Re: White Lion the Squig Squisher (and other Stuff)

Post#21 » Mon Jan 25, 2021 7:04 pm

balvor877 wrote: Sun Jan 24, 2021 1:31 pm A mara would have walked away with at least 50% life from every fight.
Sure, go tell to the marauder killed at minute 2:11...

So curious that any of those thousands sh/shaman who can kite full wbs in the lakes was recorded...

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Re: White Lion the Squig Squisher (and other Stuff)

Post#22 » Mon Jan 25, 2021 7:16 pm

I was promised by at least 100 people that White Lions instantly killed everything, but I'm seeing multiple GCDs here

Posts: 82

Re: White Lion the Squig Squisher (and other Stuff)

Post#23 » Mon Jan 25, 2021 7:31 pm

Mruvka wrote: Sat Jan 23, 2021 10:54 pm
Neverever wrote: Sat Jan 23, 2021 10:15 pm
knick wrote: Sat Jan 23, 2021 9:28 pm just as inspiration for one or another frustrated order player

Click here to watch on YouTube

and yes i know my Windows Movie maker skills are s*it :D
I suggest "Hypocritic Whiner" as an alternative title considering the OP constantly whines about SHs in every possible thread despite what you have just watched. Nice video and hypocrisy.
No necessarily a fair statement. I do not mean to criticise the video, but to be completely objective the opponents dispatched were almost entirely in Beastlord/Vanquisher gear and RR around 70 or lower. I counted only one (might be mistaken) high RR range Squig Herder with Invader + parts Sovereign. Range SH are natural prey to WL, pretty much regardless of level. Unless you are on equal gear and RR, you stand very little chance against a close-to-BiS-gear 80RR+ WL (except for tank or DPS DoK).

Also, nobody puts in a video the more embarrassing deaths, so I am not sure how fair is to draw balance conclusions from this video.
Indeed. MY Sov/WL WL can easy tell the gear gap on those that melt. And most fights in this video started in pounce 45ft pounce range. Yes they are still lot of fun if they are in that gap. I just dusted off my 80+ mSH still in vanq and the dps on the mSH is at par or even better than a Sov WL...and they have all the tools without a messed up tree WL now has. I know its not the mirror but the playstyle is the same with lot of the same tools. Now to discuss WLs against other classes in SoV....that's entirely different story. Guardian build damage becomes fluff.

Posts: 1295

Re: White Lion the Squig Squisher (and other Stuff)

Post#24 » Mon Jan 25, 2021 7:38 pm

teiloh wrote: Mon Jan 25, 2021 7:16 pm I was promised by at least 100 people that White Lions instantly killed everything, but I'm seeing multiple GCDs here
That was before multiple nerfs, right now its like another class that have to play to kill...hilarious!

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Re: White Lion the Squig Squisher (and other Stuff)

Post#25 » Mon Jan 25, 2021 8:27 pm

Murder-death-kill all WLs on sight because of this video. HERDERS UNITE!
Stinkyweed SH.86
Prowl WE.85
Blob Chop.82
Babaganoush Sham.7x
Negative Creep Z.5x
Motley Crue WH.5x
Scratch WL.3x

Don't fall asleep...don't fall asleep...

Posts: 308

Re: White Lion the Squig Squisher (and other Stuff)

Post#26 » Mon Jan 25, 2021 8:46 pm

emiliorv wrote: Mon Jan 25, 2021 7:04 pm
balvor877 wrote: Sun Jan 24, 2021 1:31 pm A mara would have walked away with at least 50% life from every fight.
Sure, go tell to the marauder killed at minute 2:11...
A fair comparison is only relevant if both players have close to equal gear, otherwise pointless.
Arendollus wrote: Sun Jan 24, 2021 8:27 pm we're questioning the confused mastery paths atm.
And pet viability in general (i.e not viable in group fights & dies instantly, long CD recovery, mandatory speed training tactic to even function, buggy etc) which is of great concern to the class when utility and certain core functions are tied to pet, 1vs1 do little to highlight these glaring issues with the class.

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Re: White Lion the Squig Squisher (and other Stuff)

Post#27 » Mon Jan 25, 2021 9:09 pm

Where are all those OP Squigs at? Nice vid btw👍
DoK RR80+, Chosen RR80+, Choppa RR70+, SH RR75+ WP RR65+

Posts: 27

Re: White Lion the Squig Squisher (and other Stuff)

Post#28 » Mon Jan 25, 2021 9:19 pm

No offence, the video is cool and all but what does it prove? That rr80+ nearly BiS mdps can stomp squishy ranged character(half of which aren't even on the same level gear-wise), the archetype it's literally supposed to be best against?

P.S Great music choice, ty for the song names :)

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Re: White Lion the Squig Squisher (and other Stuff)

Post#29 » Mon Jan 25, 2021 9:21 pm

my video provide an extrem and unrealistic view on the WL. I´m nearly BiS and spend several hours to find the best damage rotation for max dmg output. My intention was just to show some "rSH is op" guys there is a counter. As nearly anything can be countert (yes even rampage :roll: ).

The problem with wl (and it was the same on live) he provide no utility. Its makes no matter which skillung you try - base of all is a high dmg output at the beginning and going down fast. While other dd classes can skill in one or another direction leading into different strength and weaknesses for a wl its always the same. WL life is only black and white. Wl can kill rDD fast. Tanks dont touch. Heal dont touch and anything else you have to be lucky

A Wl is easy (to easy) to predict not to say the easiest.
Just saying and keep it in mind if you ask for nerf this or that (or my loved White Lion)
Knick WL RR85+
Knickli Mara RR80+


Posts: 27

Re: White Lion the Squig Squisher (and other Stuff)

Post#30 » Mon Jan 25, 2021 9:35 pm

knick wrote: Mon Jan 25, 2021 9:21 pm my video provide an extrem and unrealistic view on the WL. I´m nearly BiS and spend several hours to find the best damage rotation for max dmg output. My intention was just to show some "rSH is op" guys there is a counter. As nearly anything can be countert (yes even rampage :roll: ).

The problem with wl (and it was the same on live) its provide no utility. Its makes no matter which skillung you try - base of all is a high dmg output at the beginning and going down fast. While other dd classes can skill in one or another direction leading into different strength and weaknesses for a wl its always the same. WL life is only black and white. Wl can kill rDD fast. Tanks dont touch. Heal dont touch and anything else you have to be lucky

A Wl is easy (to easy) to predict not to say the easiest.
Just saying and keep it in mind if you ask for nerf this or that (or my loved White Lion)
Ok, i can understand that. However the more likely result is people just saying "oh, see, there's nothing wrong with SH, order are just crybabies!" or "and people say WL got nerfed! omg you're deleting people!". There's already some in the thread. Also you should know destro still constantly complain about WL in their chat even after all the nerfs so you're "asking for mercy" from the wrong crowd :D

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