LIVE Q&A: Drop your questions here!

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Re: LIVE Q&A: Drop your questions here!

Post#21 » Tue Feb 02, 2021 6:45 pm

1) Are there any plans to improve or change some of the skills for Sorceress?
E.g. Shades of Death 13p ST tree, or other similar weak skills that Sorceress have?

2) What is the intended role for WE in warband play? What should make WE different compared to other MDPS like Choppa and Marauder?

3) Is there a plan to change incoming Guard damage to always check against Parry and Block? Guard damage checking against all incoming damage types (disrupt, parry, dodge, block) makes 2h Tank builds mostly unviable in warband play.

4) In the spirit of making classes/realms less mirrored: Have you considered returning the old Harbinger ability to the Zealot?
It was very flavorful and could probably be designed to work both offensively (on enemies) and defensively (on friends).

5) The Magus Daemonology tree mostly focus on defensiveness and PBAoE damage, have you considered adding some bonus/flavor to the summoned Daemons in that tree too (maybe a 3rd skill for each daemon, some unique buff, or increased damage/survivability for them?)
(Also: Any plan to check up on Daemonology Morale 4?)

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Re: LIVE Q&A: Drop your questions here!

Post#22 » Tue Feb 02, 2021 6:59 pm

The Russian community is quite large in RoR. Why is Russian subforum closed and no support for the Russian language in game for skill's changes, as is done for other big language communities? Will it be or any plan in this point?

Posts: 1

Re: LIVE Q&A: Drop your questions here!

Post#23 » Tue Feb 02, 2021 7:08 pm

Is The Lost Vale and Land of the Dead coming anytime soon , was great dungeon's.

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Re: LIVE Q&A: Drop your questions here!

Post#24 » Tue Feb 02, 2021 7:09 pm

Will you guys add more mounts as a pvp reward in the future?

Posts: 39

Re: LIVE Q&A: Drop your questions here!

Post#25 » Tue Feb 02, 2021 7:10 pm


how does the ror dev team feel about a zealot/rune priest rework to get the mastery trees in order (Healing/Support?/DMG)

thank you

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Re: LIVE Q&A: Drop your questions here!

Post#26 » Tue Feb 02, 2021 7:23 pm

Hello dear RoR Team, hope you're all doing good.
Curently, on Order, it is very difficult to get a group for CT and especially Bastion.
I'm acitvely searching for people in my guild, Discord and in /5, but you're lucky when you get a run once in 2 weeks.
Would it be possible to make it so you can que for a Dungeon just like for an SC. The system would create a 2/2/2 group and teleport everyone to the entrance.
This would allow people to que for it while doing RvR or other activities.
I had it multiple times happen to me that an almsot full group would be disbanded because people are just sick of waiting for that 1 Healer or Tank.

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Re: LIVE Q&A: Drop your questions here!

Post#27 » Tue Feb 02, 2021 7:23 pm

Any plan to add new crafting skills like Blacksmith or enchanting to improve weapons and armor?

Can we expect a lion pet ability rework?

There are some items (weapons armor ..) from old events we haven't seen for a while now . For example on Halloween a grim reaper looking like weapon for WL. Can we expect to see them again?
Last edited by knick on Wed Feb 03, 2021 7:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
Knick WL RR85+
Knickli Mara RR80+


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Re: LIVE Q&A: Drop your questions here!

Post#28 » Tue Feb 02, 2021 7:50 pm

1. Can we expect increasing of personal vault space?

2. Can we expect converting emblems into higher quality? (vanq -> inv, for example)

3. Can we expect original sounds for trading skills? (talisman making, butchering etc)

4. Can we expect influence gaining for chicken in T1, like some people asks?

Thank you.

Posts: 485

Re: LIVE Q&A: Drop your questions here!

Post#29 » Tue Feb 02, 2021 7:53 pm

hey RoR Team,

i have only one Question: Secrets wrote some time ago that you guys will have a look at 2h slayer and choppa. Will you ever buff the 2h slayer/choppa? If yes what are your ideas, if no, why the git not? The 2h specc needs some love! <3

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Re: LIVE Q&A: Drop your questions here!

Post#30 » Tue Feb 02, 2021 7:54 pm

I agree on stats and perhaps looking at the core stat tactic. My main question is however will you consider introducing ladders as a piece of siege equipment, I have posted already on it if you want further clarification. I feel it would provide an extra dimension to keep assaults as there would be more to do.

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