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[WP] What do you guys think about it?

Knight of the Blazing Sun, Bright Wizard, Witch Hunter, Warrior Priest
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Re: [WP] What do you guys think about it?

Post#21 » Thu Mar 09, 2023 12:46 am

jagar99 wrote: Thu Mar 09, 2023 12:11 am Is it me, but I sometimes find Divine Strike weak by 250-350 heals when I strike on a blob?

I rarely see it jump to 1000 heal.
Well it heals everyone in a 20ft radius around your defensive target, similar to EoV. Also, the squishier your target and the more STR you have, the more healing it does. For example, if I was to hit a squig pet and also hit 2 others with the tactic (can't remember, the one that boosts life steal healing) you'd easily do 1000 healing.
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Re: [WP] What do you guys think about it?

Post#22 » Thu Mar 09, 2023 1:32 am

jagar99 wrote: Thu Mar 09, 2023 12:11 am Is it me, but I sometimes find Divine Strike weak by 250-350 heals when I strike on a blob?

I rarely see it jump to 1000 heal.
A lot of grace WP makes the mistake of going defensive, aka low str, low crit, near zero melee power and potentially poor dps weapon/shield.
Since you heal based on the dmg you dealt, if you hit like a wet noodle, you heal like a wet noodle.

You want softcap str AND as much melee power as you can AND bonus from bloodlord AND as good base weapon DPS as you can get AND as much crit as you can. You probably start to see how hard it is to actually get that, given how stat starved the setup is. You will have real low INI stat as well even in BiS setup.

And even after all that, if you get parried/blocked, that means no heals, or if your divine strike ended on targets with shield/absorb you dealt 0 damage, hence 0 heals.

In reality that 3k divine strike heals, is the best case scenario where you hit 3 targets that could not parry/block your attack, where none of them had absorb/shield, also they had low resists/toughness while you had maxed out offense. Can you do it on target dummies? Yes. Can it happen in real combat? Yes occasionally. Can you do it consistently? No, not really.

Think of it like a WH killing the target dummy in 10secs. That insane DPS can also be done on a low toughness AFK player where you stay behind for full combat duration too. Or you can actually do that DPS on a PvE boss. And occasionally you can pull it off in real PvP. But by no means, it is the standard. 3k Divine strike heals are also like that.

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