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[Slayer] Looking for slayer PvP/RvR build

Ironbreaker, Engineer, Slayer, Runepriest
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Re: [Slayer] Looking for slayer PvP/RvR build

Post#21 » Tue Apr 12, 2022 9:40 am

Stoutness of Stone yes cause Armor Tactic looses half its value in "red"
Ravezaar Slayer rr86
Ravezz Ironbreker rr82
Goingsolo Shadow Warrior rr81
Zutha Runepriest rr83
Raave Magus rr84 (finally gave in to Tzeentch whispers)
Chosen rr80
Dps Zealot rr70+
Marauder rr78

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Re: [Slayer] Looking for slayer PvP/RvR build

Post#22 » Wed Apr 13, 2022 9:33 am

Shouldn't be staying in red much as solo unless you're in Power Through build, so both could be an option, albeit with different goals

SoS is good overall, obviously good against stealther attacks(especially groups), but also makes it easier to catch them after their self-punt, or to escape after getting caught by Zealot's stagger
Armor tactic can make you surprisingly tanky against physical damage if the opponent is not prepared to deal with it (like some Cleave spamming Chosens :) )
Close Combat can serve similar role against ranged classes, you can proc it with Axe Throw now so it helps against kiting too

Choose what benefits you most at current situation in the zone and adapt as it changes
you can even set up multiple tactic presets and change them before combat

facundo7777 wrote: Mon Apr 11, 2022 11:54 am i tested for few days (solo) build with:
renown spend into futile strikes and reflexes
tactcis: strenght, armor, knockdown reduce, riposte
gear vanq/oprr
tali full ws,

i feel like i lack dmg. Is this related to low gear and it will change in the future or is it related to so defensive tactic and build setup?
its normal for a build like this without access to top end gear, to really feel "damaj" going you need crit%, but its not easy to get at lower gear/renown levels without having to sacrifice other things like survival

you can try swapping brute force for wild gambit to get more armorpen
also whats your other gear, are you using 3p Beastlor? Subjugator weapons?
Orkni 85+ (in-game Grock is not me...)

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Re: [Slayer] Looking for slayer PvP/RvR build

Post#23 » Wed Apr 13, 2022 11:30 am

Grock wrote: Wed Apr 13, 2022 9:33 am Shouldn't be staying in red much as solo unless you're in Power Through build, so both could be an option, albeit with different goals

SoS is good overall, obviously good against stealther attacks(especially groups), but also makes it easier to catch them after their self-punt, or to escape after getting caught by Zealot's stagger
Armor tactic can make you surprisingly tanky against physical damage if the opponent is not prepared to deal with it (like some Cleave spamming Chosens :) )
Close Combat can serve similar role against ranged classes, you can proc it with Axe Throw now so it helps against kiting too

Choose what benefits you most at current situation in the zone and adapt as it changes
you can even set up multiple tactic presets and change them before combat

facundo7777 wrote: Mon Apr 11, 2022 11:54 am i tested for few days (solo) build with:
renown spend into futile strikes and reflexes
tactcis: strenght, armor, knockdown reduce, riposte
gear vanq/oprr
tali full ws,

i feel like i lack dmg. Is this related to low gear and it will change in the future or is it related to so defensive tactic and build setup?
its normal for a build like this without access to top end gear, to really feel "damaj" going you need crit%, but its not easy to get at lower gear/renown levels without having to sacrifice other things like survival

you can try swapping brute force for wild gambit to get more armorpen
also whats your other gear, are you using 3p Beastlor? Subjugator weapons?
thanks for the tips.
Yeah i use sub weapons and beastlord for now.

After next hours of testing it seems like regen is mostly helpful vs tanks.

At the moment i run bf,wg,riposte, kd reduce. Its probably most efficient due to destro meele train. Anyway shaman, sh, good magus or sorc are unkillable for me atm :P

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Re: [Slayer] Looking for slayer PvP/RvR build

Post#24 » Wed Apr 13, 2022 1:30 pm

facundo7777 wrote: Wed Apr 13, 2022 11:30 am After next hours of testing it seems like regen is mostly helpful vs tanks.

At the moment i run bf,wg,riposte, kd reduce. Its probably most efficient due to destro meele train. Anyway shaman, sh, good magus or sorc are unkillable for me atm :P
Yeah sham/squig/magus are nearly impossible matchups unless there's a massive gap in gear or skill between players

Regen in our case is not so much for actual fights, but to sustain through ranged poke/dots/etc and to be able to disengage from bad fights without dying to remaining dots or Axe Throw spam :)

Grimshimmer chestpiece and pocket keg provide a lot of regen (compared to what we could get in the past) and imo worth using while solo even if you aren't doing the gimmicky full regen build
At vanq~ gear level its even better coz Grimshimmer won't be as big of a ilvl downgrade as if you were at city gear level

If you dont mind some PvE then Vale-Walker set & ring can be a pretty good option for solo slayer, check it out
Orkni 85+ (in-game Grock is not me...)

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Re: [Slayer] Looking for slayer PvP/RvR build

Post#25 » Mon Jun 13, 2022 5:05 pm


today first time i tried 2h slayer xD it feels very funny to play :) maybe its not the best slayer build but definitelly it gives a lot of fun :D

anyway i have one single problem.

With 2h spec is even harder to pick skills and tactics. THere is too many good things and i dont know how to setup myself.

I hope some more experianced slayers can help me with build :) i would like to ask about masteries and tactcics.

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Re: [Slayer] Looking for slayer PvP/RvR build

Post#26 » Mon Jun 13, 2022 7:19 pm

Lion1986 wrote: Wed Mar 16, 2022 8:00 am
facundo7777 wrote: Wed Mar 16, 2022 7:46 am is there any surv build for slayer to not die in 2sec from everyone without guard and healer?
do not roll slayer at all. that clss is not a solo class and need babysitting all times.
I beg to differ sir. I’m strictly solo. :mrgreen:

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Re: [Slayer] Looking for slayer PvP/RvR build

Post#27 » Mon Jun 13, 2022 8:08 pm

Slayer is for people incapable of pressing more than 5 buttons unfortenatly, and the impact on rvr of those 5 buttons is like 20 on other classes :D
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